Prince, Find Me!

Prince of the Night


When I looked back, I didn't notice that his head was behind me and I was shocked that after a second I was kissing him.

I can't stop my mind. I can't stop my self. It was torturing me. I cant control my self.

I can't believe it, he was also doing it.

In a minute or so that seemed like forever, He jerked away.

He was totally blushing right now.

"I'm sorry." He said flatly.

He was about to go out but I wanted to tell him that I'm going home, which is the real thing that I was doing that's why I'm finding him.

"Hey! Me too. I apologize to you"

"There's no need, It was all my fault"

"I'm just going to tell you that I would like to go home now"

He quickly glanced at me with a sad expression.

"Ok. I guess I'll met you some other time. I hope it's soon."

I smiled and said "Uhm, yeah! Don't worry we'll meet again."

And after Our talk he offered me to ride his car and he will fetch me home.

I quickly agreed to him.


When I arrived home all of my friends and relatives are there motionless on the couch.

When they heard that someone entered the house they all did there heads up.

When they saw me they were like all jumping, squealing, and was like they were going to jump on me and make me suffer.

They are so happy to see me again.

"And where have you been miss?!" my mom told me sarcastically.

"uh... I - I went in - mmmy - friends house." I stammered when I thought that I can't tell them I sleep in the house of someone that I didn't know of.

"Oh Really???" Selina told me.

"Uhm, yeah!" I told them with an assuring face.

"So who is that friend of yours that we didn't know about?!" my dad said.

"He... I mean She is a new friend of mine. I just meet her in school and... and... she's alone because her parents was away so she told me to sleep at her house."

"Ok, Fine! We trust You" Ella told me and then I sighed.

Whew! good thing I didn't get caught. I'm so scared that I would get caught that my palms and my whole face was like sweating to death.

"Uh, Hebe? Why are you sweating?" Ella told me.

"I knew it..." I cut my mother from talking.

"What did you knew??" I ask nervously.

"I mean I knew that staying at your friends house is not a good thing. Look at you you're sweating like a pig. It seems like you're sick." my mom finished.

"OH!!!" I told them.

i was about to think that my mom knew that truth and I was busted and that she will get me grounded.

Whew!!! good thing I was wrong.

"Why?! What do you think I was going to say?" My mom asked me. She is making me more sweaty and I hate it. A lot.

"huh?! Oh nothing." I told them sweating like I'm taking a bath.

The I looked at the clock.

"Oh Hey! it's already late. I need to sleep cuz we still have school for tomorrow. So Bye!" I quickly run and went up to my room.


After I take a bath a went to my bed and took a seat.

I'm still imagining the thing that happened earlier in Aaron's house.

I can't believe that it happened.

It was like a dream.

I can still feel his soft and tender lips on mine.

Dang! I can't believe my self. It was my first kiss and that Aaron stole it away but i still like it.

I'm still imagining about it. What I should do is to get mad at him who stole my first kiss.

But then again, I still like it and in either ways he saced me and took care of me. I should be thankful.

Second of all I was the one who turned around and gave in and kissed him.

it was all my fault not his.

I should be careful next time.

But will there be a next time? I want to see him again but if I go to his house he might think that somethings fishy about me or my be he would think that I like him which is totally not.

Urgh!!! I hate this. I will not think about this anymore.

I just want to go with the flow and nothing more.

Just let my Prince find me and stop all this non-sense so that he would give some sense in my life.

I really need to find my Prince. I'm really into finding him but then again that would be awkward a girl running for a guy?!

That would be ridiculous, right?!

So I would just patiently wait and....

I didn't felt that I was already asleep.

Oh Guys!!! sorry about that.

And I'm also sorry in the fact that I haven't posted for like 1 month and 3 weeks.

I really am sorry and I promise to update more often as much as I can.

So I hope you will like this chapter and you will all read this.

And please don't forget to comment.

Also no silent readers.

I wish that you can recommend this story to others so that they can also read it.

January 19, 2009



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Visiting old stories!
compopanda #3
wow aaron is still so young here
xueqing #4
no more? :0
iloveljoesomuch #5
i loved it so far can't wait to read mmore
luhans-vaqina #6
update soon
pretty100 #7
where's the continuation of this story?or is this completed already?
Hainexazien #8
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marhianne31 #9
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bebu story!!!! read mine too... ^^
but it isn't finish yet...
^_^nice nice story you have here...