Chapter 7: Here Come the Girls!

Scarred & Receptive

TaeYeon's POV


"*Yaaaaaaawn*," I lifted my head off the pillow and stretched my arms out.
I slithered down to the edge of my bed and hopped off, only to be greeted by the glistening sunlight. "Ah, I really need to do something about where my bed is. I could do with a quick wash," I grabbed the nearest towel, fresh underwear and new change of clothes," I was out of it for ages last night, I can't believe I slept that long," I opened the door and gave Syndicate a pat then made my way down the dusted path towards the lake.
I threw the rest of my belongings on the stone near the lake, undressed myself and dipped into the water. I swam over to the small waterfall and let it douse my hair. Having a wash under the waterfall in the early morning always feels so refreshing. After running my fingers deep through my hair and finishing the rest of the morning routine, I put my underwear on and waited for the sun to naturally dry my hair.
When the time had passed and my hair was now dry, I made my way back up to my hut and put on the recognised tunic and trousers before heading into town. I opened Syndicate's pen and rode him into town. I jumped off and tied him up to the fence that I normally do when we arrived and proceeded into the town.
When I was walking down to the fort, I noticed a numerous amount of posters scattered around on walls and fences. My attention drew to the closest one as it mentioned my name on it. I put both hands either side of the poster, leaned on the wall and I started to read out what was on it. "Calling all future Iron Wardens! Just recently, there has been more of a threat to us from the Dark Spears as their army has increased, it is very short notice, but we would like an increase of members. Men, meet General Siwon in the fort, and women, meet Captain Kim TaeYeon in the fort at twelve am. It is much appreciated and we expect to see many faces," my mouth stood wide open, "Whaaaa?!" I continued to stare at the poster, "What time is it anyway?" I turned my head and looked towards the sun to determine the time, "It's half past eleven!" I stopped dawdling and sprinted towards the fort.
"Tae! What's the rush?" someone grabbed my arm.
"Huh?" oh, what a surprise, "Not now, Jess!" Damn, why do I always run into her in the most inconveneient times?
"But Tae!"
"Jess, please, I'm late for something."
"Oh! Sorry Tae!" before I could leave, she wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed.
"Nnnghh, alright Jess ... that's enough!" I started patting on her shoulders. 
"Oh, sorry! Kind of got carried away there," she giggled.
"Right, I really need to get going now, see you!"
"Wait, Tae!"
"Ohhhhh, what now?"
"Meet you at six," she winked. Crap. I'd completely forgot about that!
"Aha, err, yeeaah, six."
"See you later, Taengoo," she blew a kiss.
Ugggghhhhh, stop it. Anyway, not much longer now! The fort's in sight!
I turned up outside and knocked frantically on the door.
"Ohhhhh, look who it is, Miss Late." 
"You better shut up, I didn't find out until about five minutes ago."
"I might let you stay outside for a bit longer, haha," I just glared at Leeteuk through the eyehole and started making my breathing more obvious, "Alright, alright! Geez, chill out!"
"How do you expect me to chill out when I wasn't even notified?!" I slammed the door open, knocking Leeteuk aback once again.
I stood right in my tracks as everyone stared at me, "Aha, soooo, you must be the people I'm examining?" there were only five women who'd shown up and all looked worthy of a place.
"Phahahahaha!" they all laughed together.
"She's so tiny!" one of the girls shouted.
"Hey! I'm taller than you!" I defended back.
"Hahaha, she's right, Sunny!" another one shouted.
"Hmph," the small blonde haired girl pouted as she folded her arms.
"Thanks for that, what's your name?" I asked.
"Kwon Yuri."
"I think we'll be getting along quite well, Yuri," I smirked as I looked at Sunny, "Right then, ladies!" I announced whilst clapping my hands together, "I'm Captain Kim TaeYeon and I'm going to be examining you to see if you have what it takes to join us. You all know what you're here for, don't you?"
"Yes," they all responded.
"If you'd like to follow me through here so we can get you in your armour and start the course," I began to walk under the archway and out into the open where the trial was already set up.
It brought back so many memories of when I applied and got the place. I was a rookie back then, but I've come so far as to be a captain.
"As you can see over there on that table, that is the Iron Warden armour. I would like you to all go over and dress yourself accordingly with it. As soon as you've done that, come straight back over here. Off you go."
All five of them went over and started looking puzzled at the multiple sections of armour. I slapped myself in the face, knowing that they didn't even know how to put it on.
While they were occupied with the armour, I wandered over to Siwon and poked him in the back aggressively. 
"Ouch, what was that for?" he moaned as he turned around, rubbing where I had poked him, "Oh, Tae, why're you over here? You need to be over there watching over them."
"I know! But why didn't you tell me I was doing this?!" I started flailing my arms at him, "I have no idea what to do!"
"Geez, Tae. Calm down. It was to see if you were focused for a change. Anyway, just do what we did with you."
"Ugh, fine. You could've at least gave me a day's notice though..." I turned my back on him and went back on over to the girls.
"Captain, how do you even put this on?"
"Yuri ... that's a helmet ..."
"Oh ..."
"By the way, what's all your names?" I asked while they were sorting themselves out.
"Aish! One at a time! I know Yuri and Sunny, but what about you three?"
"Much better. Is everyone sorted now?"
"I think so," Yuri spoke out for everyone.
"You all look like you've got everything right. If you'd like to follow me over to the course, we can begin."
The girls stayed in a group and followed my lead where we were greeted by Siwon.
"Tae, you're going to have to wait for this group to finish before your lot can start."
"Like I couldn't figure that one out ..."
"In a bit of a mood today aren't we, Tae?" Siwon taunted.
"Oh if only you knew ..." I glared at him.
"Knew what?" my eyes widened at his words as he asked.
"Nothing," I snapped quickly.
"There is," he laughed.
"Please, leave it."
"You can't hint something to me and then refuse to tell me, haha."
"Shut it."
"Fine, I'll respect you."
"Siwon! They've finished! Next group!" Donghae shouted from the net.
"You're up then ladies," Siwon told them all.
"Good luck, girls!" I said while I patted them all on their shoulders.
They all lined up and Siwon began counting down from five. It's hard to believe that I was in that position a few months ago and look where I am now. A captain, soon to be a major.
"Two, one. Go!" Siwon finished.
In a flash, all of them were sprinting off into the distance. HyoYeon took the lead immediately and was already under the net.
"She's fast, Siwon."
"All of them are, but she's extremely quick."
"I think we should take all of them, General."
"Why's that?"
"They weren't afraid to laugh at me, they've got guts."
"You don't need guts to laugh at you, Tae, haha," once again I glared across.
"I don't mean me exactly, but they stood up to someone of a higher rank than them."
"I know what you mean Tae, I completely agree with you."
"So they're accepted?"
"Do I need to tell them or can I go now? I didn't exactly come into town for this, I came in for some supplies. I only knew because of the posters."
"Yeah, you can go. I'll tell them that they're all accepted."
"Don't mention it."
While the group was finishing up, I made my way out and back into the streets of Mansfield. When I was walking over the bridge from the fort, I encountered Ryeowook.
"Oh, TaeYeon!" he stopped me from going any further.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing's wrong. I just noticed some posters around saying that you were going to be examining some trainees. How did it go by the way?"
"It went alright, all the girls I monitored seemed like they had potential."
"There was something I was meaning to tell you about this though."
"What?" my voice grew weary.
"When you got took in by the Iron Wardens, all the leaders were given a meal with the king for appreciation."
"Appreciation for what?" I doubted his words.
 "Gaining a bigger army. Now, I know it wasn't as important then as it is now, but that just means there'll be more of a reason for him to do another one."
"What're you trying to get at though?" I asked him. Ryeowook grew closer to my ear and whispered.
"If the princess is leaving the castle grounds, there's a chance she'll be at the meal so you guys can keep an eye on her. I didn't want you to be surprised about it, that's why I've told you now. I haven't told anyone about your situation that you was in, but I'm preparing you for it, just in case it happens."
I didn't know what to think, what if I was sat next to her in this meal? I dread to think how I'd react. "Tae, are you alright? I know it might be awkward for you because you've seen her out, but I don't think anything will happen."
"No, it's not that, Ryeowook. It's because I ..."
"You what?" he edged me to carry on.
"No, it's nothing. Forget I ever said anything."
"Tae, you've been acting a lot different lately. What exactly happened when you encountered her?"
"I've told you what happened. Don't suspect that anything else happened."
"I know when something's up with you Tae. I've grown up with you. We were childhood friends. You can tell me anything."
"I know, and I'm grateful for that. I just ... I'll tell you eventually, I promise."
"As long as you do tell me."
"I will, I promise, just not yet. I better get going, I promised a friend I'd meet them."
"Ohhhh, does Tae have a boyfriend?" he tormented me.
"Hahaha, a boyfriend? As if."
"That Tae hasn't changed though, has she?" he chuckled.
"Anyway, I'm going to go. I don't want to be late."
"Yeah, I won't keep you any longer. I'll see you around."
It was only one. I'd got another five hours to kill, "Hmmmmm, what could I do?" I started to rub my chin, "I'll just go and see her a bit earlier." I made my way up to the tavern and poked my head through the door. Jessica was stood at the bar wiping glasses and putting them back on the shelves.
I walked in as quiet as possible and stayed close to the wall, making sure I wasn't in her line of sight. It was pretty empty for a change, there was the odd lonely man drinking ale by himself and the hopeless bard in the corner. I neared to the bar and snook directly behind Jessica. She still hadn't noticed me.
"Guess who?!" I covered her eyes.
"Ahhhh!" Jessica screamed as she turned around and slapped me as hard as she could around my face, knocking me to the floor.
"Ugghhhh ..." I lay on the floor dazed.
"*Gasp*," Jessica covered , "Tae I'm so sorry! I had no idea it was you!"
"You've got quite a slap on you," I said while I propped myself up on one elbow and held my cheek where Jessica's handprint was now revealing itself."
"Oh Tae! I've left a handprint!" Jessica knelt down to my level and put her hand over mine, "Is it alright?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine. I've had worse, like this scar for example. Hey look, they even match each other," I tried to make a joke out of it.
"Come here and let me kiss it better," she pulled my face closer towards her while puckering her lips out.
"No, no! It's alright!" I pleaded while pushing her face away. 
"I don't like seeing injuries on you," she frowned, "What are you doing here anyway? I'm still working, I bet you couldn't bear to be without me," she giggled.
"I finished everything I had to do and wondered if you wanted to hang out now," I started to stand up.
"Taengoo, I'm still working though."
"But ..." I stuck my bottom lip out and pointed at the print on my face.
"Ohhhh, Tae. Don't do that to me."
"Besides, it's not even busy and I can get you out of work."
"I'll do it if you ask Yoona, she's getting angry because I keep asking to finish early."
"Alright then, where is she. You can take me to her though, I don't want things thrown at me again."
"OK, I'll take you to her if it mans me getting off work early," Jessica guided me to the doors to the kitchen where Yoona was at the sink again, wiping the dishes, "Yoona, you're wanted."
"What is it Jessica? Oh! TaeYeon! What do you want?"
"I was wondering if I could borrow Jessica for a few hours, I need to question her about something."
"Has she done something?! I can punish her if-"
"No, no! Just need to ask her in case she was a witness to something."
"Oh, well take your time."
"She might not return to work today though, it might be past her shift hour by the time she gets back."
"That's OK. I expect to see her at the normal time tomorrow."
I walked out triumphantly.
"You should do that for me more often, Tae. She'll listen to you if you ask because you're an Iron Warden."
"Well, it does have its benefits."
"Shall we go?"
"Yeah, I want to see my surprise!"
"Come on then," Jessica linked her arm in mine and lead me outside.
"So, what's the surprise?" I asked while we started walking. 
"You'll see," she grinned at me.
Soon enough, we turned up at her house and she invited me in, "I was hoping to have had everything prepared for when you came later but I've got to do everything while you're here now."
"Sorry, I can go if you like and let you do it for later?"
"You're not going anywhere," she grabbed my hand and took me into a separate room, "Take a seat," I sat down on a futon and waited for her to come back in. Momentarily, Jessica appeared with a glass in each hand, both containing red wine, "Drink up Tae," she declared whilst handing over the glass.
"I've never had this before, it's for more wealthier people. You're quite well off aren't you Jess?" I asked whilst lifting the glass up above my head and examining it further.
"I save up from my job. It's quite good pay. Drink up!" she approached and tilted the glass to my mouth.
"Mmf," the rim of the glass was pushed against my lips and I opened them to drink the wine. It had a strong taste to it unlike the bitter alcohol I've already tried, it seemed as though it shouldn't be used as alcohol. I screwed my face up and started smacking my lips together.
"Aww, Taengoo. What's wrong? Don't you like it?"
"Ugh," I stuck my tongue out and squinted my eyes, "It's a bit strong and bitter."
"It gets better the more you drink it, honestly," she started sipping hers.
"Oh! Alright then," I smiled at her. I took three big gulps and all of it had disappeared," Jess, that tasted funny," she started smiling from behind her glass, "Why're you smiling?"
"I'm smiling because I hope you like your surprise!"
"Oh! How much longer do I have to wait?"
"Shouldn't be much longer," she skipped out of the room. I pulled the footrest that was near the futon closer and lay back, "I don't think she'll mind me moving this a little bit."
After five minutes or so, my eyelids started to feel heavier and my breath slowed slightly.
"Jess ..." I tried to shout to her, "I think this wine's gotten to me, I feel ... so ... tir ..."
Jessica's POV
TaeYeon's eyes shut as her head fell onto her shoulder.
"Silly Taengoo. I thought you would've noticed that yours was a darker red than mine," I sat down beside her and cradled her head in my arms.
I looked behind me to make sure no-one was watching and proceeded into the darkened archway. The steps started straight away and continued descending into darkness. A faint mist was emitting from the bottom and working it's way upwards, causing me to waft my hand in front of my face every so often. At the bottom of the steps, there was one big curtain sheltering the open doorway, "Eunhyuk, I'm here." I declared while pulling the curtain back slightly.
"Ah, come in Jessica. It's finished," greean and blue liquids were behind him and a giant cauldron was in the middle of the room with smoke oozing out.
"It won't kill her, will it?"
"Nope. There's nothing lethal in this. You asked for a sedative and I've made one. The affect should last for about an hour if she consumes one of these," he held up a purple capsule between his fingers.
"That'll be perfect," I took it off him and handed over one hundred gold pieces, "She won't know what's hit her," I grinned while examining the capsule in my fingertips.
"Just don't give her more than one, otherwise it'll last much longer on her."
"Can't promise that if it means her unconscious for longer," I winked as I left the room, "I'll see you again, probably."
"You look so peaceful when you're asleep," I moved a strand of hair off of her forehead, behind her ear, "Now I've got you all to myself, just what I wanted," I turned to face her and then I held her face in both of my hands and leaned in front of her, positioning my head slightly to the side. I closed my eyes and drew my face closer to hers, so close that I could feel her welcoming breath against my lips. I puckered my lips out, ready to catch hers with my own but then pulled away.
Guilt had overruled my body and a sense of disappointment was also inflicted in me, "What am I doing?" I rubbed my forehead, "She's not even awake, I'm taking advantage of her and she doesn't even know," I sat back and pulled my knees up, tucking them into my chest. "If we ever do, Tae, I at least want you to know you're doing it. When you wake up, I won't admit, I'll feel too guilty. I guess I'll just have to say that drinking that for the first time makes you drowsy. I'm sorry, Tae. I just like you too much and you're completely oblivious."
About an hour passed and I didn't move from her side. I just sat watching over her for the full hour.
"Ngh ..." a voice from the side of me piped up. 
"Hm?" I glanced over as TaeYeon started to rub her eyes and rolled over to face me.
"Owww, my head's killing me ..." she cupped her scalp in the palm of her hand and sat up.
"You passed out after drinking all of it."
"I don't think I should have that again anytime soon. How come you didn't pass out anyway?"
"I did the first time I had it, I've just gotten used to it."
"Oh ... how long have I been out for?"
"About an hour."
"That's not too long. Should I go to the infirmary so they can give me a check over?"
"No! Don't do that!"
"Why not? It'd be for the best."
"Because, er ... you already know why you passed out," I started to panic in case it came out that I had sedated her.
"It'd only be to see if I was alright, I'm not going to be taken in for a month, haha."
"But, y-you're fine."
"Yeah, I guess so," TaeYeon scratched the back of her head, "Besides, at the moment there's more important people to be cared for. I'd only be wasting valuable time for people who need it drastically. You always see things more realistically than me, haha."
"Yeah ... Will you be alright getting home? I'm quite concerned about you now."
"Oh yeeeaaah, I'll be fine. It takes more than that to get Kim TaeYeon!" she began to flex her arms out, attempting to show any sign of muscle. It brought out her dorkiness but only managed to make me more attracted to her.
"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?"
"I'm sure. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think I'm up for any more of the surprise. I just want to get home if I'm honest. I didn't really expect to be passing out."
"Oh no, that's fine Tae, you go home if you want, we'll postpone this for another day instead, yeah?"
"Of course, I'll tell you when I'm next available and we'll work out a day. I'll be on my way now though. I'll see you around, Jess," she waved as she exited through the doorway. I watched her leave through the window and she looked so petite in her little tunic.
I sat back down on the futon and thought to myself about TaeYeon.
"I really have to do something, I swear next time, I will do something. I don't care what response I get from her, but I need to get her to know that I adore her. What's the worst that could happen? Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Jess," I went up the steps in my house and lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling and coming up with multiple ways to confess to TaeYeon.
TaeYeon's POV
"Man I can't believe I passed out over some alcohol. I know I'm not the best when it comes to drinking anyway, but I know for a fact I shouldn't have passed out with that much. Unless like Jess said, it happens on your first time, I'll never know to be honest," I questioned as I made my way back to Syndicate. "Ugh, just get me home, boy," I retrieved the reins off of his saddle and leapt on top of him.
Syndicate did as he was told and took me all the way back to our little division on the brink of town and the woods. "Hmm, about three," I told myself as I looked where the sun was in the crystal clear sky, "Looks like it's another early night for me, not like it's a bad thing," I chuckled to myself.
I went into the cabin and dived on my bed, thinking of the most important day to come. Well, the most important day I was hoping to come.
That meal.
OK, OK. Maybe I misjudged the chapter sequences. The story starts in the next chapter and that IS a promise. I know this one isn't really that interesting, but I needed something to give me reason for the start of the story, if that makes any sense? But yeah, as usual,I hope you enjoy!
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missxmoody #1
Chapter 10: Can't believe I haven't spazzed about my love for ancient/fantasy fics. Thank you for writing this and updating!

I love how Yuri was introduced to take Jessica's attention away from Taeyeon. Look forward to the character development and then the drama.
Chapter 4: So ending TaeNy it is..??
Chapter 8: Love your story..update soon pls...more taeny..and i want a jelly pani.kkkk
FanyeWest #4
Chapter 8: Ah love! :) hahaha. Updaaaaaaate more author ssi! :))
fudge609 #5
Chapter 7: Hoho, Jess drugged her? Well at least she stopped before anything happen, poor Taeyeon, didn't know what hit her keke
fudge609 #6
Chapter 6: thank you for the update, can't wait to see it start off in next chapter ^^
Ahehe sneaky Jessica. She so da sneakay.

10Q fo working and updatinginggng *U*
I see that your style is changing a bit, ohohoho
fudge609 #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update ^^
So Taeng finally found Fany, she's a princess? Hoho
fudge609 #9
Chapter 4: Ahh Taengsic moment, Sica have a crush on Taeng, kekeke.
fudge609 #10
Chapter 3: Ohh medieval time, this should be interesting. Keep up the good work ^^