A New Teacher

If I Suddenly Disappeared, Would You Remember Me?


Disclaimer: SHINee, Jonghyun, Minho, or any of the other ppl I have in this fanfiction do NOT belong to me... -insert very sad expression here- this is simply a story written for fun, and is just what its called: Fiction.

"Don't you ever get tired of eating chicken?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that you eat it with every meal of every day..."
"I'm still not seeing your point..."
"Never mind" he laughed as he plopped down on his friend's couch. The furniture cushion neither moving nor making a sound as he did so.
Onew munched on his chicken salad sandwich as he watched his friend with confused eyes. "I hope you're not planning to stay here all afternoon" he said with a full mouth.
Jonghyun looked to his friend with raised eyebrows, "I thought you didn't have work tonight... don't tell me you're inviting a girl over!"
The man started coughing on his sandwich, "What! N-no!"

The ghost teen laughed hard while holding his stomach, and rolled off the couch before floating to the floor.
"Actually a friend called me yesterday asking me to come over for some tea in the afternoon" Onew grumbled while setting his sandwich down.
"That's oddly cryptic" Jonghyun teased and laughed as he dodge a pillow thrown his way.
Onew put the remainder of his sandwich in a bag and into the fridge before grabbing his coat and keys. "Look at it this way" he mused as he pulled on his shoes, "it'll give you more time to ghost stalk your new boyfriend."
"Y-yah!" Onew laughed as his ghost friend yelled and blushed darkly. "See you later!" the man called as he closed the door behind him.
"Now, breath out slowly... and open your eyes." Annie, Key, Minho, and Taemin were all sitting on the floor. They had moved the round table aside and were now sitting in a circle between the two crescent shaped couches. Each teen had their legs crossed and their hands rested on their knees in a meditative position. Although Annie had always told Minho about how important mediation was, Minho never tried it before until now. At first he found it boring and strange, but when he opened his eyes and looked around, it seem like Key and Taemin were naturals.

Probably because Taemin is Annie's student and Key lives with her... Minho thought.

Eventually the teen was able to get into the flow of the meditation and found it quiet rejuvenating. After Taemin had arrived for his lesson, Annie invited Minho stay and join them. After calling his imo real quick, the private session turned into a group session in which all three of the teens talked together about their experiences. It turned out that Taemin had an incident where one of his friends playfully pushed him into a swimming pool over the summer, without knowing that Taemin had no idea how to swim. The young teen almost drowned before a lifeguard pulled him out. CPR was administered and Taemin lived to see another day... and ghosts. Shortly after the school year started Taemin finally started looking for help, which was when he came across Annie's website. Taemin was a quiet kid, but after a while he seemed to open up to both Minho and Key and the three became fast friends.
In a way, this was almost the opposite of Minho's original plan when the school year started. Gaining a small group of friends who were also psychic like him wasn't exactly the most 'normal' thing to do. But in a way, he didn't care. Because now at least with these friends he can be totally and completely himself. Never wondering about the secrets he holds inside and never having to worry over their acceptance of him. Perhaps normal just wasn't in the cards for Minho. Maybe, he needed just the opposite.
"Now that, that's done. Taemin, I have something very important I'd like to talk to you about." Annie began as she placed a gentle hand on the teen's shoulder.
"What is it?" Taemin asked as the three looked to Annie with interest.
"I am honored that you found my website and called me. It took a lot of courage to do so." This made Taemin smile softly, he was often shy and timid, no had ever told him he was brave before. Annie continued, "However, I want to pass you on to a different teacher." The three teens gasped.
"Imo, you've never done that before..." Key said astonished and Minho nodded knowing Annie wasn't really the type.
"Well, all my students before have all been much like you Key. Young minds who can feel and sometimes see strong auras. But I've never had a student who can see ghosts, since Minho wasn't interested in lessons." she said this kindly as not to insinuate that she was blaming Minho for anything. The teen looked down and blushed slightly. It was true Annie had offered him to be her student, but he declined due to wanting to try and live as normal a life as possible.
"But Annie" Minho said looking back up to her, suddenly realizing that she was basically saying she didn't feel she was fit to be Taemin's teacher, "you can see spirits too, so why..."
"I wasn't always able to see spirits... I started out just like Key and like many of my other young students. Although I'm not sure if it was my strengthening of my psychic abilities or if my connection to the other side just grew stronger over the years, but somehow I was able to see them one day. I've found that individuals who can see spirits due to a near death experience are different somehow..." the three listened with interest, but Taemin could feel himself becoming nervous.
"Anyway, this gentleman that I am passing you onto I happen to have known for quite a few years. He came to be just the same as you did. He also had a near death experience that allows him to see spirits. I feel that you might relate to him better. And Minho" she turned to the dark haired teen, "perhaps you might consider attending some of his lessons as well."
Before Minho could respond Taemin nervously uttered, "A-Annie..." the three turned to the young teen who looked a bit frightened. "It was scary enough bringing myself to first come see you... I don't feel comfortable with anyone else.."
"Yah" Key swung an arm around Taemin and pulled the younger one close, "how can you just pass my baby onto some stranger that even I haven't met before?"
"Since when did he become your baby...?" Minho murmured as Taemin blushed and Annie laughed.
"Like I said, I think Taemin will relate to him better... and I think he can teach him more than I could as well." Giving Taemin a kind look Annie continued, "Don't worry Taemin-ah, if I trust him then you can bet that you can trust him as well. Besides he's incredibly kind. And handsome too!" she decided to add that last bit for fun. ual orientation was the least of these teen's problems, so none of them had any quarrels with the fact that they were attracted to the same .
As if on cue the bell that signified someone had walked into the store rang and Annie stood up happily. Key's eyes widened, "Yah he's here now!? You invited him before seeing if it was ok with Taemin?"
"Yah, are you his umma now?" Annie called over her shoulder as she exited the back room.
Key crossed his arms across his chest and grumbled while both Taemin and Minho giggled.
The inside was just as he remembered it. Candles and decorative beads everywhere. Even the smell of incense was the same. When his old teacher exited from the back, the whole scene seemed to be completed by her flashy appearance.
"Annie, it's good to see you" Onew said as he flashed his old teacher a brilliant smile. The two hugged and Annie pulled away holding the man by the shoulders as she seemed to survey his appearance.
"As handsome as ever I see!" the women complimented causing the other to blush and laugh. Same old Annie.
"So, Annie, it's been quite some time... why the sudden call to come over for tea?" the sparkle in her eye and mischievous smile made Onew suspicious about her motives for bringing him here.
"Yah, can't a teacher have tea with one of her favorite former students without her motives being questioned?" she said this in an exasperated tone giving him an offended look. Onew. however. wasn't fazed and raised his eyebrow at her expectantly.
"Arraso Arraso..." Annie waved a hand as she sighed and then gave him a serious look. "We've discussed before about you helping me with my students."
Onew frowned, "and I've told you time and time again that I'm just too busy between work and college..."

"I know, but Jinki... this time I have a student who would benefit more from you then me... and he really needs the guidance. Please..." her sincerity and use of his real name made him wince since he could see how genuine and serious she was.

With a deep sigh Onew rubbed the back of his head, "Fine... I'll do my best..."

Annie squealed happily before she grabbed his hand and started to pull him toward the back room, "great to hear honey! Let's go meet him now!"

"He... he's here!? Now!?" Onew felt himself being dragged by the other as he grumbled. She had this all planned out the whole time. Same old Annie.

The three teens heard the footsteps approaching the back room and they all tensed with suspense as they waited. Finally, Annie came into the room towing a very handsome young man behind her. Key instantly blushed when the thought 'oh, he IS handsome!' was the first to jump to his mind.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Lee Jinki... although he prefers the nickname Onew."

"You like nicknames?" Key suddenly blurted out.

Onew turned his eyes to the young blonde teen who was eccentrically dressed and smiled, "Yes, I do."

Key felt himself blush as the other's beautiful eyes and wonderful smile were directed at him. He gulped, "m-me too."

The two stood looking at each other for a long moment before Minho cleared his throat and stood up, extending his hand to the other. "Hello, I'm Choi Minho... it's a pleasure to meet you Onew-hyung."

Onew tore his eyes away from the other and took the other's hand, "it's nice to meet.... you said your name is Minho?"

Minho blinked and nodded, "um... yes, why?"

The man smiled, "oh, no reason."

Everyone became anxious for Onkey all of the sudden o.o I wonder if I'm moving the story line along too slowly...?

Don't forget this is primarily a Jongho fic lol...

Thanks for reading, please comment!


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Chapter 11: Please update!! I love this!
Chapter 11: Hmm, I read this story and I really, really loved it.. This is such an interesting concept of a human-ghost relationship.. I would like to know what happen next, Author-nim. Do update if u can..Thanks
Chapter 11: Please update soon! Luv this story so much!
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon plz ^^
Chapter 11: Kyaaaa.... Now all of them in the same chapter... WHoaa.... It's look like onew already planning minho to meet jjong...
Chapter 11: I was excited when i was reading cos im like omgosh now everyone knows each other its like a coincidence XD haha all the members of shinee know of each other now in the story :D
And going back to the sherlock input was it when they were looking for onew address the number 221A ;D
Chapter 10: This is awesome i finally caught up with the chapters ;D
Ahh everyone knows each other i cant wait till minho finds out that onew can see jonghyun too XD
Looking forward to the next update ;D
Chapter 10: This fiction is so good!:D
Can't wait for the next update <3
Chapter 10: Finally their four meet... Who knoow onew actually know key aunt... Update son...^^