
Forever: The Sequel


"He still likes her."

Micha clenched her fists in jealousy.

He still loves her.

She had seen the way they exchanged glances, from a month ago, when they all first met after years. She had seen the lively look on Daehyun's face and it hurt her, knowing that she won't ever replace the spot Lara had in her husband's heart. 

But he's my husband.

And she told herself this, everytime.

She wouldn't give up, no. Call her selfish, or whatever you like, but she wouldn't, and will not, care. Daehyun was hers. And no ones to share.


"Umma, are you alright?"

Daehyun's head snapped up at his daughter's question. His gaze fixated on the woman across him, who was eating silently. She looked up, nodded once, and smiled, "Of course I am, dear, why wouldn't I be?"

"But you look kind of pale, Umma." Joyu pouted in worry, reaching out to touch her mother's hand. Daehyun blinked and observed his wife. She had gotten quite pale and thin these past days, but he was too busy to notice. Too busy chasing after Lara to even spare her a glance.

"Micha, are you alright?"

Micha looked at him and raised a brow, "I'm okay, oppa, why wouldn't I be?"

"I just..." Daehyun shook lightly shook his head, "Nevermind."

Daehyun looked at Micha with worry etched onto his shaped face.


"You shouldn't overwork yourself, Micha." Daehyun stated as he laid down on their bed, one arm propped up to support his head. Micha, who was organizing her clothes, the ones she would be wearing the day after, stopped and turned around to meet her husband's warm brown eyes, "I'm not overworking myself."

"Tch," Daehyun scoffed, "Don't lie to me."

"I'm not," She lightly growled back. She didn't know what possesed her to growl–or snap, for that matter–at her husband. She never snapped at him before. 

Daehyun looked taken aback, and possibly, hurt. He pursed his lips and nodded once, before making himself comfortable and turning away from her.

Micha sighed. She was sorry, but the jealousy and pride in her was too strong that it controlled her. Sometimes, when talking to Daehyun, she would remember Lara, and her jealousy would be fueled.

Micha sighed once again and reminded herself once more,

He's my husband. He won't look anyone else but me.

Unfortunately this time, it didn't work.

She knew the truth. The truth that left a hole in her already aching heart.


"Goodbye, umma! See you later!" Joyu kissed her mother goodbye and raced out of the front door. Following her was Daehyun, dressed in a simple shirt and blue jeans. 

Micha's eyes followed him. She wanted to say sorry, but she couldn't. Daehyun stopped walking, just right infront of the front door, and turned around, making eye to eye contact with her. 

"Be safe."

He nodded once and left.


"Oh, boy! Just wait until I let Sungjae see!" Joyu fist pumped while Daehyun chuckled at her cuteness, "See what, Joyu?"

Joyu pouted and looked up at him, "Sungjae said I couldn't draw a fish properly. So I practiced all night and look!"

She squealed and held out a paper for Daehyun to see. Taking it, he examined it and came to the conclusion that it looked nothing like a fish. Not wanting to dissapoint his daughter, he returned it back to her and smiled, "Wow! You're so good in drawing, Joyu-ah!"

"I know! I know!" She clapped her hands and folded the paper that had her drawing on it.

"Yah! Jung Joyu!" A nasally voice shouted.

Joyu glanced behind her to see a boy her age run towards her. Joyu stopped walking and waited for him, as well as Daehyun.


The boy stopped infront of Joyu and grinned, "So where's the fish?"

"Here!" Joyu unfolded the piece of paper she had just folded minutes ago, "Look! I told you I could draw a fish!"

Sungjae blinked and took the paper in his hands, "Are you sure this is a fish?" He tilted his head in confusion and looked at Joyu. Joyu stomped her foot and pouted, "Yes! I'm sure!"

Sungjae looked at her teasingly and laughed, "I don't think so!" He teased and ran towards the pre-school villa.

Joyu furrowed her eyebrows and chased after him, "Yah! Yes it is!"

Daehyun just chuckled and followed after them.

Aigoo, he had a feeling something would evolve from these two.


short update... waaaaaaa ; ;

guys i have to tell you something,

i'll be in hiatus for about a month or so, bc we're going to the provine and there's no internet there jdhcnsdcnbisdnscdcsdcdkjsd ;A;

so please understand. ; ;

while being there, i'll think of ideas for this story (and for my other stories) so that i can update much easier! o/

anyway, i'm so very very trully sorry. /creys a rives. so please don't unsubscribe it'll hurt me orz







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Chapter 6: Why?!?! T^T
ouo update soon!<3
Chapter 3: You in hiatus??.... It's okay..... I can wait...... :(
Chapter 3: micha dont be a bish
soamazingifnt7 #5
Chapter 2: OMG! i just found this and can't believe it that my favorite oneshot had a sequel? just kill me now :D
Chapter 2: Daehyun your fault
Chapter 2: Hope you update soon. :) I love this story!!!
LeahZL #8
more please?haha!
kola__nim #9
Chapter 1: UPDATE PLZZZZZZ ~ !
Chapter 1: this going to be interesting!!!