One glance(prologue)

~60 Seconds~
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60 seconds is all that was needed, for me to remember everything we had…

60 seconds is all I needed to remember our happy times together, and our depressing times together…

60 seconds is enough for this story…



“Yah, Sunggyu, you have been cooped up in here for months! Go out and have some fresh air!” Omma said whilst rearranging the books on the dusty bookshelf.

“But omma, I need to finish my work…my boss will kill me if I don’t finish it.” I said finishing the report I was given.

“Sunggyu, I think you should listen to your omma! Eversince 7 months ago, you have been in here like a trapped or caged lion! Who knows why you have been like this since then, but go out and drink tea and have some biscuits at a café or something.” 7 months ago…

“Omma, didn’t you come here to visit me? You just came yesterday.”

“Deh, but, I didn’t come here to see my son burying himself in his work! I want you to at least free yourself from here!”

“Omma, won’t you be bored without me?” I chuckled lightly.

“Nope, I have enough to do here. Cleaning your house, aissh, your house is one huge mess! Reminds me of your appa.” Omma smiled. How could she even manage to smile at the mention of appa’s name…especially when she said it.

“Omma…” I stood up and walked over to omma.

“Its ok dear, just go and relax. I heard that there was a café nearby, what was it called? ‘Angelic Inspirits’? Well, go there and relax!” she smiled. I hugged my loving omma.

“Thank you omma, I’ll come back soon! I’ll try be back by…6:00pm?” I said taking my jacket. And setting an alarm at 6:00pm on my phone, so I remember when to get back. I was never this organized…I’m glad I am now.

“You don’t have to, take your time, maybe you’ll see a girl there, and come back with her and have dinner with us!” she beamed.

“W-what? O-omma-“

“Ahha, I was joking, but if you do meet girl, bring her for dinner!” she smiled again. I opened the door and it was raining lightly. I took the umbrella.

“No promises omma!” I said. “Bye omma, Saranghae!” I waved and closed the door.

“BYE! SARANGAHE SUNGGYU!” I heard omma yell through the door. I just love her so much.

Outside, to Sunggyu

“Aissh, what time is it?” I checked my watch.


I sighed. I looked around for the café.

What was it? Angelic Inspirits? Probably a new café shop, I never once heard of it…but the ‘Inspirit’ sounded familiar.

I walked down the pathway, and saw people either walking with kids, rushing somewhere, and even saw some kids splashing in the puddles. They seemed the age of 12 and 13 year olds.

“Ouch!” I turned around, and saw a kid drenched in water, and he was crying, probably because of his bleeding knee. I ran towards him and his group of friends who were continuously playing in the puddles.

“Are you okay?” I asked bending down to the boy who was crying. He sniffled. “Here, I have a plaster, it will cover up your wound. And I have tis

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Chapter 2: Love the story! Waiting for the update :D
Chapter 2: I love it so far! It may only have like 2 chapters up, but I really like it so far! Please update when you can :) Dont hurry, I am patient. :)