Chapter 1: Typical Errand

Scarred & Receptive

TaeYeon's POV

"*Pant pant pant*," I couldn't breathe. I'd been running endlessly in the intense downpour. The weight of my armour taking its toll on my body. My hair, sticking down onto my face, disorientating my vision due to the soaking of the rain. I honestly thought I was going to die. Countless amounts of bloodthirsty arrows were directed towards me but thankfully off target, either hitting trees or missing entirely and embedding in the moist grass. I'd already lost my helmet, so now I had no protection on one of my most vital spots which was incredibly concerning.
I can easily say I'd been running away for at least half an hour, I didn't know how I'd managed to last this long, especially in these weather conditions. It was hard to decipher which direction to go in, because I also needed to know where I was in the forest to know where I was situated so I could make my way back home, but I really didn't want the Dark Spears anywhere on my tail so I just continued to run. Besides, if it means me staying alive, I'd run for as long as I could and wherever I could. I had no weaponry, no ally, and most importantly, no time to waste. 
Each step was harder, the more it rained the more engulfing the mud became, it became difficult because I was now beginning to sink in it. All the scenery I was encountering was all the same, tree after tree with rain and mud added into the picture. Luckily, to my surprise, a loud collision was overheard in the background.
This was the first time I had turned around whilst I was running in case I ended up going face first into a tree, or perhaps even falling off the edge of a great height, but nonetheless, I glanced over my shoulder. The two horses that were pursuing me with their riders had gotten stuck in the thickening mud and broken their legs, poor things, now left there to die. The riders came tumbling off and plummeted into the ground. Straight away they were up shaking themselves and focusing their sights on me, their main target. However, the chase did continue, only now on foot. 
The gaps between the trees grew narrower as I deepened into the forest, and I found myself having to twist and turn to evade a specific branch or vine. Quickly, I took another quick glance to check on the distance between us.
"Agh! ..."
A thorn had caught me off guard and slashed underneath my left eye. Squinting, I wiped the blood off of my cheek to prevent it from trickling down any further. The chase was getting even more intense. Roots of trees were now blocking my path, forcing me to leap over them and the occasional lowered branch forcing me to duck. It was like an assault course I'd been through when applying for the Iron Wardens to test my capability. That's the best thing about them, they're not prejudiced against women joining, they think of it as a matter of the more help they can get the better, unlike others. I hadn't been with them for long if I'm completely honest, but they said I had great potential. I was quick and agile you see.
I can remember it like it was yesterday.
There were whispers all around;
"Is that a girl applying?"
"Noooo, it can't be, she looks too petite for a start." 
"Maybe she's gotten lost, you know how dumb women are, hahaha."
I could see them all staring at me as if I didn't have a right to be there. The looks were making me feel uncomfortable without a doubt, but I couldn't wait to prove them wrong.
Many were applying for the Iron Wardens. I scanned around the hall and saw man after man seated around, waiting for their name to be called out for the trials. No sign of a woman other than myself. It was still only early morning though, there could be some appearing later on.
Name after name was called out and then,
"... Kim TaeYeon! Can you please make your way over to the agility course please?!"
Wow, it was finally my turn. 
When I was approaching the course through the fort, many men pointed and laughed at me, asking why a woman was joining. Bluntly ignoring them, I proceeded to my destination to hopefully be accepted into the team. The only bad thing was, these men would be the people I was associating with if I got my place.
When I eventually got to the field grounds where we were taking part in the course, nets and obstacles had been orderly scattered around.
"Who's that woman? What does she want?" a random participant questioned.
"I'm assuming that that is Miss Kim TaeYeon. Am I correct?" General Choi asked with a faint smile while raising his eyebrows.
"Mm," I responded with a quick nod.
"General Choi, you're really going to let a woman compete with us? She'll only embarrass herself."
Alright, thanks guys, just mock me while I'm in front of you, it's fine, not like I'm here or anything ...
"Hey, come on, she's got as much right and chance as anyone else here, so I suggest you keep your mouth shut, everyone is considered equal in our terms, now hurry up and get in line before I put you there myself," he announced before I had a chance to speak up for myself.
Choi Siwon was one of the few generals monitoring the trials for the newbies. He's an excellent coach and stuck to the rules before anything. He stuck up a lot for me too, he's one of the main reasons I still wanted to join, he was a genuinely good person.
The guy who just judged me kept quiet and went over to the starting point, now being shown up himself. We all followed and stood in the ten lines that indicated our positions. "Right, so you all know what you're here for, you all want to be accepted into the Iron Wardens. First to finish, automatically gets a place. Firstly, I want you to tell me who you are and a brief summary of why you want to be one of us. Do you all understand?"
"Yes, we understand," all ten of us answered in unison.
"Good, right, we'll start with you and we'll go across until we reach the end. After that, we won't waste anymore time and begin."
One after the other, they were giving their exaggerated reasons, hoping to give a good impression to the general.
"Right, Kim TaeYeon, and why do you want to be with us?" General Choi questioned.
"You know what, I'm going to be completely honest with you unlike these here, over exaggerating their reasons. I want to be part of the Iron Wardens because I want to actually be accepted for once. I have no family because of the enemy and I've had to fend for myself. I want to follow in my father's footsteps like he wanted one of his children to do. For once it'd be nice to actually have people that wanted to have something to do with you instead of feeling like a burden to them."
The other nine just stood staring at me as if I'd said a taboo word. Well, that's their problem, not mine.
"Thank you for your reason, TaeYeon, a great attitude. That's what I like to see."
Well, it was taken in a positive respect, hopefully that's increased my chances.
When I was younger, my parents were brutally murdered by the Dark Spears in front of my own eyes because they were seeking revenge on my father for killing a general of their own. My mother's shaken words as she was left for dead on the floor were pleads for me to never let this happen to myself. She told me to flee with my older brother and my younger sister. According to my mother it wasn't safe for us to stay in Mansfield anymore. My younger sister, Hayeon, went to live with our grandparents on my mother's side somewhere in Somerset. As for my older brother Jiwoong, he fled to Mirfield without leaving a trace and no explanation. I think about him everyday because I have no idea how he's getting on. To make matters worse, that's where the Dark Spears originate from. I wish to think he's elsewhere, he may even be dead for all I know but that's definitely the least I want to think. I always wear my friendship bracelet we made when we were younger. I got the blue and purple one while he got the black and white one. Whenever I look at it intently, my mind and heart always goes out to him. Hayeon's safe, well, I hope, but I can never be too sure about Jiwoong.
After the last three men had given their reasons, it was now time for the physical activity. General Choi began to give out the steps of the course.
"So everyone, as you can all see out there, there's a numerous amount of exercises for you to overcome. You start off here, you sprint over to that wall and climb over it. You go down under the next and continue to go over and under until you get to the net. Is that all clear?"
"Yes General Choi," we answered him, showing that we were listening to him.
"Good, as you know, the next station is the net, you crawl under it, pretty simple enough, yes? The thing is, there's about a foot worth of mud under there with you to make it just a bit harder. You have your balance test after, walk along the raised logs until you get to the wire crawl. This is where you have to be quick yet cautious. That isn't just metal, that's barbed wire, one careless bit of contact and you've got a cut on you. When you've come out of there, you've got an underwater swim. Hold your breath and swim through the tunnel. When you come out, there should be a finish line. First one that passes means is automatically in."
It was everything I expected, it was tough, but I'm sure I'd be able to get through it with ease if I made myself think I could do it. Get in the right mindset. "Last thing before you start, you'll all be wearing the Iron Warden armour. As you all know, you should have the simple components. A plate, a helmet, a gorget, pauldrons, couters, bracers, gauntlets, faulds, greaves, poleyns and sabatons in the traditional silver style. So what I'd like all of you to do is go and get yours from over on that table and put them on over your clothes, is that easy enough?"
"Yes sir."
I tried to stay on my own going over to the table, but three of them followed me.
"It's a shame we've got to put them on over our clothes, would've been nice to have seen her getting changed," someone said whilst directly pointing at me.
Did I just hear that disgusting piece of existence right? He wanted to see me get changed? You see, this is the whole reason why I like women. Men just purely disgust me with their erse minds and vile actions. Women are so much more elegant and I can relate to them more, feel more comfortable.
"I wonder if she'll let me after haha."
He really thinks he can get me, oh dear.
I couldn't let him keep talking about me in this disrespectful manner, I had to say something for myself.
"Erm, excuse me, will you just shut the up? I'm not just something that you can decide what to do with me, besides, I have standards, and in no way at all do you match up to them. So no, you can't see me."
"Ohh, vicious," his sly grin making me feel physically sick.
"*Sigh*," I looked towards the table and ignored them, putting on the armour. It was so heavy, but I think that I can adjust to the weight of it.
General Choi came over to check on us.
"Is everything alright here?"
"It would be, but these imbeciles are downgrading me, particularly that one there. He wanted to see me undress."
General Choi looked at him in disgust.
"What did I say? Just because she's a woman doesn't mean you can be suggestive towards her."
Finally, everyone was ready to start, we all lined up at the beginning. We all kept on looking either side, checking to see how everyone was preparing.
"Right then guys and girl, this is it. It all lies on this whether you join or not. At each station, there'll be someone to examine your efforts, these will then be recorded to give us an overall average on your performance. Best of luck."
Right, I couldn't fail here. I needed to get in, failure was not an option.
"Three, two, one ... off you go!"
Everyone sprinted to the first hurdle and climbed over it with ease. I don't know whether it was because I was agile or quick, but I'd already taken a lead on them. Over and under multiple logs that had been suspended took energy out of me but I couldn't let it bother me, I've got lots more ahead of me.
Lieutenant General Lee Donghae was stood at the net, monitoring it. He seemed quite surprised that I'd taken the lead, a woman, but luckily it seemed to be a good surprise. I didn't want to look behind in case it threw me off track, but I couldn't see anyone to the sides of me so I knew I'd got some good distance between me and them.
Without hesitating, I was under the net and mud up all in my face. It was incredibly difficult to move because the thick slurry was sticking to me, holding my metal armour back. Each step towards the end of the net was straining my muscles in my shoulders and thighs but I still couldn't stop.
"Ew, ew, ew!" mud oozing through my gauntlets as I put pressure on my hands.
When I eventually arose from out of the net, I glanced as fast as I could and the rest were maybe halfway under. I'd got a great advantage. Lieutenant General Lee was smiling to himself and shaking his head. Didn't he anticipate a girl performing better than the others?
The balance test was probably the easiest part, hardly twenty seconds passed for that section. Major General Lee Sungmin was cheering me on to be honest. There wasn't much left to do before the finish and my guess was that he wanted me to win.
"Go on TaeYeon, you show them lads," he clapped and winked at me. I just smiled back, it was nice to know someone was behind me.
All that was left was the wire and the underwater swim. Being truthful now, I wasn't looking forward to the underwater swim. I get nervy when I'm underwater for a long enough time, it stings my eyes too.
The wire looked awful, there was maybe ten inches worth of space to crawl under.
"Come on Tae, just keep your head low,"  I had to reassure myself.
I got down on all fours and tucked my head under, avoiding any contact with what was above me.
General Kim Jongwoon looked through the gaps in the barbed wire, watching my every inch of movement. I genuinely think he was making sure I didn't get too close to the wire. It was as though they wanted me more than any of the others. Made me feel quite privileged. I took my time here, I had enough time to be fair though. General Kim just nodded and smirked after I'd escaped.
Now was the part I was dreading. The part what was worrying me the most was the possibility of my armour weighing me down and making me sink.
I took a deep breath in.
"Go on Tae, get it over and done with."
My sabatons dipped a small amount into the edge of the water. With one deep breath, I dived into the chilling pool and delved underneath. There was quite a way to the end so I needed to make sure I was fast so I didn't suffocate. Each drained the remainder of my energy out. I was dying to gasp but if I did, I would've inhaled a mouthful of water.
My oxygen levels were getting smaller but there was still about twelve metres to go. With all my efforts, I pushed myself to the end of the tunnel.
"Haaaaaaa! *Cough* ... *cough cough*."
Straight away I breathed in the sweet sensation of air. I was curled up on all fours coughing and spluttering water out of my mouth and nose. When I stood up, my back was arched and I was looking at the floor. Water poured out of the joinings in my armour, like small waterfalls in my joints. Lieutenant General Cho couldn't do anything but praise me after I'd come out.
"You've done great Kim TaeYeon, now go finish, we're all waiting for you."
I'd finished, I'd actually finished what I thought I wouldn't be able to.
Without any hesitation, my eyes were on the finishing spot and my legs moved on their own.
I'd come first, I was in the Iron Wardens.
Minutes after, the others crossed the line, absolutely astonished that I'd finished before them.
When everyone had dried off, General Choi announced the placements.
"I can gladly say that Kim TaeYeon proved the better of you and came first, automatically granting her the title of Iron Warden. The rest of you I'm afraid will have to wait until we've discussed who we want. Thank you for your time and we shall get in contact otherwise."
So yeah! That's how I got in, I got my certificate off of the king to prove I was legally joined. It was originally supposed to be granted from the princess but she wasn't available that day. Personally, I think it was to keep her protected. Not many people see her, she only comes out at announcements. Even I haven't witnessed her yet. I wonder how beautiful she is.
Back To Present Day
Without a doubt the Iron Wardens were considered the purity of the war, whereas the Dark Spears were the evil beings. They'd ceased war on us because we couldn't meet their expectations. It's deeper than that though, even I don't know what their expectations were, but we obviously refused to succumb to their demands.
 " sake ..."
Yet again I found myself wiping the blood off of my cheek. I couldn't help myself again, I turn around only to notice that there was no-one following me. Maybe I'd outrun them? Maybe they got distracted? Many possibilities. It all seemed a little too odd for them to not be there anymore however. My main concern was getting home now and making sure this wound doesn't get infected due to the dirt. I did scan the area but I couldn't see anyone, but I couldn't be too careless, they might have decided to have hidden somewhere to ambush me. 
My little hut wasn't too far anyway, it was on the borderline of the town and the forest. I had easy access to the waterfall and lake. Luckily for me, it was tucked away in a little alcove where you could only come across it if you was looking for it. It could hardly be out in the open though now could it? I would never take that risk. 
The cold was starting to hit me now, it didn't help having water in my body armour, puddles at the bottom of my sabatons, the metal inside with condensation running down from the heat of my exhausted body. My face was so pale, I just needed to get home. If I'd have known that this would have happened I would've brought supplies and a small artillery, but you don't expect chases when delivering a message to a captain. No-where is safe at the moment in public. So many people eavesdropping or waiting to assassinate you. Home was my main aim now though.
I could feel the dampness getting into my joints, my groin now locking up. Unknowingly, I collapsed onto the floor, gasping for air. A mixture of rain, mud and blood spotted around my face. This had taken the energy out of me. I lay there for a good ten minutes staring into the grey blanket in the sky with droplets pattering onto my face, my legs practically paralysed.
I admit I did begin to panic, but it was the cold stiffening my joints. Now if I could just get myself up, maybe I could make my way out. I raised my back out of the muddy residue on the floor and propped my elbows up each side of me.
I winced as the fatigue in my groin started to affect me, I didn't want to stay in this cold anymore though, it was getting deep into my bones.
I managed to push myself back onto my feet but the rain was coming even harder now. It was just pouring off of my plate and my gauntlets. My sabatons had now filled up and were overflowing.
"Atchoo! Ugh ... *cough* *wheeze* *cough*."
My wet hair was making me shiver, and I constantly had to wipe the blood off my face. It was remarkable how much one small cut could bleed.
I could only manage a walking pace now, but I still checked behind me to see if I was still being pursued. Hopefully I'd lost them because I took quite a pace and managed to sustain it for a while. They seemed too unhealthy to run that long so I'm hoping that they've left.
I was still sneezing all the way home. Eventually, the brink of the forest was in view and the recognisable lake was appearing with the path going into the main town. I just couldn't wait to get in and get out of this armour.
Syndicate, my trusty steed was in his pen and trotted over to the barrier as he noticed me getting closer.
"Hey boy, you should get in your cabin, it's only going to get worse."
I rubbed his mane and patted his neck before I limped up the wooden steps holding my side.
I opened the door and closed it behind me, separating me from the outside, giving me chance to amend myself.
That was the first chapter finished, I'd appreciate it if you could point out any grammar or typo mistakes that I make in the future, that'd be great. :)
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missxmoody #1
Chapter 10: Can't believe I haven't spazzed about my love for ancient/fantasy fics. Thank you for writing this and updating!

I love how Yuri was introduced to take Jessica's attention away from Taeyeon. Look forward to the character development and then the drama.
Chapter 4: So ending TaeNy it is..??
Chapter 8: Love your story..update soon pls...more taeny..and i want a jelly pani.kkkk
FanyeWest #4
Chapter 8: Ah love! :) hahaha. Updaaaaaaate more author ssi! :))
fudge609 #5
Chapter 7: Hoho, Jess drugged her? Well at least she stopped before anything happen, poor Taeyeon, didn't know what hit her keke
fudge609 #6
Chapter 6: thank you for the update, can't wait to see it start off in next chapter ^^
Ahehe sneaky Jessica. She so da sneakay.

10Q fo working and updatinginggng *U*
I see that your style is changing a bit, ohohoho
fudge609 #8
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update ^^
So Taeng finally found Fany, she's a princess? Hoho
fudge609 #9
Chapter 4: Ahh Taengsic moment, Sica have a crush on Taeng, kekeke.
fudge609 #10
Chapter 3: Ohh medieval time, this should be interesting. Keep up the good work ^^