Shopping with U-KISS (Part 2~)

To Help an Idol Get Rid of His Stalker .

@ohmygeeitsangie: YEAH IU. LEAVE THEM ALONE. LOOL ;DD

@theawesomeskittle12: Kekeke, IU's gonna do some pretty mean stuff. D:

@PopCutie: LOL, this chapter reveals what Kevin's been trying to say~ ^^

@hcheartjkpop: Thank you for liking this fic ! I'll try to update as much as i can~ : )

@midorix3: LOL, lazy buttex. XD OHH, THANKS FOR REMINDING ME. She didn't say ty. WHOOPS. -edits- There we go. :D


Dongho POV

"Where are they?" I asked Kiseop hyung.

He shrugged. "Maybe you should call them? Isn't that why we have cell phones? Man, you're stupid when you're in love."

"BWOH? In love?!" I blurted, shocked.

"Pfffttt. It's so obvious. You're jealous that Kevin ran away with her." Kiseop hyung smirked.

"I-I'm not! She's totally not my type! H-hyung! Why are you being like this too! I thought you were the nice hyung!" I tried to change the

Kiseop blew his bangs up and sighed. "Aish, you'll understand one day. Let's just hope someone didn't steal her away from you yet when you realize." I heard Kiseop hyung mutter.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Never mind.. come on, hurry up and call them!" Kiseop laughed.

"O-oh right..." I mumbled, regaining my senses.

I pressed number 1 on my speed dial. Ayumi's number.

"Pshht. See? She's even number one on your speed dial." Kiseop rolled his eyes.

I ignored him, and continued to listen to the rings of my phone.

Damn, why isn't she picking up?

Ayumi POV

Just as we sat down at the Korean BBQ restaurant, my phone rang. I reached into my pocket to take it out. It was Dongho.

"DON'T!" Kevin stopped me before I picked up. He quickly pressed the end button.

"Oppa! Why did you do that?!" I pouted. "Dongho and Kiseop oppa might be worried about us!"

"Bleh, whatever. They know you're safe with me." Kevin winked.

"Geez oppa.." I laughed, pinching his cheeks gently.

"Text Dongho saying we're fine." Kevin laughed.

"Sure..." I texted a quick message and pressed send.

"So oppa, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked as I stuffed my face with food.

"Hahaha, you really are hungry." Kevin laughed. "Well... I guess, it's a love problem." Kevin was blushing now.


"Well... I think... I like ..." Kevin stuttered.

"OMG YOU LIKE SOMEONE KEVIN OPPA?" I said, a little bit too loudly.

"Sshhhh!" Kevin put his finger on my lips.

I blushed. "Sorry oppa... So, continue." I smiled as I listened carefully.

"Actually... Maybe i won't tell you." Kevin sighed.

"Eh? Why Kevin oppa? You can trust me with anything!"

"Well... I'm scared that'll you'll hate me after this..." Kevin said worriedly.

"I won't oppa. I promise." I laughed as I stuck my pinky out.

Kevin smiled, and linked pinkies with me.

"Okay then. I trust you." Kevin laughed.

"Omooo, who do you like, Kevin oppa~ tell me~" I pouted cutely.

"Kekeke, be patient sweetie." Kevin teased.

"Bleh." I stuck out my tongue.

"Okay. Ready to know who it is?"


"It's... Kibum." Kevin said flatly.



Dongho POV

Sigh. Where are they? Both of then aren't picking up their phones....

"Dongho. Stop worrying. She's safe with Kevin." Kiseop comforted me.


WHY AM I SO WORRIED ABOUT HER ANYWAYS?! Whatever, she's probably buying clothes and having fun with Kevin as we speak.

We walked past an arcade, and saw the other hyungs all there.

"Heeeeyy! Kiseop! Dongho! come here!" Soohyun called us over.

"Wheres Kevin and Ayumi?" Alexander asked.

"Kevin hyung ran off with Ayumi." I replied slowly.


"Calm down hyung. They're probably still in the mall..." Kiseop mumbled.

Suddenly, I got a text.

"Hey, it's from Ayumi!" I exclaimed.

Everyone crowded around me and read the text.

From: Ayumi~ ^^
To: my y boyfriend Dongho~

Donghoooo~ me and Kevin oppa are eating Korean BBQ~ we're fine, don't worry, kekekeke~

we'll come find you after we're done! ^^

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good. They didn't ditch us. Hahaha." Eli laughed.

"Woah woah wait. Why is your name 'my y boyfriend Dongho'...?" Kibum cocked an eyebrow.

"AHAHAHA , told you they were actually going out!" Eli and Soohyun high fived.


"Guys, stop teasing my poor son. Let's go play DDR, HAAHAHA." Alexander laughed.

"Sure umma."

Ayumi POV

A million things were going through my mind right now. I had so many questions for Kevin oppa... HE'S GAY?! AND HE LIKES KIBUM OPPA?!

"KIBUM OPPA?!" I whispered loudly.

Kevin looked down. "Yeah... I'm... Well... I'm gay... Do you still..."

I cut him off. "Woo Sunghyun! You were worried that I'll hate you just because you like GUYS?! You're still my oppa no matter what! And I actually always wanted a gay bff." I smiled.

Kevin pinched my cheeks. "Aiggoooo.. Thanks."

We finished eating, and we walked out of the restaurant.

"So Kemaru is real?! I always thought it was fanservice!" i exclaimed.

"Well... It kind of is." Kevin mumbled. "I don't think Kibum hyung likes me in that way... I mean, seriously, he's straight!"

I stuck my tongue out. "You never know, Kevin oppa, you never know."

"Really?" his eyes widened.

I shrugged. "I don't know Kevin oppa. But... I'll find out for you, okay?"

"Thank yooouuuu!" he laughed and hugged me tightly.

"No problem oppa~ Kekekeke~" I winked.

He linked arms with me, and sighed. "Youre the only one that knows about this Ayumi. Because I trust you."

I smiled. "Thanks oppa."

"Don't tell anyone.."

"I won't."

Dongho POV

"There they are!" I heard Eli say as Ayumi and Kevin walked over, linking arms.

I don't know why, but that pissed me off. To see her being so close with another guy...

Maybe I AM falling in love with her...? NO. NO WAY. SHE'S JUST A REALLY GOOD FRIEND.

"Where were you?" I pouted, pulling Ayumi away from Kevin.

"I told you didn't I? We ate BBQ." Ayumi laughed, and pulled out of my grip and went back to Kevin.

"Woah woah. How come Ayumi's suddenly so close with Kevin...?" Kibum's eyes narrowed.


Ayumi POV

Hahahaha, Kibum is jealous~ maybe he DOES like Kevin...

I clung onto Kevin's arm tightly. "We were always close!" I stuck my tongue out at Kibum.

"Well... I mean, AISH NEVER MIND!" Kibum stuttered, frustrated.

MUAHAHAHAHA, I think this is working. But Dongho dragged me away and pulled me close.

"Hmph. Forgot about me already?I thought you were pretending to be MY girlfriend!" Dongho huffed.

I sighed. The oppas are so kiddish...

Kibum took this chance to move closer to Kevin. I could see the blush on Kevin's face. Aweeee, they're so cute~

"Come on guys, let's go to karaoke now!" Kiseop cheered.

Everyone walked off, and Dongho and I followed them, with arms linked together.

I smirked as Kibum put an arm around Kevin's shoulder.

I gently poked Dongho's arm, and pointed at Kevin and Kibum.

"Look at them! They're so cute!" I laughed.

Dongho smiled. "Yeah, that's why they are called Kemaru. They're great at fanservice."

I chuckled. Dongho doesn't even know the half of it. It's not just fanservice sweetie...


Dongho POV

We arrived at the karaoke place. After we got a room, everyone went crazy and began to sing randomly when the machine wasn't even on yet, LOL.

"Who wants to sing first?" I asked.

"Oooohhh! Me! Me!" Soohyun waved his arms around like a little kid.

"Hahaha, okay Soohyun hyung."

"I'll sing... Man Man Ha Ni!" Soohyun picked the song, and music started to flow around the room.

"I WILL BEAT YOU KEVIN!" Soohyun warned as he started to sing.

He got 97 points! Wow, he's not called the power voice for nothing.

"HA! Beat that Kevin!" Soohyun boasted.

"Hmph! I will hyung!" Kevin smirked.

He grabbed the mic from Soohyun, and picked Bingeul Bingeul.

When he was done, he got 98 points!


Kevin winked and smirked. "Blehh. I win again hyung!"

Soohyun went on his knees and covered his face with his hands. "NOOOOOOOO!!!" he screamed.

Everyone laughed hysterically, and comforted the poor hyung.

After a while, everyone has went already. Well, except for Ayumi.

"Come on Ayumi! Only you haven't gone!" Kiseop laughed.

"Er... Well... I don't want to sing..." Ayumi blushed.

"Come on! Don't be shy~ we're all friends aren't we?" Kevin smiled.

"Yeah Ayumi!"

"A-YU-MI! A-YU-MI! A-YU-MI!" Everyone started to cheer.

She laughed, and got up and grabbed the mic. "Fine, I'll sing."

"Yaaaayy!" Everyone laughed.

"I'll sing... umm... Run Devil Run by SNSD." she picked the song and began to sing.

The moment she sang, the whole room went silent. Her voice is so angelic... Everyone stared at her in disbelief. Ayumi was this good at singing?!

When the song ended, it was revealed that she got 99 points! Everyone clapped and cheered.

"WOOO! YOU'RE GREAT AYUMI!" Alexander cheered.

"Yeah! You beat KEVIN!" Soohyun laughed.

"You should go audition, seriously, with that voice, you might be the best idol out there!" I smiled.

Her face flushed. "Thanks oppas... But I'm not THAT good..."

"What are you talking about? you're even better than IU at singing." Kiseop assured.

"So true!" Eli agreed.

"Why'd you hide your talent from us?!" Kevin demanded.

"I- I didn't think I was good at singing..." I mumbled.

"Well, you are. I don't praise people much sweetie, unless I actually think they're good." Kevin winked as he came over and hugged me.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Kibum fuming. I tried my best not to laugh.

I smirked. I think Kibum DOES like Kevin. He just doesn't know yet. Well, I'm gonna help him realize it.


A/N: KEKEKE, so shocking! Kevin likes Kibum~~ :DD what will happen to the Kemaru couple? :O What plan does Ayumi have in mind? LOL, I actually wasn't planning to make Kevin like anyone, but idk, I just felt like adding some Kemaru today, haha :D

Dongho, have you realized your feelings for Ayumi yet? Like Kiseop said... Hurry up and realize before someone steals her away from you... -wink wink hint hint- LOOOOLL.

And good thing IU didn't do anything yet this chapter! Whew! ^^

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 51: That just leave ayumi alone !!!!!!
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 49: Yes help her dethrone that stupid iu can't she just leave them alone jeez !!!!
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 43: Mhuhahaha ayumi is so awesome hehe ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 43: Mhuhahaha ayumi is so awesome hehe ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #5
Chapter 40: Omo aj you ert aish all these fanfics make it hard for me to decide who In ukiss is my bias !!!!
Whimsical_Princess #6
Chapter 38: I'm so jelly right now she got two proposals in her past
But still loving you're awesome story pls do not ever delete this story or account
Pretty pwease !!!!!!!
Whimsical_Princess #7
Chapter 33: This story is awesome I was laughing so hard at chapter 28 lol!!!!!!!
Keep writing and I will keep supporting you
Whimsical_Princess #8
Chapter 24: What Kevin is pregnant !!!!!!!!!! O.O *O*
But still love the story
Chapter 46: I just read this now and as in right now, I'm in chapter 46... Literally fangirled all over the BaDeul moments <3 <3 <3 <3 Ahh B1A4... my 2nd fav group next to U-Kiss <3 I wish BigBang would also guest here or in the sequel to this... It's only been 2 hours since I read so I can finsish this up to the sequel <3 <3 ~ ~ VERY AWESOME FANFIC ~ ~
NicLuvGuiLun #10