Jonghyun hung his head as he let out a loud sigh. It had already been three months since he posted up those ads and yet, no response. He didn't know what to do if this were to drag on longer - he was unable to manage paying for the apartment on his own. He should have listened to Jinki's advice and found a cheaper one - but he was in love with this apartment as soon as he stepped into it.

The small living space felt cozy, the kitchen was efficient and reminded him of the kitchen in his parents' house - not that he ever cooked in it - but it was nice. He took the bedroom facing the front of the apartment, right across from the park so that he could watch people enjoying their daily lives. They inspired him to write his lyrics. The extra bedroom was empty except for a few boxes he stored in there. And now he would have to give it up.

A knock from his front door startled him and he jumped, Jonghyun glanced around the room and was glad no one was there to see him scared like a little girl. 

"Can I help you?" He asked when the door swung open.

The boy on the other side was stylishly dressed: skinny jeans and some sort of high-end designed t-shirt. His hair was dyed dark brown, but there were a dazzle of different highlights in all sorts of colors. His gaze was strong enough to chill bones, but when he smiled, Jonghyun stumbled backwards. He had never seen anyone smile like that, which was silly because his best friend was known as the "smiling angel." Still, Jinki had nothing on this boy.

"My name is Kim Kibum - but I prefer Key," the boy replied, holding up what Jonghyun recognized as one of his ads. "I'm here to be your roommate."

Though he almost danced from joy, something deep inside Jonghyun's gut told him that this would be a bad idea. 

"Uh, great," he shoved his hands inside the safety of his pockets, "do you have any reference?"

Kibum grinned at him, and he felt the blood drained slowly from his brain. "I could call my mom if that's what you want. Or would you like to personally search me? I promise I'm neither armed nor dangerous."

At that moment, Kim Kibum seemed very dangerous. And the remark to "personally search him" left Jonghyun's throat a bit too dry for his liking. He nodded awkwardly, knowing a losing battle when he saw one. 

"All right, so, when can you move in?"

Kibum held up what clearly was an overnight bag and dangled it, "right now."

And that was how Kim Jonghyun's life forever changed.

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Mhuwahaha. Time leap


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ShipJongkey #1
Chapter 11: Wpw, I loved this. Is it mean if I said I actually wanted somebody to die? Hehe, I became a fan of slight angst. I think all of this could've been avoided if Kibum would have just used himself as bait instead of Jongyun but then Jinki sstill would have end p dead maybe? I don't know;p. Anyways, I liked it; it was a good read.
i love your story so much
Chapter 10: ugh I hope that Key's former boss gets caught soon so JongKey can get together >_<

BTW: I really like this story so far! The plot is interesting, I hope you update soon. I can't wait to see the development! (:
Chapter 9: i really like this fic.
not only is jongkey angst one of my favorite type of fanfic
the plot is so interesting & jonghyun is the one in the one-sided unrequited love LOL
usually stories i read, key is the one wanting jonghyun
i like the change
you got my hopes up when jongkey did it ;-;
i was happy. c: and now drama.
key key key, why do you have to be what you are???
i anticipate the next update. c':
thestrangelittlegirl #5
Chapter 6: im really really curious about this fic, and it's been so amazingly written.... please please please update!! :D