Mask - Mir



         Mir looked through the mirror. Another person was staring back. He gently peeled the cracked skin from his face. He pressed the cotton pad over his eyes and smeared black ink. A new pair came into view. His pink lips bit over a napkin. Dry lipstick wet its surface. His hair tangled between his fingers and rebellious strands took over his appearance. Tired orbs kept the old image chained to the back of his head. Beauty is just skin deep. The same could work for personalities. Sometimes, masks are necessary. He chose one from the table and covered his pain.

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charlot #1
Chapter 15: did very well on this challenge to quite impress.. you deserve a reward for this..
Chapter 15: Hweh hweh hweh, I love this.
Chapter 12: Lmaoo, I also thought about it. XD
Chapter 8: Lol!! too funny
Chapter 5: Aww his nephews! ♥ the twins (:
Chapter 3: These are all so beautiful and thoughfully written... I love drabbles so much, they tell such a good story within a few lines. Looking forward to more! c: