Stitch - Cheondung



         No matter how hard he tried to continue, it was becoming gradually harder to accept his fate. The threads of destiny awoke him. How could he have been so blind not to see what was in front of him? It was true that some people could only picture the forest without taking each tree into consideration. Usually, he tried to study their branches down to their roots. He let his eyes drop across the magnificent statues nature created. If only he could stitch back the part that he’d lost along the road. He couldn’t recognize the tree that he was.

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charlot #1
Chapter 15: did very well on this challenge to quite impress.. you deserve a reward for this..
Chapter 15: Hweh hweh hweh, I love this.
Chapter 12: Lmaoo, I also thought about it. XD
Chapter 8: Lol!! too funny
Chapter 5: Aww his nephews! ♥ the twins (:
Chapter 3: These are all so beautiful and thoughfully written... I love drabbles so much, they tell such a good story within a few lines. Looking forward to more! c: