Go Somewhere With Me?

If I Suddenly Disappeared, Would You Remember Me?
Disclaimer: SHINee, Jonghyun, Minho, or any of the other ppl I have in this fanfiction do NOT belong to me... -insert very sad expression here- this is simply a story written for fun, and is just what its called: Fiction.

"Punch! One two~" he sang to himself as he dialed the combination to his locker and continued, "Punch!"

"Knock down!" the loud interruption to his singing made him jump and Minho quickly turned to see Key standing there with a  wide smile on his face.
"I love that song~" the teen sang as he leaned against the lockers and gave Minho a knowing smile, "what's got you in such a good mood?"

Minho blushed and smiled while shaking his head, "nothing really, its just a nice day is all..."

Of course that was a lie, and he knew from the look on Key's face that it wouldn't satisfy the other. After Jonghyun had agreed to stay, the two spent the rest of the day watching movies, talking, and having a great time! There were only a few times when Jonghyun popped out of his room to go and check on his umma, and during those times Minho took the opportunity to make an appearance downstairs and make sure his imo wasn't growing suspicious about why he was spending so much time alone in his room. He didn't want her to think he was going back into his depressed state or anything, so he just simply told her that he wanted to spend the day relaxing before the school week started over again. Minho had never wanted that day to end, but of course as all days do, it did. The next day, Sunday, Minho spent doing lots of chores and maintenance projects around the house for his imo. Jonghyun didn't visit him at all that day until the night time, where they stayed up talking until Minho fell asleep.

In a word, the weekend was amazing and left Minho's stomach filled with butterflies. He really felt like he finally got to know Jonghyun and was feeling like a giddy school girl every time he pictured the other's dinosaur like face and puppy dog eyes in his mind.

Key was about to press on for more details about the goofy smile on his friend's face, but the five minute warning bell rang and the two hurried off to their first class. Minho hurried to his seat, and Key couldn't help but notice the way his face lit up when he seemed to stare off into space. In reality, once Minho sat down, he looked around the room until he saw Jonghyun sitting cross legged on top of the teachers desk. When their eyes met, Jonghyun's mouth turned up in a cool smile before he winked at the other, causing Minho to flash him back a brilliant smile.

For the remainder of the class, Jonghyun and Minho kept exchanging flirt like glances. Jonghyun would do something silly and laugh when Minho buried his face so he wouldn't laugh out loud in class.

All the while, the two never noticed Key; who was staring at Minho.

When lunch time finally came, Key had been quiet most of the time they were in line for food. Which was very very strange for Key. Minho started to become worried when the two took their seats and he still hadn't uttered a word.
"Hm?" the other hummed as he looked down at his food, seeming to be in deep thought.
"Is everything alright?"
The teen was quiet for a moment, before he suddenly looked up and smiled his usual Key like smile, "Minho-yah, after school, go with me somewhere?"
Minho was startled by his sudden request as he rubbed the back of his head and said, "Um yeah Key, sure thing."
"Hurray!" Key cheered before he started happily eating his lunch. Minho blinked in confusion at the other's sudden change in mood. It was as if something had bothered him, but now he was ok? Weird.
"But where?" Minho asked as he too started eating his lunch.
"I want you to meet my aunt" Key said with a full mouth, "Since I had to change school districts, my parents sent me to live here with her."
"Oh." the teen nodded looking down at his food. Why did he want Minho to meet his aunt all of the sudden?
"Looks like you've had quite the eventful Saturday" the man mused as the sounds of sizzling filled the kitchen. This morning's breakfast: chicken and eggs. It was Sunday and after spending all of yesterday at Jonghyun's umma's house, it felt nice to be back in his own space. However, it didn't take long for his ghost friend to suddenly appear in the middle of his living room during his morning coffee and watching the weather forecast. He watched as the teen blushed and bowed his head slightly.
"I'm sorry for not coming to check on you as frequently as I had promised hyung..." his tone expressed to the other that he truly was sorry and the man laughed as he waved a hand dismissing his friend's apologies.
"It's been a while since I've seen your face look like that so I guess I can forgive you."
"O-Onew hyung...." Jonghyun blushed even further as he took a seat at the small table in the kitchen.
It was true that he had not planned to stay with Minho quite as long as he did. Jonghyun felt almost like he owed it to the other not to rush out on him after the way Minho watched over him after he'd showed up in his room passed out and drained of energy. In the end, Jonghyun found that he didn't actually want to leave. He was having too much fun with the other and couldn't remember the last time he felt the way Minho made him feel. His trips to his umma's house to check in on his best friend and mother became less frequent.

Jonghyun's umma had asked the other to stay for the day while she made him some great meals to show her appreciation. She had told the man that he was welcome to raid Jonghyun's old movie collection, and Onew couldn't help but notice how she would look away when he went into her son's old room. When the day came to an end, Onew politely offered to spend another night on the couch if she were still shaken up, but she refused and told him to go home and sleep in a real bed. After giving her his contact information as an emergency, Onew headed home, feeling good about the nice deed he had done for Jonghyun and his umma.
Now Jonghyun was here in his house, and Onew knew that because of the way his friend was, the other would most likely spend the day with him to show his appreciation. The man couldn't help but notice how similar Jonghyun and his umma were in this aspect.
The two spent the day talking, listening to music, watching tv, and Jonghyun even helped Onew study for a short while. When afternoon came, Jonghyun said his goodbyes and his friend looked at the clock. "Isn't it a little early? Don't you usually head to your umma's around 8 or 9?" When he noticed a slight blush on the other's face, Onew smiled and said teasingly, "ah, you're going back to your Minho aren't you?"
"Y-yah! Don't... don't call him that!" the ghost was trying to sound fierce, but the blush on his face made him lose all credibility.
Onew laughed and waved as the other disappeared from his living room, grumbling softly to himself.

I know this chapter is a bit short... and I apologize ;-; I've been busy studying for exams and such other adultnonsense...

Anyway, wanted to use this chapter to move things along but also to fill in some time gaps. I like for things to make sense haha ;;>>

Can anyone guess about whats going on with Key?

Thanks for reading and for your comments, they really keep me motivated!



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Chapter 11: Please update!! I love this!
Chapter 11: Hmm, I read this story and I really, really loved it.. This is such an interesting concept of a human-ghost relationship.. I would like to know what happen next, Author-nim. Do update if u can..Thanks
Chapter 11: Please update soon! Luv this story so much!
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon plz ^^
Chapter 11: Kyaaaa.... Now all of them in the same chapter... WHoaa.... It's look like onew already planning minho to meet jjong...
Chapter 11: I was excited when i was reading cos im like omgosh now everyone knows each other its like a coincidence XD haha all the members of shinee know of each other now in the story :D
And going back to the sherlock input was it when they were looking for onew address the number 221A ;D
Chapter 10: This is awesome i finally caught up with the chapters ;D
Ahh everyone knows each other i cant wait till minho finds out that onew can see jonghyun too XD
Looking forward to the next update ;D
Chapter 10: This fiction is so good!:D
Can't wait for the next update <3
Chapter 10: Finally their four meet... Who knoow onew actually know key aunt... Update son...^^