Prince in Disguise?!

Prince of the Night



“OUCH!!! What was that for?!” Aaron asked in pain.


“Oh, sorry I didn’t see your foot.” I smiled sheepishly and sat in one of the chairs to eat breakfast.


“So what are you still doing? Let’s eat breakfast already or else I’ll eat it all up.” I threaten them.


“So now you’re like Chun and Ella now?” Aaron said hopping to seat at the nearest chair to him. Still hurt from the “ACCIDENT” that happened.




After eating breakfast we washed all our plates and cleaned the table and the guys suggested for us to watch some boring show.


“This is sooo boring, I want to do something else.” I stated really bored.


“How about let’s go shopping?” Selina said… apparently she wasn’t the only one who said that… it was also… JIRO?!


What are up to people these days always saying the same lines, apparently having the same ideas?


“What are up to people these days always saying the same lines, apparently having the same ideas?” Aaron asked loudly hollering.


Di-Did Aaron….. J-just asked the same thing that was in my mind?! This too shocking even Aaron can think of what I’m thinking about. How ironic isn’t it?


“Woah!!! What a coincidence, I’ve been thinking the same thing.” I said really shocked for a moment.


“Even You?!” He squalled.


“Whatever!!!” I said not bothering to look at him.


“So what are we going to do now?” I asked them.


“How about you go for a morning jog? I bet that the food you’ve eaten already digested so all of you can already jog.” Mom suggested.


“That’s fine with me!” Ella beamed.


“Cool! Let’s go then!” Chun said excitingly.




“Whew!!! I’m exhausted.” Selina said.


“Same as me… After a whole hour of running” Jiro added.


“I think we all are, especially when you just got stepped on the foot earlier.” Aaron said in his behalf and glared at me.


“hahaa!!! I’m sorry I was just joking earlier… apparently you are too.” I said while laughing at his expression.


“oh so you were just joking huh?! So how about I would joke with you some time is that ok?” Aaron asked me with a scary voice that made me walk three steps backward.


Aaron with his scary face walking towards me makes me have Goosebumps allover.


“H..Hey! I was just …” I haven’t able to continue when I suddenly felt that I was trapped between Aaron and the wall.


“G..Guys? Help me… please?” I called them but just to catch them going up to their respective room for some shower.


Some Friends!!!


“No one will help you now.” Aaron said with a huge smirk in his face while he put both of his palms on the wall pinning me.


“Wh..What you wa..want? This is not a good joke.” I stuttered.


“Why? Do you think I’m joking?” Aaron immediately changes his facial expression into a serious one.


“Y..Ye…Yes?” I gulped.


“Well then if that’s what you think.” Said in a much more serious tone and neared his face to mine.


I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what’s going to happen next.


I waited and waited but there’s none.


When I opened my eyes I saw no one and heard footsteps going up the stairs.


And there He was… Aaron laughing like a mad man.


I really hate him for joking at me like that.


But I didn’t understand my feelings earlier.


It was like my heart was beating too fast.


It seems like I had my answer and at the same time had what Aaron wanted for an answer.


Do I really have to tell him how I feel?


May be I’ll just wait… I’ll tell him if it’s the right time.




“Bye Hebe! Bye Auntie! Thanks. We all had fun.” They all called to me and mom before they go back to their respective homes.


This days was quite fun except for this morning.


Ella and Chun had an idea of a guy and girl bonding.


They called it the individual exchange.


Me, Selina, Ella and Mom formed our group then Fahrenheit also formed their group.


The first exchange is Ella and Chun. Ella went to Fahrenheit for some bonding time with the guys to get to know them better while Chun went to us to also know each other more. Then the next was Aaron and Me who got exchange, Jiro and Selina, Calvin and Mom and so it went on.


We got to know each other more and I even got a chance to know my mother more. It was really a good idea by Ella and Chun… I really wonder how they think the same thing every time.


“It is really fun to get to know your friends more.” Mom said and smiled


“Good thing you liked it mom.” I smiled at mom.


“Yep! So that I will know who my daughter is mingling to.” Mom said jokingly.


“Mom!” beamed at her.


“Ok! Ok! You need to sleep now. You still have school tomorrow.”


“Owkie dowkie mom.” I said and hugged her then my mom kissed my forehead.


“Good night and sleep tight dear.”


“Same to you mom.”




At last I’ve arrived to school. But it’s still early that’s why less people are here.


Well since I’ve got no one to meet with I might as well go to my locker and get my books.


When I opened my locker an envelope drooped on the floor.


I was curious to whom the letter is from so I didn’t hesitate to open it.


I was shock when I’ve finally finished reading the letter.


It says: Hi Hebe!


            I bet you don’t know me, but I know you.


            I just want to let you know that I love you.


I love every little thing about you.


I love your cute smile, your magical eyes, and the sound of your voice.


I love your gentle touch, and I love the warmth I feel when I’m by your side.


I can't stop thinking about you when we are apart. I need you by my side.


You complete me. You mean the world to me.


You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.


You are the one I've always wished for.


I never thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you.


I love each and every moment I share with you.


I know after you have read this you think I’m like a crazy person


But to tell you the truth we do met before and we also had some time together.


This is just a simple thing to tell you how much I feel.


I seem to look like a strong person on the outside but actually a coward in the inside.


Hope that with this simple message I can make you smile. ☺


Loving Always,

Mystery Person


Woah! At this moment I’m still shock.


“Hebe?! What are you reading?” Someone asked.


“Oh… Aaron?” I asked and was still in a daze.


“What are you reading?” He asked again.


“Oh this…. It’s ah… nothing.” I answered him and quickly hid the note by Mystery Person behind my back.


I really wonder who wrote that. For a guy his penmanship is quite nice but I think the hand writing is familiar. Well never mind.


“I know your hiding something. Show it to me.” Aaron said and quickly tried to get the letter that’s behind me.


“No way!” and shoved the letter inside my bag.


“Now you can’t get it.” I said and run towards the classroom.


I’m amazed to see the guys already in class while Aaron is walking right behind me.


“What took you so long?” Selina asked and I went to my seat and same as Aaron.


“Yeah! We saw you at your locker like 15 minutes ago.” Ella added.


“Well just had some trouble getting my book.” I smiled at them sheepishly.


“Oh is it…” but before Aaron could say something the teacher came.


Whew! It’s my first time that I’ll thank the teacher for cutting our conversation.




“Yes! It’s finally lunch time. I can’t wait to get out from this boring class.” Selina said fortunately the teacher already went out.


“Let’s go to the canteen already, I’m starving to death.” Ella and Chun again said at the same time.


“Ok. I’m also starving.” I stated.


And we went to the canteen. While we we’re walking with Fahrenheit Aaron started the conversion.


“So don’t you want to ask what took Hebe to come to class?”  Aaron suddenly asked everyone which made me flinch from the sudden topic.


“Why do you need to bring that topic back!!!” I practically yelled at him.


“Woah! How ferocious of you Hebe. What did exactly happen?” Calvin asked.


“It’s non of your business.” I beamed at Calvin.


“uhm… sorry.” I smiled at them.


“Well apparently Hebe got a Love Letter from an Admirer.” Aaron spilled the beans.


“WHAT?!” Selina and Ella shouted exactly in my ear.


“You don’t have to shout you know.” I shouted back.


“We’re sorry… but had a secret admirer?” Ella asked still shocked.




“Then let us see the letter then.” Selina requested.


“Yeah!” Fahrenheit agreed.


“I’ll show it to you… just find a seat first.”


When we’ve finally found a seat.


“So???” Jiro asked.


“What???” I asked him back.


“The letter.” Aaron said.


“Right the letter.” And showed it to them.


“OMG HEBE!!!” Selina screeched.




“You have an admirer. You have an admirer.” Ella said repeatedly.


“I know you don’t have to say it out loud so that the whole world would know.”


“I say the guy’s blind for admiring you.” Aaron said bitterly.


“I say that you’re just jealous that Hebe had a secret admirer.” Selina and Ella said.


“Hmph! Why would I?” Aaron said and immediately stood up and went outside the canteen.


“What’s with him?” I asked the guys.


“Like Selina and Ella said, His jeslous.” Calvin said smirking.


“What are you smirking about?” I asked Calvin.


“Nothing… just thought of something funny.” Calvin said.




Hey pips!!!


How’s this chap then?!


For me to know how much you like or rather hate it lol ^^, you guys have to comment.


It seems that my readers are getting less again so I’ll just need 10 comments for me to update the next chap. =D


Well….. Actually I was to post this chap earlier but my sis borrowed my computer that’s why I can’t continue.


I’ve also thought of posting 2 updates today, but yeah! Because of my sister I can’t.


Remember comments make me inspired and more energized to make the next chappie lol J and no silent readers please if there are.


- tomolukiku03

May 21, 2009


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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Visiting old stories!
compopanda #3
wow aaron is still so young here
xueqing #4
no more? :0
iloveljoesomuch #5
i loved it so far can't wait to read mmore
luhans-vaqina #6
update soon
pretty100 #7
where's the continuation of this story?or is this completed already?
Hainexazien #8
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marhianne31 #9
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bebu story!!!! read mine too... ^^
but it isn't finish yet...
^_^nice nice story you have here...