Fantasy - Mir



         Draw out your swords, my friends! The raging sea is waiting for our ship to swallow! Wonderful tales of forgotten realms await their storyteller and this captain has seen more than he could ever imagine. Approach danger like it’s the last thing you shall ever do! Let the spirit of bravery possess you until there’s no longer a need for living. May the Lady place a kiss upon your forehead as she pulls you underneath her lair and suffocates you with a prolonged embrace! What about you, youngster? You seem brave enough, dare you?

To his disappointment, Mir woke up.

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charlot #1
Chapter 15: did very well on this challenge to quite impress.. you deserve a reward for this..
Chapter 15: Hweh hweh hweh, I love this.
Chapter 12: Lmaoo, I also thought about it. XD
Chapter 8: Lol!! too funny
Chapter 5: Aww his nephews! ♥ the twins (:
Chapter 3: These are all so beautiful and thoughfully written... I love drabbles so much, they tell such a good story within a few lines. Looking forward to more! c: