Prince in Disguise

Prince of the Night


I can feel his warmth, my heart fluttered with glee.

Glee?! What? No! no! no!

“Hebs, you ok?” Selina asked

“yeah! Yeah! I’m fine.” I told her.

“Uhm… Aaron you can put me down now.” I told him nervously.

Then Aaron put me down and after that he showed me his heart warming smile.



Urgh! His smile makes my heart melt. I hate it when he smiles.


I don’t want to look at him anymore; I wanted to stay away from him.


I don’t know why but may be I did fell in love with him…. before.


He just has to ruin everything and made me hate him so much.


“She’s doing it again. Staring into space.” Someone said.


“Huh?!” I asked them dumbfounded.


“Hebe” Ella called me.


“Are you coming to eat your breakfast? If not it’s my pleasure to eat it.” Chun asked


Ella just wacked Chun hard enough for his muscular arm to feel it.


“Hey!” Chun said while rubbing his sore arm.


After the commotion of Ella and Chun I went to the table to eat with them.


“So what are going to do after we eat?” I asked.


“Uhm… may be we can play a game?” Jiro requested.


“What game then?” Calvin asked.


“We can play….”


“scissors, paper, stone!” Chun requested.


“What?! That is so lame. There’s no thrill in playing that game.” Ella said.


“wait there’s a twist. Who ever lost in that round will have to do a dare.” Chun explained.


“Well then, that’s a great idea. But what about you’re clothes for the night?” I asked them.


“hahaa, it’s nothing. Before we came here we already thought of having a sleepover tonight so we went to our own respective houses to get our clothes and meet here.” Aaron said to me sheepishly.


“What?! And you already thought that I would agree!!! What a friend” I said while standing up. I wanted to go to my room.


Again so many questions in mind. Why?! If ever Aaron is the one that didn’t answer the question I wouldn’t be this angry. Urgh!!! I hate it!!! I wish he would not talk again. I t will be much better.


While walking towards the stairs, my friends blocked my way.


“Where are you going?” The asked.


“To my room. Why is there a problem?” I questioned them.


“Were sorry Hebe. We didn’t mean it.”  Calvin said in their behalf.


“If you don’t want we’ll leave right now.” Selina said.


Aww! What they said just make me want them to stay.


Really I don’t know what’s happening to me bombing them with my hatred to Aaron. If I will do this to them then I will just be like Aaron…. A Jerk! Starting today I will not be like this anymore. Just towards Aaron would be fine.


“hehehe, Sorry guys. Just kidding.”  I said to them apologetically.


“what’s with you two?” Ella asked.


“huh?!” I questioned her.


“You and Aaron?” Chun added.


“WHAT?!” It was like I’m screaming already.


“I mean what about us.” I smiled at them.

“Well earlier you were like angry, then you’ll be smiling like an innocent girl, after that you’ll be shouting again, after all the happenings you will smiling again like you’ve don’t nothing earlier.” Chun stated.


“Fine. Sorry guys… hahaa just some mood swings. But just to tell you I am not like Aaron. Understood!” I explained to them.


“Woah! How fierce.” Jiro said.


But before I could answer him I was being dragged to my room by Ella and Selina.


“Excuse us guys” Selina told Farenheit.


When we arrived in my room they let me sit in my bed.


“What’s into you?” Ella sked me.


“You’re not talking to Aaron. Because since the time when he was angry with us for not seeing the girl again.” Selina continued.


“So?” I questioned them.


“It’s his fault for not talking to us for three days not mine.” I explained my side.


“You’re jealous right?!” Selina and Ella started interrogating me.


“What?! No way? What’s gotten into your minds to think about that to happen.” I said to them.


“I will never fall in love with that guy. And I mean never in my whole entire life!!!” I practically screamed at them.


“Woah! Calm down Hebe.” Ella said.


“As we can see you are guilty just for doing that. And so our conclusion is that you are really in love with Aaron.” Selina explanined to me,


Urgh!!! This is the worst. I really hate this kind of the topic.


But earlier I really confessed to my self right?! I did fell in love with him, but that was before everything happened. But now I hated him for everything. Or do I?


Why do I feel that my mind is the only one that say’s I hate him but my heart say’s a whole lot of different things?


“Urgh!!! Fine, I admit it. I do liked him but take note it’s LIKED!” I affirmed.

“Liked?! What’s with that?” Selina asked


“It’s because I like him before but now I hate him.” I explained.


“Why did you hate him?” Ella asked.


Unfortunately I don’t even know. But I’ve got to have some reasons right.


“It’s because…. Urgh!!! I just hate him ok. Period.” I said to them already irritated.


And so after that it’s my time to drag them downstairs.




[Aaron’s POV]


While they were talking up stairs I heard Hebe shout, “I will never fall in love with that guy. And I mean never in my whole entire life!!!”.


What does she mean by that? Am I the one they’re talking about?


After three days of not talking to them. I now know that I can take everything like not talking to the guys and the others but what I cannot take is not to talk to Hebe.


Why?! At first I also don’t know but now I understood that I have fallen in love with her not to the girl that I just saw in some place. I knew that if I don’t act now may be it’s too late to tell her.


But from what she is acting now. I think it’s really too late. I shouldn’t have done that stupid thing and talked to them.


When I saw her outside talking to her mom, I already saw that the floor is wet so I already thought of Hebe may be slipping there. That’s why I quickly went near the door to see if she’s going to slip. And just what I thought she did.


When I carried her inside the house, I can feel my heart beating madly like it wants to pop out of my body. From that incident I already confirmed that I liked her… No! That I LOVE HER.


But how can I show it to her if she keeps on getting away from me. I wanted to talk to her privately but I can’t because she always has someone with her.


My heart squeezed in agony when I saw her blush with Calvin’s statement about Hebe being cute in her PJ. Why?! Because I love her.



My heart felt awfully happy when Chun requested the game. I wanted someone to dare me talk to Hebe or something like that. Just my chance to have a private time with her. Why?! Because I love her.


There’s so many things to tell but my heart fell to the bottom of the deep blue sea when I just heard Hebe said that She will never fall in love with that particular guy they were talking about.


I had this thing in my heart that says they were talking about me.


If that’s the case my heart will not take it. It will be the hardest part of all. Why?! Because I’m deeply madly in love with Hebe. HEBE TIAN!!!


When I heard their footsteps. I knew they’re done talking. In silence I walked to the girls and asked….


“Hey! Uhm… Hebe can I talk to you?” I smiled at her. Wishing that she would accept my invitation.




I’m so happy I got at least 5 comments lol.


But for the next chapter I wish I could get at least 8 comments then I’ll update immediately.


Thanks for the readers.


Love you all ^^,


Please comment and No Silent Readers:]



May 8, 2009









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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this
Visiting old stories!
compopanda #3
wow aaron is still so young here
xueqing #4
no more? :0
iloveljoesomuch #5
i loved it so far can't wait to read mmore
luhans-vaqina #6
update soon
pretty100 #7
where's the continuation of this story?or is this completed already?
Hainexazien #8
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marhianne31 #9
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bebu story!!!! read mine too... ^^
but it isn't finish yet...
^_^nice nice story you have here...