Fairy - Mir



“What’s your ideal type?”

“I want someone that’s smaller than me in height, has blonde hair and cute blue eyes. She’d look best in a tiny and tight green dress with corset and her hair tied in a bun. She’d be good with her hands. I mean, she’d be crafty and very creative! I like it if she’s a little jealous, maybe over the top? It makes me feel loved! If she’d done something bad, she would later apologize, wouldn’t she?”

“So you’re basically looking for Tinker Bell?”

“What? No, that’s...”

Mir kept waving his hands the entire evening show.

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charlot #1
Chapter 15: wow..you did very well on this challenge to yourself...im quite impress.. you deserve a reward for this..
Chapter 15: Hweh hweh hweh, I love this.
Chapter 12: Lmaoo, I also thought about it. XD
Chapter 8: Lol!! too funny
Chapter 5: Aww his nephews! ♥ the twins (:
Chapter 3: These are all so beautiful and thoughfully written... I love drabbles so much, they tell such a good story within a few lines. Looking forward to more! c: