Chapter 1

Going to the Army

Kimberly and her best friend Ellie had traveled to Korea for vacation, and in their travels met the members of the idol group SS501 and the boys of F4. At the time of their arrival it was in the midst of the filming of the show called ‘Boys over Flowers,’ and SS501 promotions, making it hard for the boys to do anything else that wasn't in their set schedule.

Only after a few days of meeting both groups of boys Kimberly's best friend had started to fall for Kim Hyun Joong. However; Kimberly herself was torn between two of the boys: Kim Bum and Kyu Jong. Making it difficult for her to be around the two at the same time. She was very confused about both of the guys, they were great, both had things that she loved individually about them, but she couldn't make a descion.

A year and a half later Kimberly and Ellie were still in Korea, ‘Boys Over Flowers,’ had ended successfully and SS501 had hosted several concerts and promotions. Since then Kimberly and Ellie had known the boys for an extended period of time, so Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Bum and Kyu Jong decided to ask both of the girls to marry them. Neither Kyu Jong or Kim Bum knew that the other was preparing to propose, though everyone had participated in planning how Kim hyun Joon was going to propose to Ellie.

Kim Hyun Joong started the proposals first, asking Ellie if she would marry him, which she had said ‘yes,’ to and putting pressure upon Kyu Jong and Kim Bum to follow him. Unbeknownst to both girls the members of SS501 and F4 were getting ready to join the army, and the only people who knew about this were the boys families. All of their families made a promise to the boys that they wouldn’t tell Kimberly or Ellie, opting to let the boys do it in their own way. Though both were wondering what was supposed to happen now, and if they were going to go back to America or not

But with the 3 week deadline already gone and the day that they were supposed to leave looming, Kim Bum and Kyu Jong were getting nervous about their proposals.

The next morning Kyu Jong texted Kimberfly, "Would you meet me at the park in 20 minutes?" And after reading the text Kimberly started to wonder as to why Kyu Jong was texting her to meet him at such short notice and why he didn’t have his usual schedule events. Figuring that it was better to go and meet him than question, Kimberly got ready, then told Ellie where she was going, and then left to meet Kyu Jong.

Ellie smiled, being privvy to what Kyu Jong was going to propose, having been brought in to help plan a couple days earlier with the other SS501 members, and Lee Min Ho, Kim Jun, and Kim Hyun Joong.

When Kimberly arrived at the park she walked nervously from the parking lot, towards the place where Kyu Jong had described. Walking through the park Kimberly looked at the unfamiliar setting around her, there weren’t any other people in the park that you knew of or heard. Though since it was morning she figured that everyone was in school, work or doing errands, and that explained the absence of people. The leaves made a slight rustling sound as the wind blew through them, one of the only noises from the silent park.

In the middle of the park Kim berly spotted Kyu Jong standing in the middle of a bridge overlooking a stream that ran underneath it. Kyu Jong’s back was to her, making Kimberly smile and then hurry over to him and put a hand on his back to let him know that she were there.

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Sorry guys this chapter has character death in it, don't be angry with me please. Hope you guys like the chapter anyways. Sorry again.


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Chapter 1: great so far^^