
Forever: The Sequel


It has been two weeks since they all met.

Two weeks since Daehyun felt his heart beat to life again.

He was sitting in the kitchen, a cup of coffee in his slender hands, thinking about that day over and over again. It seemed like a dream. No, it wasn't. It was real.

In that glowing presence of hers, oh how she had grown so much. She looked much more mature now, much more ready to face all of the problems she would encounter in the future.

A wave of loneliness came washing over Daehyun. Even if he had a perfect and happy family, he still felt sad, he still felt.. lonely. And just by thinking of her, he realized, he missed her badly.

He missed her in his arms, he missed the feeling of her plump lips on his, and especially, her love. He missed it all.

Daehyun recalled the last days they met and felt a pang of pain in his heart. He knew it was wrong. This was all wrong.

But, how could he go back? There was no turning back now. Micha and him already had a child.

Daehyun heavily sighed and planted his head on his palms.




Joyu ran out of the pre-school and into her father's arms. Daehyun smiled and hugged her shortly before letting go. He stood up and Joyu automatically reached out for his hand.

"Appa! Let's go to the ice cream shop again today!" Joyu exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement. Daehyun blinked and looked at her, "But didn't we go yesterday?"

"But that was yesterday, Appa!" Joyu frowned. Daehyun pursed his lips in thought. If Micha knew, she would flip. She never did agree buying Joyu ice cream everyday, saying it would cause her colds and it was a waste of money. 

"Please Appa? Please! Please!" Joyu clapped her hands together and looked at her father with a pout. The other children around them gave her looks, but soon forgot her when their parents came to view. Daehyun lightly bit down on his bottom lip and momentarily looked up, making eye contact with no other than Joyu's teacher.

Lara looked surprised with the sudden eye contact and looked down, making Daehyun chuckle and grin as a plan formulated in his mind.

"Okay Joyu, we can go get ice cream, but I have two conditions." Daehyun looked at his daughter, a glint of mischievousness in his brown eyes.

"Yay!" Joyu clapped her hands and jumped in delight, but then stopped and blinked at her father, "What's the conditions?"

"First, don't ever tell mommy," Daehyun looked at Lara's direction and lightly smirked, "and second, bring your teacher with us, does that sound okay?" Daehyun averted his eyes back to Joyu.



"Teacher! Songsaeng!" Joyu ran down the pathway and infront of her teacher. Lara turned around, after locking the pre-school's doors, and smiled at her, "Yes, Joyu?"

"Come to the ice cream shop with us!" Joyu beamed. Lara looked taken aback and she cautiously spared a glance towards Daehyun's direction. He was looking straight at her. Lara lightly gulped and looked back at her student, "Me? Joyu, I'm quite busy today.." She made an excuse.

"Please, teacher? It's only for awhile! Please! Please!" Joyu begged with a pout. Lara laughed lightly at the girl's cuteness. Should she go? Or should she stay at home and sleep?

Pushing the latter out of her head, she went with the first thought.


"So, I guess you're joining us, Ms. Han." Daehyun grinned brightly at Lara, who had her head hung low. Lara gave him a small smile and started walking towards the ice cream shop, Joyu leading the way.

Daehyun's grin faltered and he looked at Lara's back with loving eyes.

I still love you, Lara. And I hope you still feel the same.

He sighed and followed after them.


"Ah, Jung Joyu! I see you've come back?" The ice cream shop owner chuckled when she saw the excited little girl come into the shop. She was an old woman who was in her mid 50's. She was sweet, thoughtful, and hardworking despite her age.

"Neh, Halmeoni! And we even brought Ms. Han with us!" Joyu exclaimed in glee, pointing towards the door where Daehyun and Lara came in. The halmeoni, Mrs. Kim, looked towards where Joyu pointed and raised a brow.

"Is that your Appa's girlfriend?" She asked Joyu.

"Huh?" Joyu tilted her head in confusion, "Oh, no, halmeoni! That's my teacher!" She shook her head and smiled.

"Ah," Mrs. Kim nodded her head slowly, "But they look like a couple, with those hearts spilling from their eyes." She mumbled.

Daehyun and Lara followed after Joyu. Daehyun bent down to ask his daughter what she wanted, and getting "vanilla" as a response. He took one glance towards Lara and faced Mrs. Kim.

"Annyeonghaseyo," He bowed and smiled.

"Jung Daehyun," Mrs. Kim smiled and took out three ice cream cones,"What will it be?"

"One vanilla, one chocolate, and one mint choco, please." 

Lara blinked in shock. He could still remember her favorite flavor?

"Okay," Mrs. Kim nodded and scooped the flavors and into the three cones, "Here you go." She handed the three cones to Daehyun and smiled.


After paying for the sweet treats, and some persuasion from Joyu, they headed to a nearby park.

Joyu ran off to the nearest slide and climbed up the stairs. In instinct, both Daehyun and Lara shouted after her to be careful. Lara's eyes widened and she quickly closed , while Daehyun chuckled. Lara looked down in embarrassment and sat down on a nearby bench, Daehyun following suit.

"So, how's life?" Daehyun started, not sparing her a glance. Lara looked at him before looking down at her hands, "It's alright, I guess."

"Hm," Daehyun nodded.

"What about your life?" Lara asked.

"It's fine too." Daehyun answered. Lara blinked and slowly nodded. Daehyun peeked at her from the corner of his eyes and gulped, "I-I missed you."

Lara's eyes widened in disbelief and she suddenly felt bitter, "Right.."

Daehyun turned his body to face her, "I did."

Lara hung her head down, making her hair cover her pretty face. He's lying..

She stood up, startling Daehyun, "I'm going home. If Joyu asks for me, please tell her that I was tired and went home. Thank you for the ice cream."

Before she left, and permanently walked out of his life, Daehyun stood up and grabbed her wrist, "Lara, please, I still love you."

Lara gulped down her tears.

Micha and him had a daughter. They had a family. They had a happy family. And she should not interfere.

"I'm sorry, Daehyun," she whispered, enough for him to hear, "but I don't love you anymore."

Lara broke Daehyun's grasp on her wrist and ran home, tears streaming down her pink cheeks.


otl sorry for the late update gaise.

writer's block is eating me alive. ;A;

sorry for the short update. ;n;





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Chapter 6: Why?!?! T^T
ouo update soon!<3
Chapter 3: You in hiatus??.... It's okay..... I can wait...... :(
Chapter 3: micha dont be a bish
soamazingifnt7 #5
Chapter 2: OMG! i just found this and can't believe it that my favorite oneshot had a sequel? just kill me now :D
Chapter 2: Daehyun your fault
Chapter 2: Hope you update soon. :) I love this story!!!
LeahZL #8
more please?haha!
kola__nim #9
Chapter 1: UPDATE PLZZZZZZ ~ !
Chapter 1: this going to be interesting!!!