Chapter 5

This Is For You

She opened her eyes and look at the outside the window . Its already morning . Did i sleep here last night ? I think i was on sofa last night but why im here in my room ? This cant be ...  She widened her eyes and stepped out from her room . As she opened the door , she saw Myungsoo . 

" You woke up ", Myungsoo smile to her .
She nodded . " Oppa , do you need to go now ", Hani asked Myungsoo as she saw his bag pack on the table .
" Ne . I have to go right now ". Myungsoo give her fake smile . Actually , it is hard to him to leave Hani alone here . He really want to spend more time with her but due to the Infinite Concert that will be hold , so he have to fly back to Seoul .
" Cant you wait for breakfast before you go ? You didnt had breakfast yet ", she try to find another excuse so that Myungsoo will stay here more . Oppa , please stay with me longer . Please . She can feel warm tears inside her eyes . " Let me get ready first ". As she turned her body , Myungsoo grab her fist and hug her .
" No , its okay ! You dont need to do that ", he said while touch her hair . This would be my last time hugging you . He tighten his hug . Thank you for bringing laughter in my life . Thank you for letting me feel what is love . Since you came to my life , everything changed . My days full of laughter and im so happy to be with you . Thank you Hani yah . His eyes got teary . " I should go now ! ", he let Hani off from his hug and turned around without looking at Hani . He doesnt want to look at her face . He knows that Hani is crying as he can feel tears when he hugged her . 
" Ne ", she wipes her tears and turned around to face Myungsoo's back . " Have a safe journey ", said Hani . She is trying to hold her tears .

As he want to open the door , he stopped for a while . 

" The hyung album was under your pillow . Last night , i thought it would hurt your back if you sleeping on the sofa . Then i carried you into the room and placed it under your pillow . In case if you are looking for it .." , he breath hard . He can feel his heart broken into pieces .

Hani lost for word . She remembered last night , after spending a whole day visiting the best places in Haeundae with Myungsoo , she get so tired . She had promised Myungsoo to watch movie with him . While waiting for Myungsoo finished showering , she take a look on the DVDs that she brought from home . And while searching for the best movie , she suddenly found Sunggyu album . Because of missing him to much , she hug the album and tearing . She end up with falling in sleep deep . You watched it . Her tears flow out . 

" I m going now . Take care . Dont worry , i will be okay ". He opened the door and go out without looking at her . 

"Oppa .... ", she cried out as the door was closed .

Hani yah . Why i feel so bad ? Why did my heart dont want to let you go ?? Tears come out from his eyes . 



" Sunggyu hyung , are you okay ? ".
" Im okay ", he smile to Hoya .
" But you didnt look okay . You looks pale . Do you sick ", Hoya and Dongwoo look at each other . They seems worried . 
" Im okay . Its true !! ", he rises his voice .
Other members were suprised by his loud voice . 
" Hyung !!! ", Woohyun looked at Sunggyu . "How come you rise your voice when they are worried about you !! ", Woohyun get annoyed with Sunggyu . Lately , Sunggyu always looks distracted and get moody . " Hyung , why you being like this ?!! ".
" Im sorry ", Sunggyu replied coldly and get into his room .

" What actually happened to this guy ? ", Sungyeol asked them .
" I dont know . He looks distracted . He cant be like this . Our concert is just around next two day ", said Woohyun .
" Its weird !! ". Hoya look uneasy . 

As they are talking about Sunggyu , suddenly Myungsoo comes out from his room .

" What happened ? ", he asked them .
" We just worried about him . He looks pale and seems like he is sick ", Dongwoo tell him .
" Sunggyu hyung is just different !! I dont know what happened to this guy !! ", Sungyeol spoke .

Then , Myungsoo go to kitchen to get some pills and comes in Sunggyu room . The other members looked at him suprisely ." What the hell this jerk trying to do ?? ", Sungyeol widened his eyes .

" Take this !", Myungsoo place the pills and a glass of water on the table beside him . "Our concert is near . So we dont want to see you like this ".
" Ne . Thank you ", Sunggyu thanks him .
" Hyung , i think we need to talk . Its about Hani ".
Sunggyu opened his eyes as he heard Hani's name . Then he closed his eyes again . " I dont want to talk about her ! ".
" Jeezz ", Myungsoo hold back his anger . " I will wait for you at the same place after we finished our practice ", he said and go out from the room . 

" Yah , Myungsoo !! He didnt hit you ?? ", Sungyeol asked him . Myungsoo just give smirk to him and go to his room .
" Pabo yah !!! ", Woohyun hit Sungyeol head . 
Its weird !! No joke !! Hoya talk to himself .




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