Taking Him Out

The Abandoned Boy Next Door


When Lucky leaned on Junhong, Junhong backed away. Lucky leaned in closer and closer wanting to Junhong's face, and Jongup could see that so he snatched her out of Junhong's lap.

Man, what was wrong with this guy? The puppy wants to have some fun and you just back away?


Jongup's front door opened with his four friends showing up with widened eyes as they saw Junhong. As the 'mother' of the group and the 'father' of the group, Yongguk and Himchan rushed over to Jongup and embraced him as if they were protecting their child from a monster. Daehyun and Youngjae closed the door slowly and eyed Junhong up and down as if he was a serial killer or a disgusted unwanted thing.

"Hyungs... what are you doing? Let me go!" Jongup softly said, surprised of his hyungs' behavior.

"No." Daehyun then turned to the 'parents' of the group and furrowed his eyebrows, sighing in the proces. "Yongguk, Himchan, Sunhwa and Hyosung noona's going to have our heads when they come back."

"I know, Daehyun. Youngjae, call the police right now," Yongguk demanded.

"Wait! No one is calling the police!" Jongup exclaimed.

Himchan frowned. "The police? You know why - what? You weren't supposed to know what this - this is pointless. Sunhwa apparently opened too much already for this perfect child, Yongguk."

"Himchan hyung, tell me what's going on," Jongup pleaded.

Himchan ignored his nagging and sighed. "Now that he knows part of the story, might as well uncover it up."

"No. Not yet. Let's just get this guy out of here and hand him over to the police," Daehyun sneered at Junhong.

What were they talking about? Police? Why does the police need to come and get Junhong? Was there something wrong about Junhong? Was Junhong telling the truth when he said he killed someone? 

"Kill..." Jongup thought about that word and remembered Sunhwa had gave him the silent treatment for a few days when he introduced that word from school. 

To murder. To execute. To take one's life.

But a portion of his mind reminded him about sympathy. "No! No one is calling the police! He did nothing wrong!"

"Jongup! Your parents got m - nevermind," Daehyun stopped himself before he could say more. 

"Got what? I don't have parents!"

"Yes you do! He, he was - nevermind. It's not my place to say this."

Yongguk interrupted before Jongup could say more. "Look, apparently he doesn't want to bring Junhong to police, so let's just pretend nothing happened and get him out of here before he could cause more trouble."

"Wait!" Jongup shrieked before Youngjae and Daehyun pushed Junhong out of the front door.


Junhong looked back and gave Jongup a faint smile and when he got pushed out as if he was saying goodbye but will see him soon, making Jongup cherish the smile. "Nevermind."



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Chapter 7: OOO what's with the zodiac.. I mean what is it?? are they a higher collective group??? and why is Junhong an outsider.. the cat? it's almost like "Fruits Basket" =]
Chapter 6: I want to know the back story of Junhong... it's shrouded in mystery that apparently everyone knows of but not Jongup.. nor us lol =]
Chapter 5: awww some JongLo moments =] Jongup is really sweet... Junhong is just feel some awkwardness because he's not that use to someone being that nice to him ..
Chapter 4: what the heck... how can Junhong be responsible for something that big... isn't Junhong the same age as Jongup??
Chapter 3: Jongup is way too kind... and poor Junhong... living with that kind guilt that he doesn't need.. it's not even his fault... ugh
Chapter 2: now I want to know too... hmmm

Jongup is seriously the kind one... I hope he finds a way to help Junhong out...
Chapter 1: hmmm Jongup is a kind little kid but he's super sheltered from the harsh realities of the world that obviously not been kind to little Junhong.. but I guess like Sunhwa I would do the same? I don't know honestly... this was definitely an intense first chapter..
Chapter 7: Hey Yongguk! Don't 'chu say that to your son! >w< /slaps Yongguk on the head/
Chapter 7: Woah, wait, confusion... What is all of this with the zodiacs and stuff? Questions... questions...