Chapter 9: Two Acts of Kindness

Scarred & Receptive

TaeYeon's POV


Morning had come once again and for the first time in a while, I felt my usual self. Maybe it was because I had finally come to terms with the fact that I am indeed in love with Tiffany, no matter how bad of a circumstance it may be, but regardless, I felt myself again. I crossed my legs over, put my hands behind my head and gazed through the window, taking in the sights of the cloudless blue sky and frequent little sparrows flying from tree to tree. I squinted my eyes as a inch of sun peered around the corner of my window. The sunlight indicated that it was time for me to get up and venture into town on such a glorious day. The sunlight alone gave me enough motivation to go.

I got out of bed and approached my wardrobe and pulled out the typical black skinny fit trousers and the tunic with the king's emblem on in its grey form. I freshened myself up and made myself look presentable before heading outside and absorbing the warmth of the sun.
"Morning, boy," Syndicate was swinging his head over his pen as soon as he saw my shadow enlarging down the steps, "Let's head on out." 
I opened his gate and guided him out with his reins before jumping into his saddle and riding him into town. I normally don't observe the woodland either side of the road when I go to town, but today was so refreshing and mellow, I gave myself the time to take in every inch of the natural exhibits.
Upon my arrival at the town gates, I fastened Syndicate up and went deeper into the town. I continued forwards and passed over the small bridge with the stream underneath it to reach the produce stall to stock myself up on some supplies for back home. The produce stall was now a few feet within my range when suddenly out of nowhere, "*Gasp*! Get off of me!"
A skeleton like hand had wrapped itself around my ankle and was giving a faint squeeze with no intentions of letting go. Then as I looked further, a man aged probably in his early twenties was lay on his front looking up at me, clothed in nothing but torn rags.
"P ... pl ... please, all I ask of you is for some ... some water and a bite to eat," his poor voice barely audible due to the frailness of his body. It was hard to believe that someone this thin and weak was still alive. "Everyone else is just ... *wheeze* ... leaving me here to die. You're not heartless ... are you?"
Just seeing the poor man in this kind of state riddled me with guilt, then especially hearing that not one single person had attempted to help him. It angered me slightly. People take things for granted and are so ungrateful half of the time.
"Bear with me for two minutes, I'll go and get you something."
"Really? Are ... are you being serious?" his yellow tinted eyes staring at me in disbelief.
"Of course."
"God bless you, your kindness will surely be rewarded."
"There's no thanks needed, I could never leave someone in this kind of state, now I won't be long, please be careful."
Luckily, I was near the produce stall so I didn't have to go far to get the man something. It didn't have to be much, just something to keep him full for a while.
"Yes Madame? How may I help you?"
"Can I have the legs off of that turkey you have broiling there?" I pointed at the turkey sizzling over a spit behind the stall keeper.
"Of course, that will be 12 gold pieces."
12?! That's a lot, I can barely afford food for myself, but I can't back down on my word to someone.
"Here you go," I handed over 12 individual gold pieces to him and took the paper carrier off of him, "Thanks."
"Come again soon."
I turned back around and saw the man being glared at and mocked from afar by other residents of the city. I didn't waste any time and approached the man who was now sat down and leaning against the side of a house with his knees tucked into his chest. When I was in front of him, I kneeled down so I was at eye level with him and rustled into my bag, pulling out the two turkey legs.
"I hope this is enough for you."
"That is perfect, I can't say thank you enough, ma'am," he sheepishly took the legs off me.
"Please, like I said, there's no need for thanks. You were literally starving, you needed something like this. Oh, and please, call me Tae."
"But that would be disrespectful for me to-"
"It's not disrespectful, not if I said it's fine, besides, think of me as a friend now," I smiled at him, making him feel some affection.
"Ma'am ... I mean, Tae! Thank you so much for this, if I hadn't have had something to eat soon, I ... I don't know how long I would've lasted for."
"I know, I know, that should keep you going for a while now, just don't eat it all in one go, save it otherwise it won't be there forever."
"Yes, I understand. I'm so grateful that I asked you, normally someone would just kick my hand away, but you showed pity, thank you."
"Honestly, it's fine," I held my hand out to him, "Here, shake it." He lifted his hand up nervously, held my hand in his own and slowly moved it up and down. "Take it easy and be careful, yeah?"
"Of course, Tae. God bless you," he planted a kiss on the top of my hand.
I left him to his own devices and took one last look at him eating his food I had given him. I'd done a good deed out of pure kindness and it made me feel a better person, someone that people can look up to, well, it is my job as an Iron Warden after all.
I slowly walked back over the bridge, thinking of what else I could do with today, there were no errands or missions for me to complete and no meetings either. I could go and visit Jess but she's probably working and it'd be hard to get her to leave early again. The only other option was to go home and spend the rest of the day being idle but it was too nice to stay inside all day. After minutes of thought, I decided that I'll go to the tavern, I can still go and see Jess, but I'll just let her stay in her workplace. I went to turn the corner heading to the tavern when-
"Oof!" out of nowhere, a random girl came crashing into me, knocking me to the floor. I stood up rubbing my head and saw the girl I had collided with was still on the floor too.
"Owww ..." the other girl started to stand up while rubbing her arm.
"Hey, watch where you're going next ti-wait, you're?! What are you doi-"
"Shhh!" Tiffany placed her hand over my mouth and pushed me against the wall behind me, "No-one can know that I'm out here!" I held her hand and gently removed it from over my mouth.
"I can't just leave you out here though, your dad'll be sending an alert out if he knows you're missing!"
"Tae! Keep it quiet! People'll hear us!"
"Alright, I'll keep quiet, but what are you doing outside? Especially now that your father knows you're escaping," I let go of her hand.
"Do you really want to know?"
"If I didn't want to know, I wouldn't have asked, Your Majesty."
"Well, aside from the fact that I hate being locked up all day ... I ... I ... I came looking for you."
"Me?" I thought my ears were playing tricks on me.
"Yes, Tae. You."
"But, why?"
"Well, I enjoyed the few minutes we had together last night, it seemed natural. That was the closest I've had to a friend and I wanted to do it again with you."
"Why did you assume I'd be out at this moment in time though?"
"Look how nice it is, Tae. Who wouldn't be out in this weather?" she held her hands out and looked up to the sky.
"Well, yeah, but you do realise I have to take you back before they realise you're gone, don't you?"
"Please Tae, don't," her hands slammed onto my shoulders and she looked deep into my eyes, "I don't want to go back, not yet. Let me spend some time with you first. No-one knows that I'm the princess, only you and the other Iron Wardens who saw me that night. Please Tae, I'm begging you," her voice becoming more desperate and a faint tremble at the end of her words appeared.
"*Sigh*, if I get caught with you, I could be in serious trouble so I don't know where I'd take you, besides, there's constantly someone patrolling the streets who's seen you so I'd be careful wandering around."
"So you'll help me sneak around?" her voice enlightened by the idea of my assistance.
"Wait, no! No, I can't even consider it, Your Majesty. I must take you back immediately, there's no doubt about it."
"Please, TaeYeon. I'll do anything," her arms came flying around my shoulders and she tucked her head in between my neck and my shoulder.
"I-I-I," I closed my eyes and sighed at what I was going to do. "Fine, but just this once, and never again."
"Oh, Tae! Thank you so much, you're the best person in this entire kingdom!" her arms swinging violently around my neck.
"*Cough*-Your-*hack*-Your Majesty! You're ... you're choking me!"
"*Gasp*! TaeYeon I'm so sorry!" she let go of me straight after hearing my pleads.
"No, it's fine, please don't apologise. Royalty should never apologise to their servants."
"But I've hurt you."
"No, you haven't."
"Hmm, if you say so. Well, seeing as you're actually helping me now, where are you going to take me?"
"There's only one place that would be safe for us to go regarding anyone spotting you, but it's not a very good idea."
"Well at least tell me, where is it?"
"My house."
"Oh yes! Take me there, I want to see where you live, I bet it's lovely! Everything gold and huge rooms with all your armour in."
"I wouldn't go that far, Tippani. It's all just one room and there isn't a sign of gold."
"What? Tae, don't be silly, haha. Now be serious," she laughed and patted my arm.
"Erm ... I am being serious ... no-one outside of the castle have the luxuries you do."
"What do you mean?"
"You don't understand do you ?" my mouth showing a faint frown at how uneducated she is about reality. "You're royalty, you get the best. We're just living under your rules and serve for you and your father."
"Oh ... but Daddy never said-"
"He wouldn't, now come on, the day isn't getting any longer, let's go."
"Make sure you stay really close to me at all times though."
"I will. Oh, and Tae."
"Hm?" I turned my head to look at the girl that had replaced my shadow.
"Thank you."
"No problem, Your Majesty. I must assure that all of your wishes are fulfilled with as that is my duty as an Iron Warden!" I stood to attention, causing her to laugh at my stupidity.  
"Come on then, let's go!" she grabbed my hand and went running in the direction to the gates leading out of town, pulling me like a rag doll behind her.
"Wait, Tippani! You don't know where you're going!" I stumbled forward as the princess skipped elegantly in front, pulling me along with her. She suddenly stopped at my instructions  and I fell onto her back from the momentum, forcing me to lean on her.
"Haha, Tae, what are you doing?"she turned her head over her shoulder so our faces were inches from each other.
"Oh, erm, I'm sorry, Your Majesty. I didn't intend to lean on you, you just stopped all of a sudden and I didn't stop in time."
"No it's fine, TaeYeon. Just come here a second," Tiffany reached out behind her and pulled my arms around her waist so I was embracing her from behind. She held my arms around herself and kept them there.
"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"
"I'm getting a hug, I haven't had one of these in a long time. Plus your hands are really soft, aha."
"You had one last night off of me."
"Yeah, so a long time, I want them constant."
"Alright fine, as soon as we get out of here, you can have as many hugs as you want, it's just that being out in public is a bit risky," I pulled away from her grasp hesitantly as I wanted to enjoy the moment as much as she did.
"Oh, well which street do you live on?"
"I live out of town."
"Yeah, there's a lot of nice scenery though, I have a lake as well, I'll show it you."
"I bet that's really pretty! Can I go in it?"
"You can't swim in it, but you can dip your feet in."
"That's no fun," she pouted and crossed her arms.
"Well when you go home to your father, your hair'll be wet, he'll wonder what you've been doing."
"Oh ... I don't mind paddling then, it's better than nothing," her signature eye smile aiming at me.
"Right, no more talking, let's go," I guided her towards the gates and approached Syndicate.
"*Gasp*! Is this your horse?! I love horses! He's beautiful! What's his name?" Tiffany stood his mane and Syndicate started to nuzzle his head against her.
"He's called Syndicate and I think he's taken a liking to you, haha."
"He's so nice, TaeYeon. You look after him really well, his coat's so glossy."
"I try my best for him, have you ever ridden a horse before? Your father has a lot of them."
"No, I them but Daddy says I'm not allowed to in case it rears."
"Well would you like to?"
"I'd love to, but I haven't got a clue on what to do."
"Well you can ride on Syndicate if you want to, I'll be here to watch."
"Really? But what will you do?"
"I'll hold one of his reins and walk next to you, don't worry, you're in safe hands," I smiled at her, giving her some relief.
"Aww, why thank you, TaeYeon. One thing though, how do I get on?"
"Oh, it's quite easy actually, you just grab the reins, put your foot in the stirrup and lift yourself up."
"Oh, OK, you might have to help me."
"Of course, Your Majesty. Now, grab his reins," I held Tiffany's back as she held both of his reins in her left hand. "Now, you need to put your foot in here," I pointed to the stirrup.
"It doesn't look very stable, are you sure it's fine?"
"Honestly, it's fine. I do it nearly everyday and besides, I'd never do anything that would put the princess at risk, especially if it could harm her."
"Hmm, OK."
"Here, I'll even hold it still for you," I bent over and held the stirrup in place for Tiffany to insert her foot into.
"That's made it a lot easier, thanks," Tiffany put her foot in and attempted to lift herself onto the saddle, showing no sign of success. "TaeYeon, I can't lift myself up high enough, I'm too weak," she looked at me with relying eyes.
"I have an idea, when you jump up, I'll hold you in place and help you get on by giving you a push up."
"Don't drop me."
"You know I wouldn't. Even if I did accidentally, you know I'd catch you straight away."
"Cute," Tiffany winked at me before turning her head again to focus on getting on Syndicate.
"*Ahem*," yet again I felt my cheeks heating up a small amount, not enough so that it could be noticed though. "On the count of three, I want you to jump, don't be scared, I'm right behind you. Are you ready?" I walked up to her and stood behind her, ready to heave her onto the horse.
"I'm ready, Tae."
"OK, one ... two ... three!" Tiffany jumped up and I caught her leg, ready to push her on.
"TaeYeon! I feel like I'm going to fall!" Tiffany froze, clinging onto Syndicate's reins.
"No! You're fine! Trust me! All I need you to do is move this leg up onto the saddle and you should be on!"
"TaeYeon, you're going to have to help me push up, I can't do it," I manoeuvred my hands to Tiffany's thigh and pushed to get her atop the horse.
Completely my own fault, I never realised for a second that as soon as she lifted her leg up that I would see straight up her dress. The sight alone caused me to collapse into a complete mess on the floor.
"Hey TaeYeon, I did-what are you doing lying on the floor?" Tiffany was full of delight but then completely switched to being puzzled upon seeing me lay on the floor staring up at her.
"Are you alright? It looks like you've seen a ghost!"
"Oh, I saw something alright ..." I mumbled to myself, my eyes as wide as can be, still staring at Tiffany who was oblivious to what I'd just experienced.
"I managed to get on though!"
"So you did, well done! Do you want to try walking with him?" I asked as I started to pick myself up off of the floor and regaining my senses.
"I'm still kind of adjusting myself to sitting on him, but I'd like to give it a go."
"Well if at any point you ever want to get off, all you have to do is tell me and I'll make sure you get off safely."
"I will do, I want to stay on him a little bit first."
"If that's what the princess wants, then that is what she shall get."
"Can we go to your house now? I really want to see what it's like."
"Of course, I'll lead the way," I grabbed one of Syndicate's reins and slowly pulled him along, making sure that Tiffany was comfortable and going at a pace that suited her. "If you want me to slow down at any point, just say."
"I think I'm fine, but thank you," once again she flashed that beautiful eyesmile at me.
"Ahem, anyway, this way," I looked at the floor after she'd smiled to prevent her from seeing any sort of redness that may have appeared on my face.
Tiffany stayed on Syndicate the whole journey to my house and we talked about little things like what I do as an Iron Warden and what Tiffany would like to do if she wasn't a princess. As my little hut was coming into sight, Tiffany started to talk again.
"TaeYeon, what's this? It's so pretty."
"Oh, this?" I pointed up to the cherry blossom trees as Tiffany was still gazing up at them adoringly. 
"Tae, they're so beautiful," Tiffany reached up and gently the branches causing petals to fall down on her, "*Gasp*, it looks like it's snowing."
"So it does. It's nice seeing them in a morning. I'm surprised you don't have it in the castle grounds."
"I've never seen it before, besides, Daddy likes to have traditional red roses everywhere. I'd much rather have something like this though."
"You'll have to ask your father about having some then."
"Definitely, it's my favourite colour."
Note to self, Tiffany's favourite colour is pink.
"Your favourite colour's pink?"
"Yeah, it's really girly and cute. What's yours?"
"I like blue, like a blue-purple kind."
"I always thought blue was for boys."
"No, no, girls can like it too, anyway, this is my home." I pointed over to the lake and the hut that I've lived in for years upon years.
"This is actually really nice, it's a surprise but a nice surprise. Everything looks so natural and close to nature, I love how you have birds flying around all the time too."
"Yeah, so do you want to come inside or stay out here?"
"Oh, I'd like to take a look around everywhere. I might need some help getting off of Syndicate though."
"Oh yes, of course," I turned to face Tiffany and held my arms up for her to lower herself down with. Instead, she jumped into my arms and held onto me as if I was going to carry her. "Oh, erm, are you alright?"
"Yeah, I just needed you to lift me down, that's all," she explained as she let go of me.
"Oh, right. Anyway, what do you want to do first?"
"I want to take a look inside there," she pointed to the cabin that I call home.
"Come on then, My Lady," without any instructions to do so, she linked her arm in mine and made her way over to my hut, pulling me along with her. "Ladies first," I opened the door and guided Tiffany in before entering, myself and closing the door behind me.
"It's so small and everything's made out of wood. Is this the only room?"
"Yeah, I told you it's nothing special-"
"No, it's wonderful."
"When you live in a huge palace all day with countless amounts of rooms, this is just the right size for someone."
"Surely it's more luxurious living in a castle?"
"The facilities are nice, but this is cosy. I could live here. Aren't you ever lonely here?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Your Highness. After all you've told me about yourself and with the things we have in common regarding this, I think you could guess that yourself."
"Yeah ..." she sat on the bed and looked directly at the floor, "I didn't mean it like that."
"Hey, don't feel bad about it, I know you didn't," I sat next to her and lifted her chin up with my hand, "You didn't realise. You've got a lot to learn about the world around you, you've been kept out of it. I'll personally teach you if I have to."
"Really? You'd do that?"
"Of course I would."
"TaeYeon, I was just wondering, you only have a single bed. Where do your parents sleep?"
"Oh ... my parents ... they were ... they were killed ..."
"Oh God, I've done it again, TaeYeon I'm so sorry," she held my neck and put one hand on my thigh.
"Please, don't get upset over it, you didn't know," I picked her hand up from my thigh, held it in my hand and moved a stray piece of hair off of her forehead with my other. "Hey, let's go outside for a bit," I got up and stood in front of her, "Come on," I held both my hands out in front and prompted her to grab them.
"Alright then," she grabbed my hands and I pulled her up.
"Come on, let's go and sit in the sun for a bit," I put my hand behind her back and gently moved her through the door. "Let's go and sit on the grass with all those daisies." Tiffany followed me over and I sat down. Tiffany sat down in front of me so we were facing each other.
"What are we going to do then?" Tiffany asked while swirling her finger in the blades of grass.
"This," I pulled out two daisies from the ground and made a slit in one of the stalks.
"What are you doing?"
"You'll see," I pushed the other daisy through the slit. "Hey, can you pull me some more out?"
"Yeah, OK, I want to help you do that though."
"You can once you've got me some daisies, then I'll show you," I while giving her a quick grin.
Tiffany pulled two handfuls of daisies from the ground and sat hovering over me.
"So, I've got you some, now how do I do that?"
"Come closer and I'll show you," Tiffany sat looking intently at what I was doing. "So, you get one and make a slit in the stalk, then, you just push another daisy's stalk through the slit."
"Hmm, it seems really easy. Can I have a go?"
"Yeah, sure, here you go," I handed the four I'd already joined together to her to give her a start.
"Tae, I can't slit it," she looked at me all upset.
"Oh, don't worry, look here," I held her hands whilst making a slit. "That should be alright."
We sat linking the daisies together for a while and I eventually finished threading my last daisy.
"Now, Your Majesty, when you've got enough, you link the first and the last one together," I joined the ends up so they formed a circle. I shuffled closer to Tiffany which made her stop what she was doing.
"TaeYeon, what are you-"
"Beautiful," I was kneeling in front of her examining the daisy crown on top of her head, "Stay there for two seconds," I ran over to a cherry blossom tree, snapped a bunch off of a branch and ran back over to Tiffany. "Now this should look even better," I slid the blossom behind her ear so it blended in with her hair, "You look stunning."
"Oh ... why ... why thank you ... TaeYeon," she started fiddling with a bow on her dress.
"You're welcome, just speaking the truth."
"Erm ... TaeYeon ... do ... do you want this? You made this for me so you can have this," she handed over a long chain.
"I'll wear this like a necklace," I pulled it over my head and let it hang around my neck.
"Do you like it?"
"Yeah, I love it, it's a little big for me but you made it for me, so it's special. Do you like yours?"
"Oh, TaeYeon, I love them. No-one's ever made anything like this for me before, it's really nice."
"Tippani," I looked up towards the sun, "I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but it's getting pretty late."
"I've got to take you back now, the sun's starting to set."
"But we've hardly been outside long.
"It probably has, time flies when you're having fun. Don't worry, I'll take you back."
"Can't I stay here with you tonight?"
"No, I'm really sorry but I really cannot do that, as much as I'd want to-" I looked to the floor, scratching my head.
"It's fine, I understand."
"Come on, let's go, I'll just go and get Syndicate-"
"No, let him stay here, I'd rather walk with you."
"Are sure?"
"Yeah, let's go." 
We started walking through the trees under the sunset when Tiffany grabbed my hand.
"What are you doing, Your Majesty?"
"Holding your hand, whenever I look out of my window I always see people holding hands so I thought I'd do it now."
"Well ... I suppose if that's what you want ..."
"It is what I want."
We stayed hand in hand all the way to the town's gates and I offered to walk her up to the castle.
"I think it'll be better if I walk you up, I'll make sure no-one sees you,  I just can't hold your hand."
"Why not?"
"Well, people will see ... Come on, let's go."
I made sure that no-one noticed us on the way up to the castle and made Tiffany stay down the last street before the castle.
"Why have I got to stay here?"
"I just need to check if there's any guards on duty because then you'll get spotted entering the grounds."
"Ahh, right, hurry back though."
"I will, don't worry," I looked left and right before going to the gates leading up to the castle. I held the metal bars of the castle gates and scanned all around the grounds but not one guard was in sight. I turned around to face Tiffany and beckoned her over with my hand. "You should be alright to go over now, I can't see anyone patrolling around the grounds, so I guess I'll see you around."
"Yeah, I guess. I realised something though."
"What's that?"
"We never paddled in your lake."
"No, we didn't. We'll have to do it next time."
"So there'll be a next time?" she stood staring at me with open in delight.
"I guess there will be," I smiled at her, "I really enjoyed today."
"So did I, I don't think I've ever enjoyed something as much as today, I don't ever do anything exciting. Today made a nice change, I really love your company."
"Yeah, it's been lovely."
"Can we meet tomorrow? I'll meet you at the town's gates tomorrow around midday."
"Of course, just don't get caught."
"You're a lot more easy going now, Tae."
"Am I?"
"Yeah, a few hours ago you would've said no but you didn't."
"I enjoyed myself today that's why and I suppose I want to do it again too. You really better get going now though."
"Yeah, plus I'll be seeing you tomorrow," she flashed a big smile at me, "Oh! And Tae-" she put one hand on my shoulder and gave me a peck on the lips, "I'll see you tomorrow."
"Er ... yeah! You will, bye," I stood waving at her as she started to make her way over the wall.
When I saw that she'd gone, I put my fingertips on my lips and stood in silence.
Did that really just happen? I just had my first kiss with my first love, I know it wasn't an immense kiss, but it was still my first. I haven't been this happy in a long time, in fact, I don't think I've ever been this happy.
Things can only escalate and get better from now.
I know this wasn't probably a good chapter but I wanted to get something regarding TaeNy in this one. I apologise if it seems a bit unorganised and rushed, I was tired when I wrote this. T^T I'll probably come back to it and edit it a bit when I'm less tired but here's Chapter 9 for now, hope you enjoy it. :) Oh, also, I saw Despicable Me 2 on Sunday and seeing as TaeYeon voices Margo in the Korean version, I thought it was a nice coincidence as Margo was wearing a suit of armour in the first scene and it reminded me of this. :)
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missxmoody #1
Chapter 10: Can't believe I haven't spazzed about my love for ancient/fantasy fics. Thank you for writing this and updating!

I love how Yuri was introduced to take Jessica's attention away from Taeyeon. Look forward to the character development and then the drama.
Chapter 4: So ending TaeNy it is..??
Chapter 8: Love your story..update soon pls...more taeny..and i want a jelly pani.kkkk
FanyeWest #4
Chapter 8: Ah love! :) hahaha. Updaaaaaaate more author ssi! :))
fudge609 #5
Chapter 7: Hoho, Jess drugged her? Well at least she stopped before anything happen, poor Taeyeon, didn't know what hit her keke
fudge609 #6
Chapter 6: thank you for the update, can't wait to see it start off in next chapter ^^
Ahehe sneaky Jessica. She so da sneakay.

10Q fo working and updatinginggng *U*
I see that your style is changing a bit, ohohoho
fudge609 #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update ^^
So Taeng finally found Fany, she's a princess? Hoho
fudge609 #9
Chapter 4: Ahh Taengsic moment, Sica have a crush on Taeng, kekeke.
fudge609 #10
Chapter 3: Ohh medieval time, this should be interesting. Keep up the good work ^^