Chapter 8

This Is For You

From far , she examined her friend's look . You look nervous . It must be hard for you right ? She feel pity . After paying for two bottles of mineral water and waffles , she make her way to Hani .

" Take this ", Yongmi gives Hani a bottle of mineral water and her long-favourite chocolate waffle and sit beside her .
" Thank you ". She then opened the lid and drink some water .
" Woah . There are so many people here . No joke ! ", she looked at the long queue of Infinite fans outside the Seoul Olympic Park . " Looks like they gained so much fans nowadays . They must be like it ", she said while take a bite of waffle . Then she changes her look to Hani . " You dont want to eat ?".
" I dont feel it ", Hani pouted . At this time , she didnt feel nothing except nervous . Yes , she is nervous . 
" Haishh ", Yongmi sighed . " Lets go ".
" Go to where ? ", Hani looked at her . 
" Home ! ".
" But why ? ", Hani asked her .
" Look at yourself !! You didnt had proper meal since you come back here . You look so pale !! ", Yongmi suddenly feel emotional . " Hani yah , this concert will be 3 hours long !! You need to eat something so that you can stand there . If you dont eat this , then let go home !! ". She get up .
" Dont ! ", she grabbed Yongmi's hand . " Ne . I will eat it !! ". She open the wrapping and take a bite . " Ahh , its really delicious !! ".
Yongmi eyes got teary . She forced herself to smile . " Pabo yah ! ", she pinched Hani's cheek . 

" Infinite are here !! ", someone shouted loudly . Some of them who were sitting earlier as well as Hani and Yongmi get up to see Infinite . Sungyeol is the first stepped out from the van and followed by Woohyun and Sungjong . Then Myungsoo , Dongwoo and Sunggyu come out . 

Oppa . Her eyes got teary as she saw Sunggyu . It has been a long time . You looked slimmed down a bit . This is her first time seeing Sunggyu after what happened . No one know how she missed him so much , the longing and the pain she endured . Then she change her look to Myungsoo . Oppa , im sorry . She look up to avoid her tears from coming out . 

" Hani yah , are you okay ? ", Yongmi looked at her bestfriend . If i know you will be like this , i will not accept your favor . She remembered when the first day Hani came back from Busan , Hani asked her favor to accompany her to be in Infinite Concert . She thought that this will make Hani happy so she accept the favor . But seems like Hani is hurting right now and that makes her feel so bad .
" Im okay ! ", she give fake smile to Yongmi . As she want to look in front , she noticed someone is staring at her from far . 

" Its Hani ! ", Hoya seem suprised . "She come" . Hoya is the last person that comes out from the van so when he try to study how many fans are here , his eyes caught on Hani . They have been know each other for years but seems like Hani was so close to Sunggyu and Myungsoo from other members . But despite all that , other members feel happy when she is around . He really happy that Hani comes today . ' I must told them ! ". 



" Sunggyu yah , get ready !! After Woohyun's performance , it will be your turn !! ", said the manager .
" Ne , hyung !! ". In just few minutes , he will perform his solo stage so he has to be ready by now . But he look distracted . Something annoying him . He looks at the mirror in front of him and saw Myungsoo fall asleep beside him . 

" Arhhh !! I got something to tell you all !! ", Hoya suddenly speak out . " I forgot to tell you all about that because i got nervous about our performance ". Hoya hit his head . " Hani is here . I saw her ", he told them and change his look to Sunggyu . 
Hani was here ?? Sunggyu widened his eyes after listen to Hoya words .
" Hani ?? ", Sungjong look suprised . " Yahh . It has been a long time i didnt see her !! ".
" Yupp . I also got suprised to see her '. Hoya looked at them .
" How come you tell us about this after we just near to our encore . If you told us earlier , i will be looking for her !! Haishh !! ". Sungyeol whinning .
" Im sorry . I just forgot about it ", Hoya feel sorry .
" I really missed her cook . Just thinking of it , i suddenly feel hungry ", Dongwoo touch his belly . He suddenly remembered the moment when he was with Hani . Everything she cooked just taste delicious . It was like she put some magic in her foods . And when they asked what was the secret of her delicious cook , she just said "Love" . Then , they realized that Hani must be love them so much , thats why her food taste delicious . " But we should thanked her for coming today ".

" Sunggyu !! It will be your turn . Lets go to the back stage !! ", Youngjun , their manager suddenly comes in .
" Ne ! I am ready !! ", Sunggyu nodded .

" Hyung , just let all your feeling out . Dont hold it . Good luck ", Hoya give him a hug .
" Hyung !! Good luck ", other members wish him except for Myungsoo who was taking a nap . Sunggyu smile to them and get out from there .

So Hani was here ?? Myungsoo opened his eyes . 



" Woohyun really daebak !!! ", Yongmi was mesmerized by Woohyun performance . 
" I told you !! ", Hani smile to her . 

" Okay , next performance will be performed by our leader nim , Kim Sunggyu ".

Yongmi looked at Hani . She can see that her expression change . She hold Hani's hand . 
Hani looked at her . " Im okay . Dont worry ". I will be okay ! I will !! She told herself .


" Hyung !! Good luck !! ", Woohyun tapped Sunggyu back as he comes down from the stage . 
" Thank you !! ", he smile to Woohyun .

Then he make his way to the stage . He comes in front of the stage and bow to the fans . Hani yah , where are you ? I miss you . After giving bow to the fans , he walked back to the center of stage and sit in front of the piano .

" Hyung , just let all your feeling out . Dont hold it . "

He started to play the piano . Hani yah , you are watching me , right ? 

This is my favourite song . Her eyes got teary .

I love you, I'm sorry - yes, I can't do this anymore
I don't even have the right to approach you
Don't love me
I have no time to give you my heart
I live every day so difficultly and each day is so burdensome that I cry


Hani yah ... im sorry for giving you such a hard time...

Oh there's nothing I can give you - missing U
I can't even say warm words to you - I'm missing U
I don't dare expect anything from you - I'm missing U
So I push you away like this
Because I'm a good-for-nothing who only has a heart

" Oppa , why you being like this ? You seem getting far away from me...."


I'm holding it back though it hurts
Because to me, tears are a extravagance
I don't even have the right to look at you
Don't look at me
I know that my heart is where you are
On the streets that your breath touch
Always at the same place


" Hyung , you want to know what makes my heart pain ? It was when i saw Hani fall asleep while hugging your album with tears in her eyes because of missing you so much . My heart hurt so much ! So much to death ! "


Because I love you more than anyone in the world,

I hold it back even more


" Hyung , cant you just let her be with me ?? "


Oh I can't hold your hand - missing U
Because you might only embrace my tears - I'm missing U
I can't ask to be together - I'm missing U
So I difficultly turn back
Because I'm a good-for-nothing who only has a heart





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