The Hyungs - Intervention Part 2

300 Billion Won Promise
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"Aisshhh maknae!!!"

"So, you realize that he is a control freak.. So, answer us.. Did you think he control you or not?"

"Of course not! i am not his thing! What are you talk about?" Seungri is pouting now. His hyungs really underestimate him.    "Really maknae? Are you sure?"   "Ye..ah.. " Seungri said slowly but his mind is now replaying what happen since three days ago.   ~~ The morning after they sleep together. Jiyong had held Seungri in the bed and didn't let him go until noon time. The only reason they actually moving out of the bed is because their stomach was starting giving the angry sound. And then after they had their lunch, Jiyong was keeping Seungri at his side, never let him go out and meeting his friends. His friends was actually upset when he was suddenly left the other night. Jiyong somehow successfully convinced Seungri that staying home is the better option. He can't remember exactly  why he agreed with Jiyong hyung, maybe the kiss that attack him every time he try to give his argument? At night, when he was watching his favorite drama, the drama that he never missed no matter how tight their schedule is. Jiyong hyung suddenly switch off the television and asked him to sleep. And of course they did not immediately went to sleep. Furthermore, Jiyong hyung touch each day become more and more bold. This pattern of lifestyle actually had repeated for the whole three days. Seungri couldn't remember when was the last time he asked Taeyang, Daesung or TOP hyung on how they was doing.   Yes. Seungri has to admit. Jiyong always had an upper hand in everything. Even though this is not totally new for his case with Jiyong hyung but it become more and more obvious. Somehow he also become more submissive then he usually was. He didn't want to admit it but when he seriously think about it. He did everything that Jiyong hyung want him to. If he really really agreed with everything that Jiyong hyung did why did he felt relief when Jiyong hyung has a solo schedule today? Am I unconsciously being control and not aware of it?    ~~   "Earth to Seungri!" The loud voice of Daesung hyung startled Seungri from his thought.   "What are thinking about Riri?" Asked Top after Seungri keep quiet for a long time.   "You are maybe right hyung... " Seungri blink before he continue "But.. I can't help it. Jiyong hyung is like that, he never actually listen to me"   After he said this, all the hyungs just staring at him and shook the head. Obviously didn't agree with Seungri. Seungri didn't get it. Why are they disagree with him? They live together for more than 6 years and they knew each other too well. Everyone knew that Jiyong never listen to anybody especially the Seungri, the maknae. The complex relationship of leader and maknae.   Suddenly, out of the blue, TOP pop the question that makes Seungri confuse.   "Ri, can we see the video?"

"Video? Which one?"

"The one that you were making the promise of course" Daesung added like an echo. They really continue each other sentence. Sometimes it's annoying.

"Hmm.. I didn't see it yet hyung" Seungri answer.

"What?" All of them shout together. What is the hyungs now. They always shout and acting shock.

"Aishh.. That Jiyong.. " Taeyang said " I thought it was real"

All the hyungs is shaking their heads. Apparently dissapointed with the news. The video is the only evidence of the promise that Jiyong was holding up against the maknae. The way to conquer the maknae all to himself. 

"But hyung! It is real. He saved up 300 billions won and he said he will not do that just for the fun of it. I believe jiyong hyung"

Seungri is so confident about that. Even if he is naive sometime

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Chapter 8: I just read this story and to be honest to you... this is soooo fluff yet cute! I love the clever Ji who plan things ahead and successfully conquer what he wants! hahaha Thanks Author-nim for such a fun story <3
jsiwhdiwjd #2
Chapter 2: Hahahahahaha it's so funny......
baoling90 #3
Chapter 1: hahahaha i laughed so hard!
and well. i know this is completed alrd but i subs it just in casr if you write another seq eheheheehh~
Chapter 10: omgggg omggg omgggggggg..... i dont how i should say i love to you!!!!!!!!!!! i love this vid and think if is there any fanfic about thus "Ji want to buy Riri" lol~ this is soooo faking cute u know that? i just dont know what air is >< i love youuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh
purplepurplegirl #6
Chapter 8: Maknae ur so innocent. This story is wonderful.
Chapter 10: Cutie boys <3 who can resist a cute maknae .. keep it up (y)
Chapter 8: Finally Seunhri is admittng his love to Jiyong! Omg Jiyong is so cheesy! Makes my hand curl into a ball! Hahahaha!
Chapter 4: GD your sadistic side is showing~~