All Planned

All Planned


(continue, Yongguk's P.O.V)
Once he fell to the ground, my sight went black. I blinked my eyes only to see that it was just a scene in my head. The guy was just now checking the case of money. He nodded and the others shoved YoungJae to me. He stumbled just like he did in the scene in my head. Only this time, he didn’t get shot. I was able to embrace him in my arms. Suddenly, I heard sirens and then police and the SWAT team came barging in. We all raised our hands up, not knowing what else to do. The other guys that captured YoungJae ran, but was blocked cause all the entrances were full of the SWAT team. ___ and YoungJae on the other hand, were smiling and didn’t seemed worried or panicked at all like the rest of us. A SWAT team member saluted them and they nodded back. They looked at me with a smirk. Another SWAT team member came up and handed them something. They held it up to let me see. Both ___ and YoungJae had a police badge. I looked at them with a death glare. Surprisingly, the SWAT only took away the other guys and not B.A.P. I looked at ___ and YoungJae confused. “Did you really think we’d betray you and turn you in?” ___ asked. I was still confused. “Come on, we’ve been close the past few weeks, we’d never do that,” YoungJae said.___ pulled out a piece of paper given to her by a fellow police officer. It was a wanted poster with all the other guys’ pictures on it.
“Let us explain,” YoungJae said. ”We were in the police force before we joined you guys. We did plan this all out already,”___ started. YoungJae nodded, “the plan was for either me or ___ to get captured by these people, then track them down.” “Couldn’t you do that without us?” Himchan asked. “Hold on, there’s a good end to this,” YoungJae said. ”YoungJae didn’t want me to get hurt, so he volunteered to be the person that gets captured. Remember when you saw me late at night staring at the bags of money, and I said that I was just making sure there was enough money?”___ said. I nodded. “Well, actually I put a tracking device in there, so the SWAT and police will know where the guys were going to be,”___ confessed. ”And the good part in this?” Daehyun asked. “We’ve all become close together, so when me and ___ found out the prize for the people that either help, or capture these guys, we just had to include you,” YoungJae said. “What’s the prize?” I asked. They smiled,”10,000 dollars per person.” We were all surprised. “REALLY?!?” the guys shouted. They nodded. “We know that it’s tough making money from what you do, so we thought we’d help out. Sorry if you guys feel like you were used,”___ said. “So this was all worked out?” Zelo asked. “Yup,” YoungJae said. “Yeah, it was all planned,”___ said.
Everthing was all planned...
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Hi everyone~! Thank you for reading and supporting "All Planned"! I love you all,but All Planned is now completed.Hope you liked it! Bye~!


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Chapter 8: I love both enndings ^^
anyahe #2
Chapter 7: Thanks for giving a happy ending for this!!
I like the moment at the ending, how sweeeet!
anyahe #3
Chapter 6: Woah, update soon please!