Jinyoung and Ayumi's past .

To Help an Idol Get Rid of His Stalker .

@SasukeTran: LOOOL, i'm glad you like it <3

@imnotpro: LOLOLOLOL! XD

@midorix3: YEAAHH, LOL, DONGHO'S SO JELLY. :DD but Chunji's so cute >~< and yeahhh, Yuri's so deep, haha! AND I KNOOWW, Yuna's being such a biiiiaaattchh . D: AYUMI'S SO BAUSS , HAHA! <3 Jinyoung's so cuteeeee~ :D

@jstanothercrzfangirl: LOL, YUNA XDD and i probably will SOOONN~ <3

@hcheartjkpop: HEHE, glad you still like my story~ <3 And hmm, are Jinyoung/Chunji good or bad? ;) I KNOOWW, i was gonna make Ayumi do something worse, but it seemed too mean, LOOOL. YURI~ :D

@crazy_arij: Sorry! I was busy >< Another update! x)

@rinrinri: OMG I LOVE THAT SONNGGG! I totally see what you did there. ;) And thank yooouuu, I'm glad you're still reading my story :')

@IceCreamLover: YUUP, GONGCHANNNN~ He'll appear in this chap! :D

@saranghaeshineefx: YEAHYEAH, Ayumi's DA BAAUUSSS! <3 LOOL, get Eli to beat her up xDD that made me laugh xD

@LuciaKim: I know right~ She'll never get there~ :D (hopefully!)

@xXiAREGabiXx: KEKEKEKE, It'll be revealed soon, probably! :D

@KarenC95: WELCOMEEEE~ <333 hope you like my story dongsaengggg~ xD

@BIGdreamerFANATIC: IKRRR~ maybe she just hates Ayumi :P YEAAH! Ayumi can withstand anything~ <3 and yupyup, JINYOUNG & CHUNJI & GONGCHAAAANN~ <3 LMAOO, i should watch that parody of neverland! :D send me the link? :3 And i love obsession too, such a good song :DDD AND DID YOU WATCH BEAUTIFUL TARGET?! <3333333

@KKKloves3oy: LOLOLOL, ikr DDD: Why is she doing this to Ayumi TT_____TT

@mirukotomi: YUUP, he's gonna appear in this chappieeee~! :D

@SMprojectgirl: Yeah, Yuna :/ LOLOL THE SLAAAP. who should stay away from Chunji and Jinyoounggg? Ayumi? :O

@PopCutie: I know rightt~ Jinyoungggg <33333 Yuna, stop spreading RUMORS! D< AND YEAAH, i admire Ayumi and I'm jelly of her, HAHA! <3

@JungJihye: AHAHAHAHAHAA, LOOOOL, I'M GLAD MY STORY MAKES YOU HYPER XD OMGG, Yuri?! Maybe, maybe not ;) The secret weapons will probably be revealed soon anyways, haha! :D




Ayumi POV


We were walking home from school after a long day of stupid rumors about me and Yuna. “Mimi~” Dongho cooed, intertwining his fingers with mine.


“We’re actually going to the dorm to discuss about U-KISS’s activities first, then Gongchan hyung will come. Likeeee… Around 5ish?” he shrugged.

“Oh, okay.” I smiled weakly.

“What’s wrong? Are the stupid rumors getting to you?” Dongho asked worriedly, gently brushing my hair with his long, slender fingers.

“Kind of… It’s been a while since all the rumors were about me.” I chuckled bitterly.

Dongho kissed my forehead gently. “Don’t worry honey, those es aren’t worth your time.”

I pouted. “I guess.”

“Aigooooo, stop thinking about those stupid girls already! Aren’t you happy you’re gonna meet another idol?” Dongho said hopefully, trying to cheer me up.

“Yeah.” I smiled. “Thanks Dongho.”

“I love you~” he pecked me on the lips gently.

I kissed him back. “Aishhhh, did you grow taller again? It’s getting harder and harder to reach your lips!” I pouted.

He smirked. “Yeah, I got taller. Midget Ayumi~”



~At the U-KISS dorm~


“OMG IT’S AYUMI!” Everyone rushed to give me a hug. I was the hugging machine, as usual. :P FT ISLAND wasn’t here today, sadly. They had a performance to go to.

“So, Ayumi, turns out you’re not going to be the only one new to U-KISS.” Kevin smiled.

I raised an eyebrow. “Huuuuhh…?”

“U-KISS IS GOING TO BE A 9 MEMBER GROUP! The new members are called AJ and Hoon!” Soohyun exclaimed.

“OMO! REALLY?! Cool!” I gasped. (A/N: I know they’re not really a 9 member group, but I’m doing this to make everyone happy :’) )

“And our new comeback song is called 0330!” Kiseop chuckled. (A/N: LOOL, I know Neverland came out already, but I didn’t wanna skip 0330 xDD)

“We’re going to learn the dance routine like, next week. With the new members.” Eli told me. “And we’ll film the MV in 2 weeks, I think.”

“OMO! YAAAYYY! I CANT WAIT~ <3” I gushed, glomping onto Dongho.

“Um, guys?” Key spoke up. “We’re here too. You guys are like, LOST in your little Neverland world.” (A/N; HAHAHAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE XDDD)

“SORRY UMMAAAAA~” I went over and hugged Key tight.

“Aigooo, it’s okay! My baby Ayumi makes it all worth it!” Key yelled dramatically.

“WHAT ABOUT ME?!” Jonghyun shouted.

“… Is this a comedy sitcom…?” Taemin rolled his eyes.

"Taemin’s getting Onew condition too… Oh NO! OMG ONEW HYUNG! GET OUT!” Key panicked.

“Hey! IT’S NOT MY FAULT IT’S CONTAGIOUS!” Onew defended.

“Guys… Stop.” Minho groaned. “You’re embarrassing SHINee.”

In the background, U-KISS are all snickering like hyenas. “PFFT, HAHA!” Alexander held back a laugh.

“AISHHH, can we go back to the topic please?” I rolled my eyes at the immature idiots. “I wish the FT ISLAND oppas were here, they’re SO MUCH MORE mature than you guys.” I coughed.

“HEEEYY!” Dongho tackled me. “Don’t say things about your boyfriend like that. I mean, the rest of these idiots, sure, but not MEEE!” He whined cutely.


“… LIKE, OH MY GOSH, CAN YOU GUYS, JUST LIKE, SHUT UP? AYUMI WANTS TO, LIKE, GET BACK TO THE, LIKE, TOPIC!” Kevin said in his most snobby girl voice he could do.

“Ummmm, is he having a mood swing again?” Soohyun raised an eyebrow.

“I think so.” Kibum nodded seriously.

“Okay, so… Is that all you guys wanted to say about the U-KISS comeback?” I cocked my head to the side.

“Yeah, I guess so…” Eli shrugged.

“Okay, when is-” I started, but got cut off by the doorbell. DING DONG~!

“I’LL GET ITTTTTT~ CHANNIEEEEE~” Taemin sing-songed to the door, and swung it open.

Gongchan popped into the house, with a bright smile. “Hi hyungs~” he said sweetly. “AHH! I mean sunbae! Dongho is younger than me!” he slapped himself on the head cutely, making everyone laugh.

“Aigooo, Gongchan’s so cute~” Alexander gestured for him to sit down.

“Omo, is this the pretty lady Jinyoung hyung’s been talking about?” He looked at me, grinning.

“Hi Gongchan oppa! Eh? He’s been talking about me?” I cocked my head to the side.

“Yeah. Ayumi-sshi right? Heard you were Dongho’s girlfriend!” He ruffled my hair gently.

Jonghyun laughed. “Ayumi’s so famous in the idol world now!”

I blushed. “Yeah. What did Jinyoung oppa say about me?”

Gongchan thought for a bit. “He said you were totally cute. And TOTALLY his type.” He winked. “Don’t tell hyung though, he’ll KILL me.”

“WHAT?!” Dongho fumed. “SHE’S MINE!”

Everyone burst into laughter. “Dongho’s jelly again~!” Kevin teased.

“Shut up guys!” Dongho pouted.

“He also said something about seeing you guys at the mall one day!” Gongchan exclaimed.

“EEEEHH?!” Everyone’s heads snapped up. “When was that?!”

“Mmm, I’m not sure, before school started? He said he saw FT ISLAND there too!” Gongchan thought deeply.

“… Why didn’t he say hi?” Soohyun raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t know. He heard you guys talking about IU though, like, she got suspended or something?” Gongchan shrugged.

Dongho and I looked at each other. “So that’s why he knew…” I whispered softly.

“I guess.” He shrugged.

“Do you like IU?” Onew asked.

Gongchan shook his head. “No. Jinyoung hyung told us that IU bashed Dongho and Ayumi! That’s why she got suspended!”

“EEEHHH?! How does oppa know?” I asked, getting more confused.

“Well, he’s a student teacher right? He’s supposed to know.” Gongchan laughed.


“O-oh!” I stuttered stupidly. “I see!”

I glared at Dongho. “I thought you said I had to be careful, huh?” I hissed in his ear.

Dongho grinned sheepishly. “Sorry.”


~The Next Day~


I strutted down the hallway, going to my homeroom. People didn’t gossip anymore, they were super friendly and everyone greeted me with a smile. I scoffed. Two faced people. Aissshh.

I walked into the classroom, and sat down. Dongho wasn’t here yet. Well, I can’t blame him. I’m the one 15 minutes early! I pulled out my iPhone and started listening to music. Just as I put the headphones on, Jinyoung walked into the room.

“Hi Ayumi!” He walked towards me, with a bright smile.

I took my headphones off immediately. “Oh hi oppa!”

“I heard Gongchan went to the U-KISS dorm yesterday? He said everyone was there! Why didn’t you invite me?” He pouted.

“Sorry oppa~ Taemin oppa wanted to talk to Channie!” I giggled.

“OHH, I SEE. You better invite me next time!” he huffed as he sat down on the chair beside me, Dongho’s spot.

“Jinyoung oppa, I’m sorry.” I sighed.

“Eh? For what? Not inviting me? It’s okay, I’m just kidding!” He looked at me worriedly.

“No… Not that. I suspected you… Of helping IU.” I bit my lip nervously.

“IU…? Ewww, why would I help her? She ed at you, didn’t she?” Jinyoung grimaced.

“Yeah. Well, now I know you’re not her accomplice! Forgive me?” I giggled.

“Of course. I’m not even mad in the first place.” Jinyoung gave me a great big hug.

“Thanks oppa.”

“Hey Ayumi, do you think we’re… ‘close’ now?” Jinyoung blinked cutely.

“Mmm, I guess. Why?” I asked.

“Remember when I said I’d tell you something when we become close friends?” Jinyoung reminded.

“OH YEAH! What was it?” I exclaimed.

“Listen closely, and I hope you’ll remember everything.”


Jinyoung POV
"Jinyoung! Hurry up!" the band members yelled at me. We were still trainees for B1A4 at that time.
"Coming!" I shouted back. We were in Japan, having a vacation, and we were in one of the biggest shopping malls in Tokyo.
I looked around. Where were the members? Aish, don't tell me they all left without me.
Suddenly, a young girl bumped into me. "Ooof." she rubbed her head.  "Mianhae." I mumbled out, then I realized we were in Japan. "Ah, I mean... G-Gomen na sai..." I scratched my head. Did I say that right?
She blinked a few times, and smiled brightly. "Ah! It's okay, I'm half Korean! I know how to speak Korean!"
"Oh, good. Anyways, I'm sorry." I bowed.
"Why are you sorry? I was the one who bumped into you." she pouted.
"Yeah, but I made you drop all your stuff." I shrugged and bent down to pick everything up with her. The girl's back was facing towards me, and when she bent down, her shirt lifted up a bit and I saw something that really caught my eye. A star.
"Eh? What's that thing on your lower back?" I asked as I stood up and dusted my pants.
"Ah, that? It's a birthmark. A star one! Cool, huh?" she giggled.
"Yeah... How old are you? Aren't you supposed to be with your parents?" i asked.
"I'm 13! A teenager! I'm not a kid!" she puffed her cheeks out. "And yeah. I'm looking for them. They should be around here somewhere! What about you? You don't look much older."
"You kidding me? I'm 15, kiddo." I ruffled her hair gently. "And I'm looking for people too. My friends who just left somewhere." i scoffed.
"Oh! You wanna look for the people we're trying to find together?" she exclaimed.
I chuckled. This girl was cute. "Sure."
We walked around the mall. "What's your name?" I asked.
"you can call me Mimi! It's my nickname!” she stuck her tongue out. "You?"
"I’m Jinyoung~!" I smiled. Guess I shouldn't tell her I'm a trainee. "You here for a trip or something?"
"Yup. I'm going back to America in a week though..." she pouted.
"Eh? You live in the States? Your Korean is so good though!" my jaw dropped. "Are you lying to me, you little girl?" I glared accusingly.
"No, I live in Los Angeles, California." she said in perfect English, with no accent at all.
"Damn. You weren't lying."
"Why would I be?" she shrugged. "And you understand English?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty smart, you know." I boasted.
"HAHAHAHA! YOU?!? HAHAH! SERIOUSLY FLOWER BOY?" she started laughing hysterically, which made me pout.
"I am!" I protested.
"Okay okay. I believe you,  Jinyoung oppa." she giggled. "Foxieeeee~"
"Foxie?!" I frowned.
"Oppa looks like a fox~ but you're a cute one~" she laughed and pinched my cheeks.
"Hmph. Fine, be that way."

"Dont be like that oppa! I'm sorry!" she pouted cutely.
"I’m not mad, Mimi. Kekekeke, I was kidding~"
We continued walking aimlessly around the mall; talking about super random stuff. "Hey, Mimi?" i said out of nowhere.
"I like you." I blurted out and covered my mouth immediately.
She blinked innocently. "Eh? Sorry Jinyoung oppa, but I'm already engaged. My childhood friend promised to marry me." she said dreamily. Wow, so fairytale like.
"N-No! I didn't mean it that way, Mimi! I just meant by i really like your personality and stuff!" I stuttered.
"I know, Jinyoung oppa. I'm just teasing you." she chuckled. "Besides,  it's not like I'm ever gonna see my childhood friend again..." she sighed.
My heart felt like it was being shattered. She looked... So... Sad. "Don’t worry! You'll find him for sure! I know you guys will meet again!" I assured her, pulling her into a hug.
"What if I don't...?" she tightened the hug.
"Then I'll marry you, Kay?" I grinned sheepishly.
"Okay! It's a promise!" she stuck her pinky out, and I linked pinkies with her.
"Youre such a kid, you know that? Other people your age that I know are waaaayyy more mature." I laughed.
She puffed her cheeks out. "Foxie oppa's so mean!"
"Yahyahyah, I'm sorry." I pinched her cheeks gently.
"OH! THERE'S MY PARENTS! It was nice meeting you, Jinyoung oppa!" she giggled as she gave me a hug. "Remember your promise!"
"Wait." I stopped her. "How am I supposed to keep my promise if you don't live in the same country as me?"
"Hmm..." she thought for a sec. "AHH! the star birthmark! You can always find me like that! How am I supposed to find you, Jinyoung oppa?"
"I look like a fox?" I shrugged.
"HAHAHA! Don't take that too seriously oppa. You're a really good looking flower boy." she giggled, and kissed my cheek. "Bye~!"
"Jinyoung hyung!" I heard Baro call me. I turned around, and the B1A4 trainee members glomped onto me. "Yah, where were you hyung?" Sandeul  pouted. "We were so worried!" CNU hyung ruffled my hair.
"Hehe, I was helping a little girl find her parents~ well, she's not really little, she's 13. But she acts like a 8 year old!" I laughed.
"Ohh, was she cute?" Gongchan blinked innocently. "She's like, my age!"
"Yah, Channie, it's too early for you to think of those things, okay?" CNU hyung ruffled his hair.
Gongchan pouted. "Overprotective hyungs."
"Yeah, she's cute. She's really pretty... And she called me a flower boy!" I beamed.
"Well, we ARE flower boys.” Sandeul pointed out.
"True... But no offence or anything Jinyoung… but you look like a fox." CNU laughed.
I blinked a few times. "Huh?"
"Sorry Jinyoung, don't hurt me!" CNU whimpered and ran behind Baro.
"I'll let you live today, hyung." I smirked. Only because SHE called me the same thing.
Mimi, we'll meet again, right?

~Flashback End~


A/N: OMOOOOOOO, so, Jinyoung's NOT a bad person! :D and DAMN, two guys proposed to Ayumi in the past?! Jealous TT____TT

LOOL, how will Ayumi react?! And what about the overprotective Dongho? :DDDD

AIGOOO, Gongchan didn't really appear for that long in this chap D: BUT I PROMISE HE WILL LATER! <3

Comment and subscribe pleaseeeee~! <3


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 51: That just leave ayumi alone !!!!!!
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 49: Yes help her dethrone that stupid iu can't she just leave them alone jeez !!!!
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 43: Mhuhahaha ayumi is so awesome hehe ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 43: Mhuhahaha ayumi is so awesome hehe ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #5
Chapter 40: Omo aj you ert aish all these fanfics make it hard for me to decide who In ukiss is my bias !!!!
Whimsical_Princess #6
Chapter 38: I'm so jelly right now she got two proposals in her past
But still loving you're awesome story pls do not ever delete this story or account
Pretty pwease !!!!!!!
Whimsical_Princess #7
Chapter 33: This story is awesome I was laughing so hard at chapter 28 lol!!!!!!!
Keep writing and I will keep supporting you
Whimsical_Princess #8
Chapter 24: What Kevin is pregnant !!!!!!!!!! O.O *O*
But still love the story
Chapter 46: I just read this now and as in right now, I'm in chapter 46... Literally fangirled all over the BaDeul moments <3 <3 <3 <3 Ahh B1A4... my 2nd fav group next to U-Kiss <3 I wish BigBang would also guest here or in the sequel to this... It's only been 2 hours since I read so I can finsish this up to the sequel <3 <3 ~ ~ VERY AWESOME FANFIC ~ ~
NicLuvGuiLun #10