Chapter 8: Simple

Scarred & Receptive

TaeYeon's POV


A few days had passed since I passed out and I also received the news that I indeed was invited to a meal with royalty. I couldn't have been more anxious if I wanted to be. Yet again, the king requested for us to be in our uniform, so therefore I had to drag around the heavy metal protection. It's beginning to not affect me as much anymore, maybe because I've adjusted to the weight of it, either way it's more manageable. Luckily we didn't have to take our helmets this time, making less of a mass.

I haven't really done much these pasts few days. I've trained in combat if anything, testing out my abilities with melee weapons. Each day we're getting told that the Dark Spears are becoming more truculent, leading to us needing to be more prepared in case of an attack. I still don't know why we're against each other, it hasn't been declared yet, but it can only been told soon enough. It can't be kept a secret forever. I do worry at times, I worry if there's ever a huge disagreement which leads to a bigger war than what we're at now. One where it's killed or be killed. At the moment it's just a slight fight, the odd ambush in the woods etc, but nothing too big.
"Right, wash, check. Armour, check. Hair, check," I went through everything to make sure they were perfect for the meal, "Pfft," I rubbed the scar underneath my left eye with my thumb, "You ruin the image."
I opened the door to my hut and descended down the steps, "Come on boy, I don't want to be late today," I pulled open the gate to his pen and he trotted out. In a flash, I was on his back and walking towards town.
When we got there, I jumped off and carried the routine through of tying him up. I continued further into town to be greeted by the five men who were also invited.
"Right, we've got everyone now. We should go the entrance," ordered Siwon.
All six of us crossed over the bridge and went through the many streets until we eventually reached the entrance gates to the castle. As expected, two guards were waiting on the inside of the gates, ready to ask for our names.
"Names please," the first guard asked as he stepped outside of the gates. We all reported our names to him and entered the grounds once again. Instead of going through the gardens this time, we were directed to the front doors. These were presumably the doors that lead to the dining room. "The king and his daughter are in here expecting you. We expect you to show respect to these and don't bring up anything about the Dark Spears in front of the king. Remember, you're here for a reward because you're a credit to the team. Now go enjoy yourselves."
He opened the doors which were hiding a hallway that had stairs ascending to two more doors. The stairs were covered with a red carpet that was widespread across with gold ts around the perimeter. The doors shut behind us and the two guards overtook us to guide us into the dining room.
Once everyone had got to the top of the stairs, one of the guards went inside and closed the door.
"He's just going in to see if the king would like you now," straight after the second guard told us that, the first guard came back out.
"The king grants permission for you to enter. You all have placements at the table, just simply find your name and sit down to where it is situated. Have fun," both guards held the doors open as we promenaded in.
As suspected, there was the king centred in the middle with his daughter, Tiffany, beside him. The table was rectangular and could hold over twenty people. Temptation hit again as I saw Tiffany dressed in a dark purple silk dress. After spotting me, she held her hand up and moved her fingers to indicate a wave and smiled. I raised my hand up and nodded to return the greeting, only I wasn't smiling.
"Come sit and enjoy," the king announced from over the table.
Each of us scanned each seat and looked for our names. My stomach began to tighten the further along the table I reached. Each step grew closer towards her and I could see her staring at me with those welcoming eyes.
"You're here, TaeYeon," a voice arose, "You're here, next to me," the chair next to Tiffany was starting to be pushed out.
You have got to be kidding me. Of all the seats I could've been placed in, I'm put in that one. "What're you waiting for, TaeYeon?" she giggled, "Come and sit down," she continued while patting the cushion on the chair.
I didn't keep her waiting and sat down beside her. Tiffany was to my right, Yesung was to my left and I was opposite Siwon.
"The chef should be bringing out all the food now, so feel free to have what you want from the table. It's the finest food money can afford so eat all you want," the king explained.
My cheeks were heating up and I knew that that would only lead to them giving off a tinted red glow.
The chef came in with plates, palates and bowls filled with various foods. The first thing that was brought in was the infamous pork with the apple in it's mouth. Soon followed by plates with carved beef, fowl and fish. Every time the chef came out of the kitchen he was fetching something different. Pastries and cakes were now served onto the table. Lastly, the chef stood next to the king and poured red wine into the golden goblet beside him. Going in a clockwise motion, the chef went from Tiffany to me pouring the wine. I didn't want to have any of it, especially because it makes me pass out and that was the least I wanted. Oh no, wait....
"Psst," Yesung whispered whilst elbowing me in the ribs, "Stop fidgeting!"
"Hnnghhh, I can't help it!" I returned the whisper.
"Yes you can, Tae! You say this every time! It's just because you're nervous."
"No! I need to pee!"
"You have got to be kidding ..."
"No, I'm not, I'm really not," I tightened my eyes and shook my head slightly.
"Well you'll have to wait."
"Hhnngghn ..." I crossed my legs underneath the table.
While the chef was serving the food on the table, I started twitching left and right every so often.
"TaeYeon, are you alright?" Tiffany rest her hand on top of mine.
"Wha?!" I flinched at her touch and pulled my hand to myself. She nervously pulled her hand back to herself too with disappointment all over her face.
"You've gone really red in your cheeks, are you sure you're alright?"
"Y-y-yeah, I-I-I-I'm fine," I looked straight down at my plate and didn't raise my head for a while. It was beginning to get unbearable, I had to ask for permission to be excused, "Erm, excuse me, Your Majesty," I sheepishly raised my hand. Everyone around the table stared at me.
"Yes?" he swallowed and placed his knife and fork on his plate.
"I really don't mean to be of any inconvenience, but may I please be excused? I really need to visit the bathroom."
"Now how do I know you're not just saying that so you can perhaps steal something from the castle? Or sneak around to see if there's any intel to share?" fear came over my face.
"Daddy! How could you say that?!" Tiffany slammed her hands on the table and stood up, "Do you really think that TaeYeon would do such a thing?! She's an Iron Warden! Why else do you think she's here?! If you're so paranoid of her doing something, I'll personally her myself!"
"You can't be too sure these days, Tiffany! She could just be part of the force just to obtain valuable intel! Oh, and how do I know that you won't escape the castle while you're gone, young lady!"
"That's where I come in, Your Majesty, I'd make sure she didn't leave," I plucked up the courage to redeem myself and defended Tiffany.
"Hmm," the king his chin, "That  is quite reasonable. Tiffany, you keep an eye on Miss Kim, and Miss Kim, you make sure Tiffany stays within these castle walls at all times."
"Yes sir," I lay the palms of my hands on the table and heaved myself up, pushing the chair backwards. I stepped out and tucked it back under the table. I started to walk over the nearest door.
"Haha, it's the other door, TaeYeon," Tiffany walked over to me and grabbed my hand with her own. That was it, my face was burning and there was no way to hide it either.
Tiffany dragged me outside and lead me up some stairs. There was so many corridors and steps it could have been so easy for me to have gotten lost on my own.
"Erm, Tippani," What? Oh man, I can't even pronounce her name right! I can say it over and over in my head perfectly, but when I go to say it out loud, I can't say it right. Trust it to be my luck.
"Tippani?" she halted and turned to face me, "Awwww, TaeYeon. That's so cute!" she squeezed my cheek in between her index finger and thumb, "Aww, you're going bright red, there's no need to be embarrassed!"
I wasn't embarrassed, I don't know what it was to be quite honest. Well, I had an idea but I was trying to tell myself it wasn't that, but I'll just play on being embarrassed, "What was it you wanted though, TaeYeon?" Tiffany questioned.
"We can still walk while we're talking. I do need the toilet you know."
"Oh yeah, sorry."
"Anyway, what I wanted to ask was-"
"Why I'm leaving the castle, I know, I know."
"How did you-"
"Because it'd be the first thing I's want to know too. I'll tell you if no-one's following us and I'll even tell you how I escape as long as you promise to not tell anyone!" we both looked behind us to make sure no-one was eavesdropping. 
"My lips are sealed," I joked as I lifted my finger to my lips.
There was no sign of anyone so Tiffany began to explain, "Basically, try being locked in your room everyday, all day. There's no socialising with anyone, nothing to do. I don't want to feel alone anymore, Daddy's always setting orders out so I can't have someone like you to hang around with but I understand that, I just really need someone with me. It's easy for you, you have all those out there to talk to and have fun with. I have no-one. It's torturous being locked inside all the time. I really hate how he's now found out about it and set up extra security around, but I know what to do. The door to my bedroom is the only room, aside from Daddy's, with a lock on the inside. I've memorised the time that the guards to my quarters have their break, now when they go, that's when I leave. Daddy thinks they're there all the time, he doesn't know that they have a break, but I do. If it wasn't for the fact that it's the only time I can get past, I would've told Daddy about it because they're not allowed a break, but it would only have been my mistake. Everything else is easy, you just stick to staying behind the guards and climb over the wall near the gate."
"You've thought all this through in detail, Tippani."
"I know, it's a make or break situation for me, if I didn't do it now, I would have never have done it."
"If I see you outside though, I've got to take you back, you do know that don't you? It's going to make me feel awful though because I know how upset you are over it."
"Then you don't," Tiffany flashed her beautiful eyesmile at me.
"What do you mean I don't? I don't what?"
"You don't take me back, you stay with me all day until I'm ready to go back."
"Tippani, I don't think I-"
"We're at the bathroom."
"Oh, you better go inside too. I need to make sure you're there."
"Don't do this to me, TaeYeon. Please. Can't you trust me?"
"All I need is for you to stand outside the cubicle and talk to me, just to show that you're there," Tiffany crossed her arms and furrowed her eyebrows, "Come on," I opened the door and held it open for her. She took her time coming over but I managed to convince her to get in. When I walked in, the bathroom was far from what I'd ever seen. There were mirrors spread across one wall with sinks under each and four cubicles opposite, each with a red and gold door, "I won't be long, I better not hear that door creak, haha," I laughed as I shut myself in the nearest cubicle.
"You won't."
"TaeYeon, what are you doing?" Tiffany asked skeptically.
"Ermm, nothing."
"There is, it sounds like you're struggling with something."
"Yeah, I just-ow!"
"TaeYeon?! Are you sure you're alright?!"
"Yeah, I'm-ah!"
"What are you doing?!"
"My hair's got caught on the joining on my pauldrons!"
"Why are you taking the top half off?! You only need to take the bottom half off to do your business!"
"Have you ever tried wearing a suit of metal?!"
"No, bu-"
"Then don't judge me! Ow!" all the thrashing about caused my hair to get more twisted within the metal and pulled my neck forwards, making my chin press against my neck.
"Do you need some help?"
"*Sigh* ... yeah ..."
"Come outside then."
I opened the door only to be laughed at by Tiffany, "Haha, TaeYeon, you've got your head stuck now," she approached me and kneeled down so she was looking up at me. As she looked up, her eyes aimed straight at mine and the dreaded eye contact appeared. It was unusual, we both just stared at each other for about five seconds and then both turned our heads away, "You've gone red again, TaeYeon."
"Yeah! Well so have you!" Tiffany looked back down towards the floor immediately.
While Tiffany was untangling my hair from my armour, neither of us talked or looked at one another. It was awkward, just as I thought it would have been.
"All done," Tiffany stood back up and turned her back to me.
"Thanks, Tippani," I stood and stared at her. She was looking at me through the reflection in the mirror, "I won't be long."
I got rid of the armour and threw it on the floor, to make matters worse, one of my sabatons rolled under the space of the door and I heard a faint laugh from outside. 
After I'd finished my business, I put everything back on and unlocked the cubicle door. Tiffany was stood outside holding my sabaton and smiling' "Can I have that back please?" I asked while holding my hand out.
"Hmm, I'll think about it," she bit her lip and tucked the sabaton under her chin.
"Please, the floor's cold," I stuck my bottom lip out and pulled puppy dog eyes at her.
"You'll have to get it off me first," she stuck her tongue out at me and waltzed out the door.
"Hey, wait!" I ran towards the door, "Ohhhh," I ran back towards the sink and washed my hands, "Come back!" I pulled the door open and Tiffany was skipping down the steps with her hand in my sabaton.
"Come and get it, TaeYeon," she turned around and started waving it at me.
I started to pick up a pace down the steps and neared Tiffany. Unintentionally, I trod on the back of her dress and she stumbled forward. The force of the dress being pulled from underneath my foot caused me to fall forward too and I fell against her back, resulting in a tumble down the last few steps. We both came crashing down and landed on the solid stone flooring.
"Owwww ..." Tiffany mumbled from underneath me and rubbed her head. She hadn't noticed that I was hovering over her, "Are you alright Tae- *gasp*."
I didn't know what to do or say so I just continued to stare down on her. My hands were either side of her head and I was leaning over her. Her innocent eyes were gazing up at me and we both waited in silence.
"Oh, I-I best get off of you," I started to steadily lift myself up when Tiffany grabbed my shoulders.
"No, this is nice. Stay like this with me for a while."
"But ... we need to get back," I turned my head to face the entrance to the dining hall.
"We haven't been that long, besides, I think this is what having a friend feels like, let me treasure this moment for a while."
"I don't think this is a good idea, Tip-"
Before I could finish, Tiffany pulled me into her arms and held me there, showing no intention of letting me go.
"Hug me, TaeYeon," she ordered whilst pulling me closer into her chest.
"Yes, Your Highness," I slid my hands between her back and the floor and waited for her to let go. I couldn't reject a royal's wishes, after all, I am technically a servant for her.
"This is really nice, TaeYeon, I wish I could do this more often with someone," she sighed as she tucked her head into my neck.
"Aren't you uncomfortable hugging me in my armour?" I asked.
"I'm alright, take it off if you're not comfortable though."
"What's wrong, TaeYeon?" she stared at me unknowingly.
"Oh, nothing ..."
Oh yeah, she's never really been out of the castle, that's why she probably doesn't understand that it's indecent to do that, especially with another woman present.
Tiffany released her arms and pushed me up by my shoulders.
"I'd have stayed longer but you were starting to hurt me."
"Oh I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
I stood up and held my hand out for her to pull herself up with. She grabbed it and placed her other hand on my waist to pull herself up. When she stood up, her eyes were at the same level as mine and we held eye contact once again, "Come on, TaeYeon," she grabbed my hand out of the blue and skipped forward, pulling me behind her.
"Hey, wait!" I stumbled forward, losing my footing.
She discreetly let go of my hand and pushed the door open slowly. 
"Ladies first," I smiled at her whilst pointing my hand towards the door. When the door was ajar, the whole table turned their heads in our direction.
"You took your time," the king scolded at both of us, throwing a disapproving stare at us.
"I apologise, Your Majesty, we were altering our hair."
"Hmph, if you say so. Sit back down."
For some reason, he seemed like he now has a negative opinion of me now. Everyone continued to eat their meal in silence until we all finished.
"Now may I have your attention?" the king asked while ascending out of his chair and tapping on the side of a wine glass with his fork. "I thank all of you for attending today, it has been a pleasure giving you this reward in thanks of your hard work and dedication to serving the royal family. I hope you continue to devote all of your time to your positions, and once again, thank you."
Two hours later
"So Tae, what did you think?" Ryeowook prompted as he prodded me in the side with his elbow, "Quite a privilege, don't you think?"
"Erm, yeeeaah. I just kind of want to get home now, I'm tired."
"Tae you've been getting tired a lot just recently. You should see a doctor or something, I'm quite concerned about you."
"No, I'm fine, it's just lack of sleep. I'm going now, I'll talk to you later, bye," I became very defensive and eager to leave so I could think things through on my own. 
"Hmm, alright, I'll see you next time."
He's catching on that something isn't quite right with me and now I've just realised it myself after these past few hours. I didn't spend long with her so I can't really be sure, but she's got this aura to her. I keep thinking five simple words over and over. Words that I've never imagined that I'd ever truly experience. But ...
I'm in love with her.
Yeah, I took a while from writing because I've been so busy with exams and I also had a bit of bad news come and hit me so that's prevented me from writing too. Nontheless, I'm alright now and hopefully more updates will be coming from now on as I have now officially left school and have plenty of time on my hands. I didn't really know what to do for this chapter so I kind of let TaeYeon realise how she feels for Tiffany. It's not the best I know, but I really hope you enjoy it.
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missxmoody #1
Chapter 10: Can't believe I haven't spazzed about my love for ancient/fantasy fics. Thank you for writing this and updating!

I love how Yuri was introduced to take Jessica's attention away from Taeyeon. Look forward to the character development and then the drama.
Chapter 4: So ending TaeNy it is..??
Chapter 8: Love your story..update soon pls...more taeny..and i want a jelly pani.kkkk
FanyeWest #4
Chapter 8: Ah love! :) hahaha. Updaaaaaaate more author ssi! :))
fudge609 #5
Chapter 7: Hoho, Jess drugged her? Well at least she stopped before anything happen, poor Taeyeon, didn't know what hit her keke
fudge609 #6
Chapter 6: thank you for the update, can't wait to see it start off in next chapter ^^
Ahehe sneaky Jessica. She so da sneakay.

10Q fo working and updatinginggng *U*
I see that your style is changing a bit, ohohoho
fudge609 #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update ^^
So Taeng finally found Fany, she's a princess? Hoho
fudge609 #9
Chapter 4: Ahh Taengsic moment, Sica have a crush on Taeng, kekeke.
fudge609 #10
Chapter 3: Ohh medieval time, this should be interesting. Keep up the good work ^^