Youngjae's Support and Plans

The Abandoned Boy Next Door


Pushing aside all the worries with a call from Sunhwa saying that she got a job in Japan with Hyosung and Zinger, Jongup was relieved, but he knew she was not going tell him about the real world he always wanted to know about. And he knew his friends were going to fill Sunhwa's promises themselves. He decided to find out along the way because he knew that his sister was going to hate him, but he needs to know how to live by himself.

Even Yongguk said that himself, but Jongup didn't see why Himchan and Daehyun were so resistant about it. Youngjae was the one resistant to Himchan and Daehyun, but arguing to Yongguk that it might cause some mental pain or damage.

But of course, Jongup didn't see why there would be pain in learning about the real world and being independent. It was because he was always dependent on Sunhwa, and always thought Sunhwa's anger was from annoying telemarketers and didn't see why she was always angry.

How would Jongup know? He was being overprotective by four noonas and his four best friends. How was he supposed to know? School didn't show enough... Or maybe it was just because he was in tenth grade... Maybe he's not suppose to know until eleventh or twelfth grade or even college. Maybe Sunhwa was right that the time has not come yet.

Maybe Sunhwa's job in Japan was useful. Maybe he could learn independently about how the world works and how his fairytale was a horror story. Maybe it's betteer like this. Maybe Sunhwa planned this so that she didn't have to teach Jongup herself so it wouldn't be so painful watching him grow up and become a man; independently. 


"Junhong... I'm very sorry about my behavior the other day," Youngjae apologized, hanging his head down.

"It's okay," Junhong replied.

Then Youngjae brought his mouth near Junhong's ear and whispered, "Let's never speak of the incident again."

When Jongup came from the shower, he greeted his nerdy hyung with a "bro-hug".

"So, Jongie, Junhong is going to stay with you right?" Daehyun asked.

Jongup nodded.

Junhong didn't like where Daehyun was going.

"How are you going to pay your house bills and school fees?" 

Jongup remained silent but astonished. Never in his life have he made desicions. Most of the decisions made were ran by Sunhwa and she was smart, too smart to not trust. (But maybe her choice of overprotecting and insecuring was untrust worthy.)

He let the winter snow fall before he could open his mouth.

"You do know that this choice is between keeping him in your house or not going to school. You're going have to work after school to support this house and pay for school fees," Daehyun began hotly. "And on top of that you're going to have to pay taxes and if he wants, his school fees."

Jongup stared blankly at the floor. What were taxes? Support this house? Wasn't the house paid already when Sunhwa bought the house? What are taxes and why were they mandatory?

Junhong pitied Jongup and was angry at Daehyun's impatience. "Who said I was going to school?"

Daehyun eyes were glinted at Junhong's rude tone. "It doesn't matter, Junhong. Don't add anymore feul into the burning fire." Then he turned to Jongup. "Sunhwa doesn't want to come back here, Jongup. She doesn't want to see this. She doesn't want to come back because you're going to grow up and she doesn't want to see this. She doesn't want to see you on the streets when she comes back. You have to make a smart decision."

"Dae Dae, stop it," Youngjae pleaded. "Jongup, I believe Jieun noona is going to help pay with her montly pay. She earns a lot but she can't support you and Junhong every month. There's just no way."

Jongup opened his mouth finally. "Sunhwa noona was going to send money every month."

"Not forever though. You have to work because Sunhwa doesn't know a stranger is going to live with you. Even with you working, it might not change much. You have to pay electricity, mortgage, internet connection, and water bills with school fees and on top of that, you need to pay taxes; approximately fifteen percent of the regular, adding that to the regular price. And you have to save up for college."

"We got the point. You don't need to repeat yourself," Junhong hissed. "I'll go work too."

"You?! Go to work?!" Daehyun scoffed. "I doubt that. You - "

"That's enough, Daehyun," Youngjae softly said. "We aren't going anywhere."

"I can work after school though to pay off these bills and so called taxes," Jongup volunteered.

"Remember seventh grade when we learned about interest?"

"Yeah. What's so bad about it?"

Of course Jongup wouldn't understand. No one really told him about how money is not free and how families struggle.

"Interest is when you borrow money and you have to pay it back. The amount of years and how much you borrowed is multiplied together and you get a number of how much you really have to pay, which is more than the original amount," Youngjae recalled. "Taxes is sort of related but the amount you pay for a product, you have to take fifteen to twenty percent of it and add it on top of the original amount of the product, giving it to the government."

Jongup's head started to hurt from realizing how much work and confusion was in money. He closed his eyes frustratingly and exhaled.

"Jongupie... I have a friend named Minseok and he owns a five-star restaurant. And I know how much you love skate boarding and making sandwiches. And since their restaurant is very successful, maybe I could get you to work their after school."

Daehyun looked out the window, enjoying the snowy roads. "He's four years older than you. He works with eleven other people and the youngest one there is your age. And their pay is huge."

"But you might have to skip lunch at school. But it is only two minutes away from the school."

"How about Junhong?" Jongup asked, patting Junhong's back.

"I-I don't know about this, Jongup," Daehyun groaned. "Are you seriously going to let him live with you?"

"Daehyun hyung, he can't live with his father. He's abusive and is a drug-addict, remember?" Youngjae quietly said.

"What do you mean remember?" Jongup asked.

"Nothing," Youngjae hastily answered. "Junhong, I can get you to baby-sit... are you going to go to school?"

"I-I d-don't - "

"Yes. He is," Jongup answered.

"Well you can be a waiter or something at the restaurant if you don't want to be separated from Jongup," Youngjae smirked, sensing the upcoming chemistry.

"Wha - " Junhong blushed, being interrupted by Jongup.

"Then it's settled!" Jongup exclaimed.




Yesh! I did an update two days in a row! XDD /super accomplished/

Thank you to all my subscribers and commentors! : )

Do check out my new XiuHan or LuMin featuring ChenRis fic: From Winter to Spring!




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Chapter 7: OOO what's with the zodiac.. I mean what is it?? are they a higher collective group??? and why is Junhong an outsider.. the cat? it's almost like "Fruits Basket" =]
Chapter 6: I want to know the back story of Junhong... it's shrouded in mystery that apparently everyone knows of but not Jongup.. nor us lol =]
Chapter 5: awww some JongLo moments =] Jongup is really sweet... Junhong is just feel some awkwardness because he's not that use to someone being that nice to him ..
Chapter 4: what the heck... how can Junhong be responsible for something that big... isn't Junhong the same age as Jongup??
Chapter 3: Jongup is way too kind... and poor Junhong... living with that kind guilt that he doesn't need.. it's not even his fault... ugh
Chapter 2: now I want to know too... hmmm

Jongup is seriously the kind one... I hope he finds a way to help Junhong out...
Chapter 1: hmmm Jongup is a kind little kid but he's super sheltered from the harsh realities of the world that obviously not been kind to little Junhong.. but I guess like Sunhwa I would do the same? I don't know honestly... this was definitely an intense first chapter..
Chapter 7: Hey Yongguk! Don't 'chu say that to your son! >w< /slaps Yongguk on the head/
Chapter 7: Woah, wait, confusion... What is all of this with the zodiacs and stuff? Questions... questions...