Last Day

Going to the Army

Upstairs Kimberly was the first to wake up the next morning, and when she turned over she saw Kyu Jong laying close to her unclothed. Kim gasped and sat up quickly, the memories from the night before a little hazy because of her pain meds, not believing Kyu Jong and she had done that. Guiltily, Kimberly's mind went to when she had said 'yes,' to marrying Kim Bum and not knowing what to do now. As if to make her hurt even worse, Kimberly's hand gave a throb and she yelped, waking up Kyu Jong who rubbed his eyes and yawned sleepily "Are you okay, what's wrong?" Kimberly shook her head at him and got out of bed, pulling her robe that was by her bed on and went into the bathroom. Kyu Jong looked after Kimberly concerned, but she hadn't closed the door to the bathroom so he could still see her. Kyu Jong didn't understand what Kimberly was feeling, but he was happy about what had happened between them the night before. Kimberly stood unmoving by the sink, spurring Kyu Jong into going to her side and putting his arms around Kimberly's waist "Kimberly what's wrong, is your hand hurting again? Let me see." Kyu Jong reached for Kimberly's hand to check it but she pulled it away from him before he could, exasperated. Confused, Kyu Jong kept watching Kimberly until she started talking really quiet, "Kyu Jong...don't worry about my hand. That doesn't matter...what matters is what happened last night. It shouldn't have happened..but.." Kyu Jong realized what Kim was talking about and set his chin onto her shoulder.

When she couldn't describe how she was thinking Kyu Jong took her back to her bed and sat down next to her, "Kimberly..I know you probably don't think so, but i think what we did was great and we shouldn't be feeling guilty for it. It's just another way we'll remember each other while I'm gone." Unbelieving, Kimberly shook her head, and Kyu Jong took both of her hands into his, being gentle with her injured one. "Kimbelry, we're going to be married anyways after I come this is just a preview, please don't be sad." Kyu Jong got up again and went to get Kimberly's pain meds but when he tried to give them to her she shook her head, not wanting to feel foggy when the guys left. Both of them got up to change, Kyu Jong leaving the pain meds and a glass of water on Kimberly's bedside table, hoping Kimberly would take them.

Two smells mingled in the kitchen as Kyu Jong came in, one delicious and one the underlying smell of burnt eggs and toast. Scrunching his nose at the two smells, Young Saeng saw Kyu Jong and waved him over to sit by him at the table. Too excited to keep the news to himself Kyu Jong leaned in to whisper in Young Saeng's ear, telling him about the night before. Surprised at the end of the story, Young Saeng whispered back "Well what was Kimberly's reaction this morning, after she realized you guys had done this?" Kyu Jong made a face and replied "She was upset because of it, and said that we shouldn't have taken this chance without thinking. And that she didn't know which one of us she was going to choose. Now she's even refusing to take her pain meds and I'm afraid she going to hurt herself more." Young saseng nodded, worried also, but Kim Hyung Jun came over to the table with plates of food at that moment and they all started to eat. Kimberly came down stairs as they were sitting down at the table and took her place by Ellie, giving the guys a half smile. The mood was lively from the boys as the group ate, only Kimberly and Ellie were subdued, knowing what was coming later. Once all the plates were empty,and stomachs were full, Kim hyun Joong quickly volunteered himself and Ellie to clean up the dishes while the others loaded the bags into the van. A little shocked at the sudden change, Ellie let Kim Hyun Joong pull her to the sink, enjoying a few moments alone with him.

20 minutes had passed before Kim hyun Joong and Ellie were done with the dishes, and he opted to go and help the guys finish packing the car while she went to find Kimberly. After breakfast was done Kimberly had slipped back up to her room, and that is where Ellie found her a few minutes later, looking at pictures of the guys which included she and Ellie. Ellie said Kimberly's name loud enough for Kimberly to look up and quickly tried to wipe away the tears that had gathered while looking at the photos, "hey..I was just..uh looking at pictures.." Ellie let Kimberly get a hold of herself before she went over to sit next to her on the bed, Kim still holding the pictures as Ellie spoke "I know today's going to be hard for both of us, but you don't want to start crying now before the boys leave do you? I'll miss them too, but all we can do is pray and hope that they all come home. For now let's at least act like we're okay with them going.." Pausing for a bit Ellie changed tactics then continued "Have you taken your pain meds yet this morning?" Kimberly shook her head, not trusting herself to speak, and having Ellie scowl. "Kim you shouldn't let big gaps happen between taking your meds, you much be in a lot of pain. Here take your medicine before we leave.." Ellie picked up the glass of water and bottle of pain medication Kyu Jong had left there earlier. Unable to force Kimberly to take the medicine however; Ellie took the medicine bottle with her just in case.

Going back downstairs Ellie met Kim Hyun Joong and Kyu Jong at the bottom of the stairs, Kim Hyun Joong smiled and asked "You guys ready to go?" Nodding Ellie smiled back, "Yeah, in a second though, I have to get something from the kitchen and Kimberly's coming down in a moment. You guys go ahead and we'll be right behind you." Reluctant at first Kyu Jong wanted to stay and help Kimberly, until Kim Hyun Joong tugged him out the door. Picking up her purse and putting a couple water bottles into it, then came back into the living room to see Kimbelry coming down with a jacket on.

Getting to the drop off point, the girls saw that the guys were out waiting for them. Seeing them through the windshield of the car almost made Ellie and Kimberly start crying, looking away quickly to stop it. Everyone was waiting for the boys families to say goodbye before the boys actually left. fifteen minutes later the guys familes arrived and came over to the group, Kim Hyun Joong's mom giving Ellie and Kim Hyun Joong a hug. Reality hit Ellie when Kim Hyun Joong's mom hugged her, now scared. Meanwhile Kim Bum and Kyu Jong's families had come up to where Kimberly was standing with Kim Bum, Kyu Jong and Young Saeng. Kimberly had been distracted while talking to Young Saeng and didn't see the two families come up, so when Kyu Jong's mom put her hand on Kimberly's shoulder. Kimberly jumped slightly and turned around to see who had touched her, and realizing who it was Kim smiled and hugged her in greeting. Then hugging Kim Bum's mom, and Kyu Jong and Kim Bum's sisters, all of them smiling until Kyu Jong's mom caught sight of the brace on Kimberly's hand. She gasped and pointed the brace out saying "Oh my, what have these boys done to your hand Kimberly, we leave them alone to say goodbye and this happens...Is Ellie hurt also, are you guys a pair, both of you have hurt arms?" Kimberly had tried to explain what had actually happened even though Kyu jong's mom was going too fast, she looked at Kyu Jong and waited for him to explain for her. 

Kyu Jong puffed out his cheeks, nervous to tell his mom but after she was done speaking he told her what Kimberly had done. Impressed, but a little mad at Kyu Jong and Kim Bum for the way they told the girls. She and Kim Bum's mom stayed close to Kimbelry the rest of the time, as if to make sure nothing else was going to happen to her. All of the introductions done they all stood and talked until the guys commanding officer said it was time to go, and then one last round of tight hugs ensued. By this time Ellie and Kimberly started crying along with Kim Bum and Kyu Jong's mothers and sisters. Kimberly and Ellie couldn't help but hope that all of them came home safely, not knowing if they would see all of them again, when the two years were over.


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Sorry guys this chapter has character death in it, don't be angry with me please. Hope you guys like the chapter anyways. Sorry again.


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Chapter 1: great so far^^