Blink - Lee Joon



         My heart fluttered wildly. I felt it clobbering against my chest. The organ morphed into a crimson fiend that knocked at my rib cage. It clutched my lungs; claws pressed until I could no longer restrain my body’s tremble. I exhaled its blazing breath. My lips sealed it inside with a slender, assertive smile. The orchestral introduction prepared our entrance. No one would ever meet the creature; it was part of what I had hidden as lights washed and blinded me. Haze sheltered us from the synchronized voices contouring our strong frames. I blinked once. The stage returned to me.

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charlot #1
Chapter 15: did very well on this challenge to quite impress.. you deserve a reward for this..
Chapter 15: Hweh hweh hweh, I love this.
Chapter 12: Lmaoo, I also thought about it. XD
Chapter 8: Lol!! too funny
Chapter 5: Aww his nephews! ♥ the twins (:
Chapter 3: These are all so beautiful and thoughfully written... I love drabbles so much, they tell such a good story within a few lines. Looking forward to more! c: