Personal Message


Story Title | Type | Status | Chapters | Notes



Of Birds | Oneshot | Complete | 1/1 | experimental writing
Videnda | Oneshot | Complete | 1/1 | prequel to avenue of hope
Avenue of Hope | Chaptered | Complete | 10/10 | I love this couple
Muffle | Drabble - Oneshot | Complete | 1/1 | kekekekekekekekeke

Beautiful | Chaptered | On-going | 2/? | the happy gang is back!
100km | Drabbles | On hold | 15/100 | not in the mood
Goodnight Baby | Chaptered | On-hold | p+5/? | might drop it for good


About Me



Hello! My name is Wei Mei, but you can call me Mei Mei or other nickname that comes into your mind :3 I usually write to get rid of my muse's constant ing, so expect anything ~☆ I like most artists in kpop! They are all so amazing! ^_^ I also listen to jpop, jrock and cpop! Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is my soul mate  ㅋㅋㅋ
I don't bite ♥