Taking Him In

The Abandoned Boy Next Door


Jongup couldn't do much, but he squatted down and scooped Junhong into his arms. Junhong was still sobbing and crying, too oblivious to notice. While Jongup was effortlessly carrying the tall boy, he unlocked the front door and kicked his door open, unable to control his actions. He gently put the shaking Junhong onto his couch, bringing all the pillows and blankets that were near. Jongup the fireplace so Junhong could warm up.

Without a word, after he made sure Junhong was comfortable (despite his continious sobs), he ran back outside and took his skateboard back in. When Jongup returned, he couldn't control his feelings. He felt so angry and irritated. He slammed the door shut, making Junhong jump and whimper in between his sobs. Jongup fled to the kitchen to make some tea for Junhong, still able to hear Junhong's teeth chattering and him repeating the words: "I killed her."

When he finished, he approached the boy slowly and handed him a cup with warm tea. Muttering a thanks, Jongup sat down next to Junhong, since the couch had (surprisingly) enough room. Jongup sat the very end, squishing himself to the arm rester as Junhong's legs arose from the ground and snuck his foot into the blankets. He looked outside, burying his head onto his bony knee caps, shivering at the sight.

"Are you okay?" Jongup asked. He took two pieces of tissue and gently wiped Junhong's tears.

"I-I killed..." Junhong took a deep breath as he looked into Jongup's tender eyes.

Knowing what Junhong was going to say, Jongup hushed him (ironic, huh?). "It's okay. Shh... It's okay." After a long moment of silence - besides Junhong's chattering of teeth - Jongup took up the courage to ask, "Do you mind telling me what's wrong?"

"U-uhm... uh..."

Jongup mentally scolded himself. Why did he ask such a foolish question? There goes the blow for Junhong's first impression on him.

But Junhong did not take it into purpose. In fact, he didn't see anything wrong about Jongup's question.

"Sorry. Let me rephrase the question." Jongup patted Junhong's back and spaced out at the sight of a picture that had Sunhwa and his parents.

"It's my fault. Appa said it was my fault." Jongup kept silent, indicating Junhong to continue his speech. Not knowing the slightest bit of why he was talking to his neighbor, he continued on, spilling his thoughts. "I killed eomma. I killed her. And the second eomma too. It's my fault. If I didn't shout her name, she would be alive. And it wouldn't have been my fault. I - "

Junhong gasped for air as he continued sobbing. Knowing he could not say anything anymore, Jongup pulled the younger one into his arms. It was silent - even Junhong's sobbing had stopped. A sound was not heard. Junhong closed his eyes and let his tears fall as Jongup whispered, "Let it all out." Junhong's tears didn't stop, but Jongup's kindliness made his sobs and worries fade.

Cutting through the silence, Lucky, a Yorkshire-Maltese mix barked and jumped on Junhong's lap, giving him a whimpery look. Lucky's head was tilted, Junhong's tears off his face. And Lucky was a girl, so there were stars in her eyes. Special stars, Jongup pointed out. Stars he doesn't see very often.

What was the cause? Was it just because Junhong was a guest?

No, no, it can't be. Lucky sees new guests once every two weeks, and she hardly paid notice to them.

Jongup pulled away from and hug as he found Lucky playing with Junhong. Junhong wasn't crying anymore, but smiling. He was smiling for once. Lucky was a pretty good pet, so Jongup left the two alone while he read a book beside them. It was as if he was the third wheel.

But the atmosphere was different. Tension was in the air, Jongup could sense it. 


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Chapter 7: OOO what's with the zodiac.. I mean what is it?? are they a higher collective group??? and why is Junhong an outsider.. the cat? it's almost like "Fruits Basket" =]
Chapter 6: I want to know the back story of Junhong... it's shrouded in mystery that apparently everyone knows of but not Jongup.. nor us lol =]
Chapter 5: awww some JongLo moments =] Jongup is really sweet... Junhong is just feel some awkwardness because he's not that use to someone being that nice to him ..
Chapter 4: what the heck... how can Junhong be responsible for something that big... isn't Junhong the same age as Jongup??
Chapter 3: Jongup is way too kind... and poor Junhong... living with that kind guilt that he doesn't need.. it's not even his fault... ugh
Chapter 2: now I want to know too... hmmm

Jongup is seriously the kind one... I hope he finds a way to help Junhong out...
Chapter 1: hmmm Jongup is a kind little kid but he's super sheltered from the harsh realities of the world that obviously not been kind to little Junhong.. but I guess like Sunhwa I would do the same? I don't know honestly... this was definitely an intense first chapter..
Chapter 7: Hey Yongguk! Don't 'chu say that to your son! >w< /slaps Yongguk on the head/
Chapter 7: Woah, wait, confusion... What is all of this with the zodiacs and stuff? Questions... questions...