Chapter 4

Going to the Army

When they walked into the ER Kim Bum found a nurse to help them and she took Kimberly through some double doors, while Ellie and the guys filled out some paper-work. The nurse that had taken Kimberly into a room to be examined, unwrapped her hand from the homeade bandages the guys had made her put on before coming to the hospital. Kimberly flinched slightly as the bandages were removed but then looked at the nurses expression, which was questioning. Kimberly told her what happened, the revised edition and the nurse made a 'tutting,' sound at her. Once the doctor had looked her over, he shook his head and said. "You will need some stitches, and we are waiting for the x-rays to come back, then we can see if anything else is wrong." Kimberly nodded and waited for a little while, and when the x-rays came back they found that a shard of glass had been lodged in her middle knuckle, breaking her hand. The doctor set Kimberly's bones back in place, and put her in a cast, but Kimberly wouldn't let him until Ellie was in the room with her. Kibmerly didn't want the guys to see her in pain like this, and when the doctor went out to them as much, the guys protested but Ellie made them calm down again. The guys weren't happy about it, and Kim Bum even said, "Kimberly, doesn't know what she wants, there's probably too much pain for her to be thinking clearly."

The doctor silently agreed with Kim Bum, but he just shrugged and Ellie hurried back with him to be with Kimberly. Ellie went straight over to Kimberly after coming into the room, and Kim's face brightened. "Oh thank goodness, I thought the boys were going to come in..." Ellie, chuckled and rolled her eyes.. "You don't even know, they almost did, they said you were in too much pain to think clearly." Kimberly shook her head, closing her eyes for a moment knowing the guys were too overprotective. The girls fell silent while the doctor set Kimberly's hand, then Ellie started talking again to keep Kimberly calm and the doctor gave her pain medicine. Ellie helped Kimberly back out to the waiting room, and to the anxious guys.

Out in the waiting room, the guys couldn't keep still, and Kim Bum especially wasn't very happy that Kyu Jong was making moves on his fiance. True to his word to Kimberly, he hadn't told any of the guys that he had proposed or his family, but Kim Bum didn't know if he could hide it for long if Kyu Jong kep up what he was doing.

When everyone got back to the dorm, Kimberly tried to move by herself without any help, but ended up falling over before Ellie could get to her side, the pain meds making Kim woozy. Kyu Jong caught Kimberly and swung her up into his arms before she hit the ground. Kimberly closed her eyes as she fell, but opened them immediately when she felt herself actually stop and get higher up. Her eyes met Kyu Jong and she blushed as he headed into the house, with Elil and Kim Bum right behind. Kyu Jong headed toward Kimberly's bedroom straight away, until Kim Bum intercepted him. "Wait, who says you should take her upstairs , wy don't you give her to me, i'll take her. Kyu Jong scowled and replied, "No it's okay, I can take her. I'll be back in a little while." Kim Bum shook his head, speaking without thinking. "I don't think I want you touching my my fiance anymore actually. So you won't be taking her, I will thank you very much." Kyu Jong's face was livid at what Kim Bum had said, and Kimberly just kept looking back and forth between the two guys, shocked that her and Kim Bum's secret had come out like this. Sensing danger, Ellie quickly jumped in, "Kim Bum, Kyu Jong cool it, and you don't know what you are talking about Kim Bum Kimberly is Kyu Jong's soon to be fiance. He proposed to her yesterday." Kyu Jong nodded in agreement with what Ellie had said, and Kim Bum glared rather annoyed at this. "Oh yeah? Well I happened to have done the same thing yesterday, and Kimberly told me that she would marry me." Kim Bum said as Kyu Jong's face broke into a teasing smile, seeing the flaw in what Kim Bum had said, rebutting him "Then where's the ring you proposed with? I don't see it on her hand!" Stumped Kim Bum stared at Kyu Jong, opening and closing his mouth a couple times, then slumping his shoulders he went out of sight.

Satisfied Kyu Jong turned with Kimberly and went up to her room, but when he had set her down on her bed Kimberly spoke looking down at the floor, "I don't want to go to's the middle of the day, I'm fine." Kyu Jong shook his head and pulled the blankets back for her but Kim didn't move to get underneath them. Giving up for the moment, he sat down next to her and said "Earlier...when Kim Bum said you..were his fiance...was that right? You accepted him? I thought you were considering us...I thought we were closer.." Avoiding Kyu Jong's question Kimberly laid down with her back to him. Not willing to let the subject go just yet, Kyu Jong laid down with Kimberly, spurring Kimberly to answer him, trying to find the words. "Kyu Jong...we are closer than Kim Bum and I are....but with both of you going off into the army. I just don't know what to think anymore.." Understanding, Kyu Jong just cuddled closer to Kimberly and put his hand over her hip. Realizing what Kyu Jong was intending to do Kimberly sit up quickly to keep herself from falling asleep.

Downstairs Ellie waited for Kyu Jong to come back down from Kimberly's room, she didn't want to disturb them, so she went back into the living room with the rest of the guys. Kim Bum wasn't really joining in the conversation, rather thinking about Kimberly and Kyu Jong, until Kyu Jong came back into the living room. Ellie jumped up, going to Kyu Jong and saying "how's Kimberly doing?" Kyu Jong glanced around once then answered, "She's okay, it took her a while to fall asleep, but once the pain medicine took over and she fell asleep. I just came down to get some food before I went back up there." Ellie nodded and half smiled leading the way to the kitchen with Kyu Jong to help him, Kim Bum stood up angrily and shouted. "She's not alone, she has us and more So you need to back off, or I will make you back off!"

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Sorry guys this chapter has character death in it, don't be angry with me please. Hope you guys like the chapter anyways. Sorry again.


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Chapter 1: great so far^^