Chapter 4: Tae has an Admirer!

Scarred & Receptive

TaeYeon's POV


I got to the gates and the two lanterns either side were flickering with little sparks of fire.

When I walked through, all the stalls were empty. It was strange seeing just the wooden frames with no meat, cloth or jewellery being sold. Everything was completely bare.
I turned right at the first street and continued towards the tavern. The odour of alcohol was emitting from inside and lingering around the street.
"She could be in here, then I can at least find out her name."
I was just about to walk in when I remembered that I should cover up my king's emblem on my tunic. If anyone saw it in there, it was almost certain that I'd get some sort of unwanted attention inside.
Once I'd buttoned up my coat, I pushed open the doors and countless amounts of people were sat either drinking or playing cards.
I scanned every inch of the tavern but there was no sign of her, it was still only dusk so she could come in later.
I sat down at my own table and sprawled face down on the surface.
"Uggh," I gripped my stomach with one hand, "I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning."
Jessica's POV
I automatically stopped cleaning the glasses behind the bar when she walked in. I didn't take my eyes off her when she sat down either. I've never seen her before at this time, I've never actually seen her at all in fact. I'm pretty sure that I would've noticed someone as gorgeous as her before though. She looked quite masculine but had a huge feminine streak to her. So my type.
I want her.
I had to make myself noticed by her.
I strutted over to the table that she was lying on.
"And how can I help you?" I asked while I was eyeing her up and down.
"Hmm?" she looked up at me with exhaustion in her eyes, "Oh, sorry, can I have some water please?"
"Anything to eat?"
"Yeah actually, I'm starving. I'll have some of that," she pointed over to the chicken broiling on the stove and lay her head back on the table.
"I'll be as quick as I can."
Well, she didn't seem very interested ... I need to think of something that'll draw all her attention to me. What can I do? I know just the thing!
I went over to the bar to get her water. I picked up a glass from under the bar and looked straight at her. Without taking my eyes off her, I dropped the glass and fell to the floor in the middle of all the shards of shattered glass.
Who should come running over but her, it worked!
She kneeled down and held my head up in her arm.
"Are you alright? You haven't cut yourself have you?" her face towering over me.
"No, I feel really light headed though," I began to flutter my eyes at her.
"No no no, don't close your eyes! What's your name?"
"Alright Jessica, I'm TaeYeon. I want you to try and stand up for me in your own time."
A crowd was now forming around, "Everyone move! Crowding around her isn't going to make her feel any better!"
She was helping me, just how I'd planned, she looked like she'd be the first person to come to my aid and she was. I was just getting even more attracted to her.
It all went silent and the crowd did as they were told and went back to their tables, "Sorry for shouting Jessica, I needed them to stop surrounding you."
"No, it's OK, TaeYeon, but, erm, I don't think I can stand up on my own, can you help me?" I her arm.
"Yeah, of course, as long as you're alright. Come on, I'll take you outside so you can get some fresh air."
TaeYeon positioned me on her shoulder with her arm around me and slowly stood up, lifting me up in the process. I gripped onto her coat really tight and pulled myself closer to her, resting my head on her shoulder.
"Oh, wait TaeYeon, you'll need to wait for Yoona, to come out of the kitchen so she can tend inside. If I leave the tavern uncontro-"
"Shhh," she placed her finger on my lips and I felt my cheeks heating up, "Stop worrying your little head, you'll only make yourself worse. I'll sit you down outside and I'll tell Yoona, OK?" she smiled at me and I could feel myself tensing up.
"Y-yeah, TaeYeon," I couldn't help but stutter after seeing her smile at me. I'm normally rough when it comes to liking someone, but I feel shy here. What's wrong with me?!
She opened the side door and sat me on the stone wall overlooking the river.
"I'll go tell Yoona where you are, will you be alright on your own?" she asked as she turned her back on me.
"No don't leave me!" I screamed at her and pulled her back down beside me by the bottom of her coat.
"Alright, alright! Don't panic! I won't go just yet! You don't want to leave it unattended though do you? Anyone could steal money."
"No, I guess not ... will you go as fast as you can then?"
"Course, do you want anything?"
Oh how much I wanted to answer with 'yeah, I want you'. 
"No, you're not getting me anything, you've helped me enough, I'll get Yoona to get me something."
"Where can I find her?"
"I said she was in the kitchen ..." aww, she's so dorky. Cuteness.
"Yeah ... but where's that?"
"Go inside and it's directly on the other side of the room from here."
"Alright, I'll be back shortly!"
TaeYeon's POV
So much for looking for this girl, I'm having to look after the bartender instead. I guess it wasn't all bad, she was pretty but I knew who I wanted.
I got to the kitchen doors and looked through the window to see a woman stood cleaning up dishes. It must have been Yoona.
Without knocking, I walked in and approached her.
"Oh my God! No-one comes in here! Get out!" she lifted her sponge up into the air.
"No no no, wait!" I screamed while shaking my hands at her.
It was too late though, sponges and frying pans were being thrown at me from every angle.
"No! Please, you have to listen to me!" I carried on ducking while miscellaneous objects were directed towards me, "It's Jessica! She collapsed and I've taken her outside, she needs you to tend the bar!"
Suddenly, all the throwing stopped.
"Well why didn't you say so?" she gave me a huge smile.
"I tried ..."
"Is she alright?"
"Yeah, she should be, she wants you to come tend the bar."
"Tell her I'll be out in a minute. I want to make sure she's alright first though."
"Alright," I was just about to leave but then I turned back around, "You wouldn't mind pouring some water for her would you?"
"Oh, no, here, you take it to her."
She grabbed a glass from the shelf and filled it up to the top with water.
"Thanks, that should do."
"If she needs anything else, just come and find me."
"Will do."
I opened the door and went back outside to Jessica.
Jessica's POV
I sat shivering on the wall to make her want to to perhaps warm me up.
"Here's some water, thought you might have needed some," she handed over the glass.
"Thanks Tae, can I call you that?" I took it off her.
"Go ahead, everyone does," she sat down beside me.
"I'll call you Tae then."
"Yoona said she'll be out in a minute to see how you are. She nearly killed me in there you know!"
"Haha, you're so dorky, how did she do that?" I laughed and ran my hand down her chest.
"Erm," she had an anxious tremor in her voice at my touch, "She screeched at me saying no-one's allowed in, and then she started throwing everything she got her hands on at me."
"Oh I'm sorry, I should've warned you, she gets really protective over the kitchen. She does own this place after all."
"Pfft, I can tell haha."
I looked at the floor and started shivering even more.
"Tae, I'm cold," I looked up at her adoringly.
"Do you want to go back inside?"
"No, I'm fine. I want to stay out here, with you."
"Here, take this," she took her coat off and wrapped it around my shoulders, "That should warm you up."
I so wanted to bury my head into her, but I think that would've disturbed her this early on. I will claim her as mine eventually though.
"Thanks Tae, but ... I'm still cold."
"Well what else can I do?"
"Well, you could wrap your arms around me haha...wait what's that?" I pointed at her stomach.
"What's what ...?" she looked at me bewilderedly.
"That!" I poked her right in the stomach, "You work for the king!"
"Shhhhh!" she covered my mouth with her hand and looked behind her, "Don't shout it out!"
"Why not?!" I pulled her hand off of my mouth.
"Because, I'm not supposed to be here tonight!"
I gasped.
"You bad girl, defying orders," I grinned at her.
"I know, I know, I'm looking for someone though."
"Undercover then?"
"Not exactly ..."
"Well what are you doing then?"
"Doesn't matter ..."
"What do you do for the king then? Are you a maid or something?" I shuffled closer towards her, intrigued about her role, wanting to learn more about her.
"Oh, keep quiet, but I'm part of the Iron Wardens." 
"Oh my gosh an Iron Warden, that's amazing!"
"What did I just say?! Shut up!" she grabbed my shoulders.
"Oh, I'm sorry!"
Wow, an Iron Warden. Can she get anymore perfect? Beautiful, caring and she's an Iron Warden. I'm not letting her pass by, "So, you're an Iron Warden huh?" I looked at her suggestively.
"Yeah, it's alright being one I suppose," she let go of me, leaned back slightly and looked up at the stars.
"I think it's amazing that you're one," I hugged her arm.
"Still cold?" she looked down at me clinging onto her.
"Mhmm," I nuzzled my face into her arm.
"Well, I guess if you're cold I should warm you up. Don't want you fainting again," she wrapped her arm around me and tucked me under her arm.
Oh my gosh, she pulled me into her without me asking, she must like me! 
"Are you alright Jess?" Yoona peeked her head around the door, "Oh, am I interrupting you two?"
"No, well, yes. What do you want?" I glared at her.
"Sorry, just checking you were alright ..."
"Yes, I'm fine! TaeYeon's looking after me, aren't you?" I turned to her and walked my fingers up her chest.
"Er, y-yeah," TaeYeon stuttered.
"I'll leave you then," Yoona walked off back into the tavern.
"Do you think she saw the emblem?" TaeYeon asked.
"No, she would've said something if she did."
"Oh right."
We sat in silence momentarily.
"What Jessica?"
"Who are you looking for?"
"I don't know, I've never seen her before."
"Well, why are you looking for her?"
"I want to know who she is."
"Describe her to me, I might know who it is."
"She has red hair."
"Red hair?"
"I've never seen anyone with red hair before. I think I'd notice too. I'm sorry I couldn't help."
"Oh it's fine, don't worry."
"It's not fine, you want to know who she is and I couldn't help you," I frowned looking up at her.
"Really, it's fine. I haven't seen her come in anyway, I've been looking through the doors."
"Oh, you'll have to come tomorrow night!" I told her with excitement.
"I'll see. What time do you finish work anyway?"
"In about twenty minutes. Why?"
"I thought maybe I should make sure you get home safe, you know, with you not being well."
Oh my ... she's taking me home. I should invite her in.
"I'll ask Yoona if I can go home now before it gets any darker outside."
"Yeah, you should do, it's not worth staying these next twenty minutes if you're not going to work. I'll go ask her for you."
TaeYeon stood up and walked inside. This will be the biggest chance all night to get her to take an interest in me, I can't mess it up.
She came back outside. "She said it's fine and she understands, I'll take you home now then. Grab my hand."
Without a moment of hesitation, I put the glass of water down, took her hand and then she pulled me up. "Nice and easy, don't strain yourself."
"Ha, I won't."
"Do you have any belongings in storage or something?"
"Yeah, my purse is in the back with my coat."
"I'll take you to fetch it, I don't want to go for it and take someone else's by mistake."
"Ha, alright then."
TaeYeon walked me inside and I directed her to the back of the tavern.
"Just in here, Tae."
She opened the door for me and I went inside.
After two minutes of searching, I still couldn't find it.
"Have you got it yet?" TaeYeon stood leaning on the door with her arms crossed.
"No, I can't find it."
"Let me have a look," She stopped leaning on the door, "What colour is it?"
"It's a black leather one."
"Alright then, at least I know what I'm looking for."
I was looking on top of a shelf when I heard TaeYeon, "Is this it?"
She held up my purse.
"Oh you found it!" I ran up to her and flung my arms around her, not thinking twice.
TaeYeon crashed to the floor and I was lying on top of her with my arms wrapped around her. "Owwww ..." she lifted her head up while holding it in her hand.
"Tae I'm so sorry!"
"Agh ... it's fine."
I got off her. I wanted to stay on her for longer but she probably would've wondered why.
"Are you alright?" I sat on the floor and looked at her apologetically.
"Yeah, I should be," she heaved herself up, "You haven't banged your head have you?"
"No, I'm more concerned about you, Tae ... it was my fault after all."
"Don't be, let's just get you home so nothing else happens haha."
I got up myself this time and stood next to Tae.
"Tae, do you mind if I hold your arm? I'm feeling dizzy," I stumbled across to her.
"Of course not, if you feel worse just tell me and we'll stop."
"OK," I clutched onto her arm and she turned to me.
"Let me hold them," she took my purse and coat out of my hand.
She was a gentleman, well, a gentlewoman, offering to hold my purse and coat.
"Oh, thanks."
Eventually, we got outside and headed towards my house.
TaeYeon's POV
*Sigh* I can't believe how this has turned out, I was supposed to be looking for the girl with the red hair, but instead, I'm walking the bartender home.
"Whereabouts do you live?" I asked.
"Not far, it's near the bridge with the river flowing underneath, not the stream."
"Ah right, I know where you mean, you just say where to go and I'll you," I looked at her and smiled.
"Kim TaeYeon! What do you think you're doing at this time?!" my eyes shot open and both me and Jessica turned around to see Yesung stomping up to us.
"Who's that, Tae?" Jessica asked while she tightened her grip on my arm and stared at him.
"I'm one of her seniors," Yesung replied before I did, "And she should be home right now ready for tomorrow."
"Yesung please, Jessica collapsed while I was walking home and I had to help her," I was now making an excuse, but not entirely seeing as I did actually help her.
"Hey, you weren't walking-ow!" I pinched Jessica before she could carry on.
"Oh sorry Jess, did I catch you?" I glared at her indicating to back me up.
"Oh, yeah, you did, just be careful next time, Tae."
"So, what are you doing TaeYeon?" Yesung questioned, "You were supposed to be home right now," he seemed extremely  disappointed in me.
"I'm making sure Jessica gets home safely. I don't want her fainting again."
"Well be as quick as you can, you've got an important day tomorrow ..."
"Yes Yesung ..."
He carried on down the street shaking his head and disappeared around the corner.
"He seemed a bit demanding," Jessica insisted.
"He's fine, he just looks out for me a lot, keeps me on track."
"That's nice to have."
"Yeah, it is. Only person I've ever really had."
"Oh," Jessica shushed and stared at the floor, "So you've got an important day tomorrow?" Jessica wondered and looked back at me.
"Yeah, I best get you home so I can go home too. I don't want to be in his bad books."
"Hmm, alright. You might see that girl tomorrow anyway."
"Hopefully. Now let's get you home."
I carried on walking Jess through the streets until we got to the bridge.
"Down here Tae," Jessica pointed towards her house, "The third one on the right."
"That's a nice house Jess, you must be pretty rich."
"Thanks, my mum and dad helped with that. They wanted me to have a good home when I left. My sister still lives with them on the other side of town."
"You have a sister?"
"Yeah, she's called Krystal. I still see her quite a lot."
"Can't be the girl who I'm looking for then."
"No haha. Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
"Yeah, but I don't really talk about them ..."
"Oh, I understand ..."
I guided Jessica to her front door.
"Here we go, home sweet home."
"Thanks for bringing me home, Tae. I was lucky I found someone as considerate as you for once. Normally people in the tavern are either rude or erted. It's nice to see someone genuine for a change," she put both her hands on my chest and gazed at me.
"Oh, well, erm, thanks for the compliment I guess. You should be alright now, I'll check on you one day this week, see how you're getting on. Take these," I passed her purse and coat over.
"Ah, thanks for carrying these for me," she took them off me, "Come in for a bit if you want, you said you were hungry."
"Nah, thanks for the offer, but I really should be going, like YeSung said, I have a busy day tomorrow."
"Oh, it would've been nice for you to have come in for a bit ... here's your coat, Tae," she took my coat off and I put it back on.
"Thanks, I'll see you around," Jessica stood staring at me, and in a flash, she planted her lips on my cheek, leaving a light pinkish mark.
"Er, er ..." I stood staring at her.
Jessica bit her lip.
"I can't believe I just did that, I'm sorry Tae, I couldn't help myself."
"Leave it, please." 
"You don't hate me for that do you?"
"No, I didn't expect it, that's all. I better get going ..."
Before she could say anymore I took off and headed home, "I can't believe she just kissed me," I strolled through the streets wiping my cheek.
Jessica's POV
I'm such an idiot! I got rejected offering her inside and TaeYeon probably isn't going to talk to me again for a while now. I guess the best thing now is to tell myself I actually kissed her.
I went inside, closed the door and headed upstairs.
I went through the doorway into my room and stretched out on my bed, not taking my mind off of TaeYeon.
"Why can't I stop thinking about you? I only met you today and I'm completely head over heels for you. This really is love at first sight."
I closed my eyes, wishing to dream of Tae.
TaeYeon's POV
Finally, after minutes of constant walking, I got back to my hut and slammed onto my bed.
"Ugh, the bad thing is, I kind of liked that and I shouldn't have," I got up, brushed my teeth and splashed my face with some water. I stayed in the clothes I was wearing and lay on my bed.
When my head touched the pillow I fell asleep instantly.
All I thought of now was tomorrow and what that may bring.
Sorry for the late update! Been busy with exams and stuff ... This chapter, meh, I don't really think I put enough time into it as I should have done, but it's still there. I wanted Jess introduced before TaeNy started, so that means TaeNy's coming real soon! I just kinda feel like I rushed this, but never mind. :) I wanted a special chapter regarding TaeNy for TaeYeon's birthday, but the time I've had to write in says otherwise, I'll just have to do it later than I thought haha. Hope you enjoy!
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missxmoody #1
Chapter 10: Can't believe I haven't spazzed about my love for ancient/fantasy fics. Thank you for writing this and updating!

I love how Yuri was introduced to take Jessica's attention away from Taeyeon. Look forward to the character development and then the drama.
Chapter 4: So ending TaeNy it is..??
Chapter 8: Love your story..update soon pls...more taeny..and i want a jelly pani.kkkk
FanyeWest #4
Chapter 8: Ah love! :) hahaha. Updaaaaaaate more author ssi! :))
fudge609 #5
Chapter 7: Hoho, Jess drugged her? Well at least she stopped before anything happen, poor Taeyeon, didn't know what hit her keke
fudge609 #6
Chapter 6: thank you for the update, can't wait to see it start off in next chapter ^^
Ahehe sneaky Jessica. She so da sneakay.

10Q fo working and updatinginggng *U*
I see that your style is changing a bit, ohohoho
fudge609 #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update ^^
So Taeng finally found Fany, she's a princess? Hoho
fudge609 #9
Chapter 4: Ahh Taengsic moment, Sica have a crush on Taeng, kekeke.
fudge609 #10
Chapter 3: Ohh medieval time, this should be interesting. Keep up the good work ^^