Chapter 2: Proposals

Going to the Army

Surprised, Kyu Jong turned around and then smiled widely once he realized who it was. Taking Kimberly's hand he pulled her into a hug before pulling back and looking at her, still smiling, but he hadn't really said anything yet. Making Kimberly wonder what was going on, she broke the silence first to ask, "Kyu Jong, why did you want to meet at the park, what did you want to tell me?" Kyu Jong smiled bigger, took Kim's hand again, and pulled her down the other side of the bridge and off down the connecting path. After a few minutes of silent walking Kim was trying to get Kyu Jong to say something, but Kyu Jong kept mysteriously quiet, suddenly stopping and pulled Kimberly to his side. Out of breath Kim looked up at Kyu Jong bewildered, though when she looked away again she saw a lake sparkling with the rays of sunlight, and the stream that had been running underneath the bridge the couple had been on earlier. Another stream went off the left for the overflow of the lake and went through the rest of the park, while Kim was captivated by the sight Kyu Jong started talking quietly to her. "I have never really appreciated a lake before...when I was little..I just thought they were always calm and stayed the same, nothing disturbed them....and when I met you, you reminded me of the lake. But you were a deeper side of it, you showed me people don't stay the same, they are always changing and surprising you with something new. You showed me how much fun it is to hang out together and talk, to become best friends." Kim smiled at Kyu Jong politely, still not understanding what Kyu Jong was trying to say, or why he was using a lake as an analogy about her. 

Kyu Jong saw Kimberly's slight confusion, making him flustered even more, blush creeping onto his face as he continued quickly, "No that's not what I meant....I mean, Ugh..I am doing this all wrong..." Kyu Jong looked away from Kim and ran his hand through his hair trying to think of what to say, as Kim shook her head and took over, "Kyu Jong it's okay, you've done alright, but I don't understand where you are actually trying to end with this...what do you mean?" Kyu Jong sighed and let go of Kimberly's hand to kneel down on one knee in front of her, smiling up at Kim as she gasped in surprise. "Kimberly, what I was trying to tell you before...I didn't know how to ask so I brought you here... Kimberly Anne Scott..would you marry me?" A huge smile spread across Kimberly's face for a moment when she heard Kyu Jong's proposal, but it slipped and she bit her lip as she spoke slowly, "Kyu Jong...I would Love to say "yes," but....I need a little time to think about your proposal. Because I have only known you for a short period of time and.." Kyu Jong interrupted Kim by kissing her on the cheek and saying, "that's all I need to know, you don't have to explain yourself, I know this is a big surprise for you and you need some time. I'm okay with that, but will you do me a favor? Will you take the ring, and when you've decided what you want, the next time we meet you can tell me "yes," by wearing the ring. Or "no," by giving it back to me and not having it on your finger. Either way it's your choice and I will stand by it." 

Shocked Kimberly could only nod at Kyu Jong, and take the ring, before both turned around and went back through the park to their cars. When Kyu Jong and Kimberly arrived back at the dorm, Ellie came bounding into the hall with a huge smile, but when she saw Kyu Jong and Kim holding hands, and Kimberly's bare left hand, she was puzzled. Kyu Jong let go of Kim's hang to reveal that the ring wasn't on there, and then Kyu Jong motioned for Ellie and Kimberly to go into the living room so that they could explain. Ellie turned slowly and walked into the living room to sit, Kyu Jong and Kim sitting across from her. Kyu Jong launched into the story first and when he finished with what Kimberly had said, he saw that Ellie wanted to talk to just Kim so he made an excuse to leave saying, "Well I better get back to practice with the guys, our manager just let me out to do this and then I was supposed to go back. Besides that we'll be back later with Lee Min Ho, Kim Jun, and Kim Bum to hang out and...tell you guys something." Caught off guard both girls looks up at Kyu Jong wanting to ask what the guys were going to tell them, but Kyu Jong bowed, and said goodbye before walking out of the house again. Kimberly looked after Kyu Jong as he went out of sight, and then back to Ellie who had started asking Kim questions again about the proposal. 

The girls talked for at least 30 minutes before Kimberly's phone chirped that she had a message. Looking down at her phone, which Kim had set on her knee to be more comfortable, she saw a text from Kim Bum. Opening it Kimberly look at what Kim Bum had written; "Kimberly could we meet at the beach in 20 minutes, I want to talk to you about something." Kimberly reread Kim Bum's text a few more times, Ellie hadn't been paying attention becuase Kimberly had given her Kyu Jong's ring that he proposed with to look at, Ellie didn't see Kim look at her phone. Deciding she better go and meet Kim Bum in case something was wrong, Kimberly exited the text screen and looked back at Ellie before saying. "I need to go out again, clear my head for a bit." Ellie, thinking that it was because the proposal had scared her, nodded and handed Kyu Jong's ring back to Kimberly as Kim grabbed her purse and went to her car. Kimberly put some music on to distract her growing uneasyness about what Kim Bum wanted to talk about with her. It was the middle of the afternoon now and there were a lot more cars, making Kimberly drive slow, which didn't help the mood. Tapping impatiently on her steering wheel, Kimberly finally made it to the beach and parked next to Kim Bum's car. Kim Bum got out of his car when he saw Kim, smiling at her, Kimberly smiling back as he helped her from her car. Giving her a hug Kim Bum pulled back, and taking Kimberly's hand led her onto the beach near the water. 

A little frightened by what Kim Bum was doing Kimberly tried to pull back against him, not wanting to get wet. Kim Bum, feeling Kimberly pull back stopped and looked at her over his shoulder, confused. Kimberly explained that she didn't come to get wet, and that made Kim Bum laugh before he explained, "I wasn't going to make you go into the water, it's a little too cold still. What I brought you out here for was to talk." Relieved Kimberly exhaled, and smiling to him replied, "Okay good, what did you want to talk about? There's nothing wrong is there?" At the last part of Kimberly's speech her smile dropped and she looked seriously at Kim Bum. Kim Bum shook his head and chuckled again, waving his hands dismissively, "No there's nothing wrong, I just wanted to ask you a question about something and I need it to be away form everyone else." Tilting her head to the side Kimberly gave him a slight nod, unsure of the question if it had to be private, but Kim Bum went on, "Ever since you and Ellie came to Korea, I found my life to be a lot more happy than it had been before I knew you." Smiling at Kim Bum Kimberly slowly put the pieces together and realized what Kim Bum was doing, but she couldn't find her voice in time to stop him. "I might be selfish when I say that I don't want to give up that happiness you give me by being around" Kim Bum got down on one knee and took out a little white box as he continued, "Kimberly Scott...will you marry and be my happiness forever?" 

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Sorry guys this chapter has character death in it, don't be angry with me please. Hope you guys like the chapter anyways. Sorry again.


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Chapter 1: great so far^^