Will you be my girlfriend?

To Help an Idol Get Rid of His Stalker .

Ayumi POV


YES ! The bell rang! Homeroom was finally over!

I packed my things quickly, wanting to leave the room and get as far away from Dongho as I possibly could. Sadly, the teacher stopped me.

"Dongho-sshi, Ayumi-sshi, can you two please come over here?" The teacher yelled across the room.

"Yes? What is is teacher?" I asked as we both walked up to him.

"Let me see both of your schedules..." He muttered. As he finished scanning our courses, he returned our sheets back to us.

"Hmm, as I thought... You guys have every single class together, except one." The teacher smiled at us.

"WHAT?!" I nearly screamed. Dongho scoffed. "So what?" He asked the teacher.

"Well, Dongho... I want you to show Ayumi around the school, sit beside her in every class you guys have together, and help her with stuff to make her feel comfortable."

I choked. Comfortable? Sitting with him makes me sick!


"SHIN DONGHO!" The teacher growled, eyes getting dark. "Don't you dare yell at me like that. You will do as I say, understand?"

Dongho froze, unable to say anything. He was obviously surprised that the nicest teacher in the school would yell at him... I smirked. Serves you right for being a jerk.

"UUHH, FINE. For how long?" Dongho asked impatiently.

"A month. Is that fine with you Ayumi-sshi?" The teacher asked me.

"OH, um, yeah, sure." I stuttered.

"Okay then. It's settled. Go to your next class now kids, hurry up or you'll be late."

Dongho and I both hurried out of the classroom, and looked at our schedules. YES! English was my (well, our) first subject! I breathed a huge sigh of relief. Whew, at least I'll pass one course...

I looked up from my schedule and saw Dongho already walking away.

"YAH! DONGHO! Wait for me!" I shouted as I ran up to him.

He glared at me. "Oh yeah, sorry. I forgot all about you fugly." He smirked.

I groaned. "Shut up you jerk. I know you did that on purpose."

Dongho just shrugged.

Suddenly, his eyes widened. "... YAH, FUGLY. Put your head down and walk faster. Don't ask any questions."

I obeyed, because I heard a hint of worry in his voice. "Okay..."

We got to our classroom, and he breathed a sigh of relief. "Whew... That was close..." He muttered. "She almost saw me..."

He led me to the back of the class, and sat down by the window, and gestured me to sit down on the seat beside him. I noticed that all our classmates were staring at us now...

"Hey, who is that girl?" "Is she new?" "Why is she with Dongho?" I heard some girls bicker.

I rolled my eyes. It's not like I WANT to sit beside him...

I turned to face Dongho, attempting to talk to him again.

"Ne, Dongho oppa. Did you want to avoid someone earlier?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Yeah." He replied bluntly.

"Who and why?" I asked, surprised that he actually gave me an answer.

"None of your business..."

I pouted. "Fine. Be that way you jerk."

He chuckled. "You know, you're really different from the other girls. No one dares to talk back at me like you do."

I stuck out my tongue out at him. "Yeah. I know."



The first few classes flew by. It was already lunch. . LUNCH? Omg, WHO WAS I SUPPOSED TO EAT WITH? Thanks to Dongho jerk, no one dared to approach me in any of my classes. DAMN THAT JERK!

Maybe I'll just go eat up on the roof... By myself. T_T

I want to go back to America... Back there, I had tons of friends. I was popular, and everyone looked up to me. But here? A foreign loner. =.="

I walked up to the roof, and heard music playing. It was Bingeul Bingeul. Omoo, it is a U-KISS fan? I walked up to the boy sitting against the wall, and realized it was Dongho. I groaned. DO I HAVE TO SEE HIM EVERYWHERE?!

I sighed. Well, I guess I'll just eat lunch with him then. He IS the only person I know...

I plopped down beside him. "Hey."

He looked at me, and rolled his eyes. "UGH, you again fugly? I thought I was allowed to have alone time at lunch... Are you stalking me or something?!"

"Hell no. Do you think I WANT to be around you 24/7?! I wanted to eat lunch in peace on the roof here. I never knew you would be up here!" I shouted in his ear.

"Aish, calm down.. Okay fine. You can eat with me today." He flashed a small smile, and I blushed. He might be a jerk and all, but I guess he's still pretty hot. ^^


Dongho POV

I had to show fugly around all day today. UGH. I thought I'd finally get some peace at lunch, but NOOOO.

To tell you the truth, I actually think this girl's pretty cool. She's not like the other girls. She actually has the guts to yell and even use foul language at me...

I smirked. She was pretty interesting. Maybe I could use her to my advantage...

"Ne, Ayumi?"

"Hmm? What is it Dongho oppa?" She was surprised that I actually called her by her name.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


A/N: Gasp! Cliffhanger~ What will Ayumi say? ;DD

You all know the reason to why he asked her right? It was in the description~

Sorry if the chappie was too short D:

and thank you to my subscribers! <3

Comment and subscribe pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaassssssssseeee ! ^^


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 51: That just leave ayumi alone !!!!!!
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 49: Yes help her dethrone that stupid iu can't she just leave them alone jeez !!!!
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 43: Mhuhahaha ayumi is so awesome hehe ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 43: Mhuhahaha ayumi is so awesome hehe ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #5
Chapter 40: Omo aj you ert aish all these fanfics make it hard for me to decide who In ukiss is my bias !!!!
Whimsical_Princess #6
Chapter 38: I'm so jelly right now she got two proposals in her past
But still loving you're awesome story pls do not ever delete this story or account
Pretty pwease !!!!!!!
Whimsical_Princess #7
Chapter 33: This story is awesome I was laughing so hard at chapter 28 lol!!!!!!!
Keep writing and I will keep supporting you
Whimsical_Princess #8
Chapter 24: What Kevin is pregnant !!!!!!!!!! O.O *O*
But still love the story
Chapter 46: I just read this now and as in right now, I'm in chapter 46... Literally fangirled all over the BaDeul moments <3 <3 <3 <3 Ahh B1A4... my 2nd fav group next to U-Kiss <3 I wish BigBang would also guest here or in the sequel to this... It's only been 2 hours since I read so I can finsish this up to the sequel <3 <3 ~ ~ VERY AWESOME FANFIC ~ ~
NicLuvGuiLun #10