
Forever: The Sequel


A shrilling sound reached Daehyun's ears, making him jolt awake. He sat up and rubbed his tired eyes, slapping the alarm clock off with his other hand. He looked around with droopy eyes and yawned. Next to him, a beautiful woman in her mid 20's lay, sleeping peacefully. Daehyun srcatched his head and looked at her, his wife. Then, he shook her awake.

The woman slowly opened her eyes, mumbling incoherent things. She looked up at Daehyun, as he smiled and pecked her forehead, "Good morning, jagi."

"Morning.." She responded and yawned, sat up and stretched her limbs. Daehyun, who (mysteriously) was halfway through the door, stopped and turned around, "What do you want for breakfast?" He asked.

She quickly responded with "bacon" and "eggs" as to where Daehyun nodded.


"Joyu, wake up." She shook her daughter lightly, sweeping her daughter's bangs to the side. Joyu slowly opened her eyes, just to be greeted with the sweet sight of her mother, who was smiling softly down at her, "Come on, princess. Remember, you have school today."

Joyu smiled and sat up, spreading her little arms. Her mother smiled and hugged her, lifting her up and into her arms. They walked out the little girl's bedroom and to the kitchen, where her special daddy was cooking her favorite: bacon.

"Appa!" Joyu squirmed from her mother's grasp, making the mother put her down. Joyu ran around the kitchen island and embraced her father's legs. Daehyun laughed, as he flipped a piece of a cooked bacon with a spatula. The woman behind them smiled lovingly at her family. This was what she imagined her future would be. Daehyun cooking for her and their daughter, and their daughter laughing with her father. In other words, a happy family.

"Joyu, let's go and get ready. You don't want to be late for your first day of school." She called to her daughter, who pouted and hugged her father's legs tighter. Daehyun laughed and wiggled his body, making the little girl erupt in giggles, "Go on princess, listen to mommy, you wouldn't want to be late for your first day of school, would you?"

Joyu shook her head and pouted, "Okay." She let go of her father's legs and ran to her mom, who was standing below the doorframe. Joyu smiled at her and ran to the bathroom, her mother shouting to be careful or she might trip.

Back at the kitchen, Daehyun cooked their breakfast with a straight face. What's left of the earlier emotions he showed his daughter, now gone. He still missed her. He still loved her. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't deny it. 

What she said 6 years ago at his wedding, he couldn't forget it. Her painful words, the sadness that she felt.... It was undeniably wrong.

She deserved to be happy. She deserved a happy future with someone. And that someone was supposed to be him. 

If he didn't feel the least bit jealous that day, if he didn't see it, would it be the same? Would they still be together?

Daehyun gulped as a tear slipped his eye.


"Joyu, come on, you're going to be late!" Daehyun called for her daughter. When his daughter apperead at the hallway, he was suprised to see his wife all dressed up too.

"Micha, you're coming too? But don't you have work?" Daehyun asked, slightly tilting his head to the right. Joyu giggled and ran to her father's side.

"I called the office and told them I won't come in today. I have to our daughter to her new school." Micha smiled and walked down the hall, stopping infront of Daehyun and pecking his plump lips. Daehyun blinked in suprise, and later on smiled. He wrapped his scarf around his wife's neck, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Umma, Appa! I'm going to be late! Be lovey-dovey later!" Joyu, now completed and ready for school, whined.

The parents laughed and got working with their shoes.


"Appa! Appa! Let's get ice cream later after school!" Joyu chirped, skipping hand in hand with her dear parents heading to the nearby pre-school.

"What about Umma? You won't invite her?" Daehyun asked his daughter. Micha gave him a look, to where Daehyun stuck his tongue out.

"Oh, Umma you can come too!" Joyu said and detached her small hands from her parents', running forward to greet her buddy, who was waving at her cheerfully, "Joyu!"


Daehyun smiled at his daughter and grabbed Micha's free hand. Micha furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him. Daehyun ignored her stare and kept walking.

"Umma! Appa! I see the school!" Joyu cried and ran forward, hand in hand with her best friend, Sungjae, to the direction where the school stood. The pre-school was a villa. It was not too small and not too big, just the right size for pre-schoolers. Infront of the school was a small playground, where little kids were playing, waiting for the pre-school to open. Joyu and Sungjae ran to the playground and immediately mingled with the other children.

"Joyu! Be careful, okay?" Micha called out to her daughter. 

"She won't hear you, she's having too much fun." Daehyun said and looked at his daughter. Joyu. Jung Joyu. The fruit of their love. 

"You okay, oppa? You seem to be spacing out alot these days.." Micha said and looked at her husband with furrowed eyebrows, concern written all over her face. Daehyun snapped out of his small trance and looked at her, smiling too brightly, "Yes?"

Micha looked at him with doubt in her eyes. Daehyun blinked and cleared his throat, "I mean, I'm okay."

Micha stared at him and he sighed, "I'm okay, really."

"Oh, what a lovely young couple." An elderly woman, who was infront of them, cooed. Micha blushed and Daehyun smiled at the lady, "Thank you."

"And a very polite young man too." The woman smiled and looked at Micha, "You should keep him close. You don't know whoever might steal your pretty husband in just one blink."

Daehyun blinked while Micha furrowed her eyebrows.What was this lady implying on?

"The teacher's here!" A random kid shouted, pointing to a direction where a young lady in her mid 20's was. She fumbled with her bag, trying to find the keys for the school's door. When she had found it, she pulled it out from her bag and smiled successfully, "Yes!"

She ran to the school and bowed to all the parents before arriving infront of the school's door. She pushed the key into the keyhole and the door opened. After seeing their teacher, and the door opening, the kids immediately ran inside. The teacher wiped her sweat and sighed, turning around to greet the parents. 

Daehyun and Micha stepped forward, in the act of greeting the young teacher, when they both froze. The teacher looked at them and widened her eyes, shock evident on her pretty face.



And right then and there, Daehyun could feel his heart beat again.



So, uhm, comment? :c






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Chapter 6: Why?!?! T^T
ouo update soon!<3
Chapter 3: You in hiatus??.... It's okay..... I can wait...... :(
Chapter 3: micha dont be a bish
soamazingifnt7 #5
Chapter 2: OMG! i just found this and can't believe it that my favorite oneshot had a sequel? just kill me now :D
Chapter 2: Daehyun your fault
Chapter 2: Hope you update soon. :) I love this story!!!
LeahZL #8
more please?haha!
kola__nim #9
Chapter 1: UPDATE PLZZZZZZ ~ !
Chapter 1: this going to be interesting!!!