happy birtday

though i loved you

yoochan pov:

it was prrety late when we got in the hospital because we got in a really heavy traffyc, at that time i was so scared for jaejoong hyung that all i wanted to do, was just to leve the car and walk to get sooner, i didn*t give a dam if people find me on the stret but yunho and junsu kept me in the car, i really felt like leaving the car but i know they were right so i just waited like a good man would do,..........................

when i got in the hospital i rushed to see hyung, i was scared for hyung but right  when i was ready to get inside the room i saw the doctor, i start asking many kind of question, many of them were just stupid, in the end i find out that hyung was all right *he must have just worked himself to much*, this is what the dc. said but i know the real reason, is all changmin foult he is too much because hyung was scared about seeing him this must be the reason i just know it is all his foult, even if he is far or close he is hurting hyung and i realy can*t stand it but i can*t really do anything as long as hyung want to be close whit him....................

after talking whit the dc i got inside the room, hyung was awake, and he looked just fine, actualy i know hyung was just fine but i wasn*t because my heart broke when i saw jaejoong hyung caressing changmin haire whit  so much love while changmin was sleping so paceful on hyung hand, they looked cute, they looked  like they were the only one on the eart, but they aren*t i*m here as well and i love hyung as well so why do i have to see this, ........................................................................ once i said that i will give up on hyung when cangmin will come after him, but right now i realised that i can*t do this animore i love hyung more then i love my on live si how i*m i sopose to see them together again i can*t stand this.........

yoo: hyung are you all right(i say trying to get his atention, he looks at me whit a smile on his face, i can see you are happy but don*t you now that i hurt to see you happy like this)

jae: yoochan ...............i*m all right (he say and then he looks at the others)..............oh you are all in here

ju: because we were woried about you hyung

yu: really you are to much can*t you take care of yourself more(yunho ask and i can see jaejoong is sending him a dead glare)

yu: what..............you ..................yaa kim jaejoong don*t you dare show me that glare to me i did nothing wrong

jae: i don*t want to hear

yu: what you stop acting childish and listen to what i have to say

jae: i don*t want to (he say and then he cover his ears and starts screaming *lalala* he looks so cute making me laugh, the ohters start laughing as well, yunho is trying to say someting more but he stops when he see changmin waking up)

ch:hyung (he say as he looks up to see jaejoong, then he get both his hand in his, jaejoong stops screaming when he see changmin grabing his hand)

ch: when did you wake up, why didn*t you wake me up as well.......(jaejoong eyes were full of happynes but they changed as he looked up and saw yunho)

jae: i didn*t know that i was supose to wake you up,................. why you didn*t want yunho to see you sleping on my arm

ch: no this is not, don*t be like this.......(he say as he lift jaejoong hand and kiss them)

jae: don*t be how (he say as he pulls his hand and get up from the bed)

jae: he is your boyfrend so tell me how should i act in front of him

ch: jaejoong you really, don*t act childish(he say whit a smile on his face, while trying to get close to hyung *why the hell is him smiling is he stupid, he is making jaejoong hurt and smile, he must be stupid)

yoo: i think you did enough for tonight, jaejoong hyung is now mine, and i will take care of him from now on you can leave(i say as i grab hyung from his way and hold him tight)

ch: hyung(he say as he stretch out his hand for jaejoong to catch, but jaejoong doesn*t move)hyung give me your hand....(jaejoong looks at me and i hold him tight, he is trying to say something but he is cut of by yunho phone, yunho quickly answer the phone, it must have been important because he looked really serious after talking )

yu: changmin we need to go

ch:ee but hyung...........

yu: jaejoong will be allright, but we really need to go now(changmin looks at hyung )

jae:yea go is not like you can do something for me, yoochan is here so you can go(he looks hurt and upset)

ch:hyung you really are to much, but then again you are right yoochan is here for you (is ovious he wants to say something more but all is say is just...................... )

ch:just forget it, i*m gooing, hope you are happy the way you are,  (he looks hurt when he say this, does this mean he just give up on hyung)

ch: but hyung if you really love me..............................if you love me come find me(afer changmin left hyung is trying to get out of my hould, to go afer him, but i hold him even more tight)

yoo: don*t go......

jae: but

yoo: he got yunho, but i only got you


yoo:if you leave me i might just die, because i can*t live whitout you


yoo:he got yunho, and he looks just fine even whitout you, but i will die whitout you, so please don*t leave me( i say while holding hyung tight, begging whit my voice)

jae: yoochan................

yoo: he has yunho please don*t go(i*m crying and i know hyung is crying as well)

jae: i won*t leave you don*t wory about this, i won*t leave you

yoo:promise, will you promise me that you won*t leave me

jae: i promise.(he say this holding on my hand,.............................   i know he meant it, he won*t leave me now, and changmin just give up does this mean i just won, this mean i won, i just won but it doesn*t fell that good, it doesn*t fell like i won because hyung is crying and junsu is looking at me like i did somethink bad, this doesn*t fell right but even like this i can*t  let hyung go, i want him close to me, he is mine, *hyung sorry i know i*m selfish)



jaejoong pov:

is been 3 months since i got out of hospital, i never got in touch whit changmin since that night, even if i wanted to do so i never got time, and even if i got the oportunity i can*t do this, search him, i can*t make yoochan cry again, he been whit me all this time that way i can*t let him down, he is right changmin got yunho he seam healty he seam just happy even without me he seam just fine, i know this  but i......................i can*t seam to stop thinking about him since that day *i love you, i mised you* this is all i can hear all i can think about, i know cangmin he is strong but i*m not that strong, i want to see him i want to run in his arms but i can*t, i don*t want to let yoochan down and i can*t run in his arms, i made a promise whit yoochan i can*t break it.................


my birtday has all ready pased, yunho*s too actually there is only  2 days before changmin birtday, .....................on my birtday i got a lot of presents but  a present got my eyes it didn*t had any name on it but i know it was changmin*s because it was a ring, a couple ring it was simpe but it had a really interesting drawing on him, i put it on right away without even notice that yoochan was there as well, it was pretty strange when he asked about it, i told him *it was a beautiful ring*, he didn*t say anythink but he made a sad face, but i was happy to have that ring from changmin beacause the one i had whit him before i lost it in the day we broke up, that time i was crying so hard because i lost it, but yoochan come and hug me telling that *maiby that was a sing that is beter to forget the past* but i don*t wan*t this, i wanted my ring, i wanted my changmin back ,......................................

anyway right now i*m at home i got a concert right before changmin birtday, so right now i*m thiking what present should i get him, i really don*t know what should i get him, i don*t even know how to send it to him is hard, just thinking i hear my dorbell, i wonder who is it, as i get up and go to open the door...........................

jae: you.......soo yeon, ji yeon what are you doing here

soo&ji: oppa (they scream as they jump in my arms, i hug them back, i missed them, changmin sisters are really cute)

jae: let get in(i say as i let them go)

soo: awwwww i can*t belive i*m iside oppa house(she say as she start looking around)

ji:stop this won*t you, is not nice to look at some one house like this (oh she looks so much like changmin it make me cry)

ji: sorry oppa i didn*t mean to make you sad

soo: ya what did you do...........how dare you make oppa sad

jae: eh no is not, i*m not sad is just that..........i, ......................you

ji: i look like changmin oppa (she say whit a smile on her face, and i can fell my face becoming all red)

jae: eh..........

soo: that*s just not faire, so you like her because she act just like oppa, i can be like oppa as well you know

jae: ..............(i want to say somethink but my words won*t come out so all i can do is just smile)

soo: tell me oppa if i can be just like changmin oppa will you mary me(i try to say *no* but ji yeon slaps her head, the punch was pretty hard it could fell the pain as well)

ji: yaa stupid stop dreaming, even if oppa would say yes do you really think changmin oppa would just congratulate you, don*t you know that his revange is the worst think it could happen to you in this live

soo: ah you are right...................sorry oppa i*m to scared of changmin oppa, but if you want we can run together

ji: he would find you, don*t you know how smart he is(she really looks like changmin, so serious)

soo:you are right(she say while making a cute disepointed face)

jae: you two are so cute

soo&ji: thank you oppa......(they say together, i just smile they are really cute, not as cute as changmin is but still cute)

ji:anyway oppa we come here whit a reason

jae:what is it (i say as i lead them to the living room)

soo: well actualy this is about changmin oppa(she say after we got comfortable on the living room)

jae: eh is something wrong whit him

ji: no is not, well acuali i thing you shoud watch this vid


soo:is your player working

jae: ah yes

ji: then you should watch this (she say while giving me a cd., i put it in the player and i turn it on)



ji: and this is oppa room, and the one that is standing on the bed is oppa

soo: changmin oppa we are happy to have you back in the house

ch: oh soo yeon,  stop filming me, i get tired of this when i*m at work

ji:we know but we really want to film you when you tell us what you wish as your birtday present so you won*t scream at us that we got the wrong present for you

ch: oh you really are clever aren*t you (changmin say while pating her head)

soo: how about me, i*m clever as well

ch:yes you are (he is huging her)

ji:now look at the camera and tell us what do you wish as your present

ch: is ok i*m happy just to be together whit you two on that day, this is enough for me

soo:no is not, tel us what you want we will give you anything

ch:you can*t give me what i really wish for

ji: maybe we can, just tel us what you want

ch: what i really want(his smile fade away, and his eyes got teras, he was fighting not to cry)

ch:what i really wish is to have jaejoong hyung next to me, this is the only think i want(he start crying and the girls run and hug him)

ji:don*t cry oppa

soo:yea don*t cry, you are making me cry as well(she said all ready crying while huging changmin tight)



i can fell the tears falling on my face, i can hear my heart breaking, i try to stop my crying but i just made it worst....................

soo: oppa don*t cry, please don*t cry ok(she say as she is huging me)

soo: don*t cry (she is cute having such a big heart, she start crying as well)

ji: yaaaa don*t cry, really soo yeon you are not helping him, but you know oppa this makes me happy to see you cry

soo: you how can this make you happy, you are the worst

ji: this is not what i mean, sorry oppa, what i meant was that if he cry because of chaangmin oppa this means that he still love*s him right oppa

jae: i .............

ji: you don*t have to say anything, but if you really love him then come in here on oppa birtday,(she say as she give me a pice of paper whit an adress on her) i know you have a concert tomorrow but you can make it, i mean you have enough time to get the first plane, a plane the will land on our airport, before midnight, this means before oppa birtday you should make it, you should be in the hotel at midnight, we will make sure oppa will spend his night at the hotel, so all you have to do is come(she is so smart watching her is like i hear changmin talking)

jae: i don*t know what to say

soo: you don*t have to say anything i don*t know what happened that you two broke up, but i know you two love eachother and i know that you should be together, you love oppa right

jae: yea i love him but..............

ji: think about this you got enouht time

soo:yea think about it.........oppa

ji: we should go now, i want you to think about this and i know soo yeon is not helping you

soo: eh what did i do wrong

ji: you are killing him

soo:what do you mean i did*n do anythink

ji: you are stil huging him for god sake

soo: so what, i*m a big fan, and oppa loves it, right oppa(i want to be upset, i want to think about everuthing but i can*t they are so cute making me smile)

soo: see oppa is smiling

ji:he is smiling because his brain is not having enough oxygen, let him go

soo: i don*t want to

ji: you(she say ready to fight)

jae: oh come on girl stop fighting(i say smiling and they do the same)

ji: we should really go

jae: ah yes is there somethink you want like food for the road or somethink

ji: yaa we are not changmin we don*t nead food

jae: then is there somethink alse

soo&ji: an autograph

jae: eh for real(so cute they said it together)

ji:yes we are big fans of your

soo:that right

jae:oh ok then


after they left i start thinking about changmin, i watched that cd up until i fell aslep, on the next morning i was to tired to think of anythink, when i realised the time pased even without me knowing was all ready after concert i was stending in the backstage waching the cd when i saw yoochan, i reallysed i was crying when his eyes wide as he looked me, he watch me whit sad eyes ............then i startd talking

jae: yoochan what are you doing here (i say as i wipe my tears)

yoo: i wanted to make you a surprise sine i know you are filling bad so i come whit junsu to supot you but...............

jae: ah i see thank you(i say as i try to hide the player)

yoo:you don*t have to i all ready saw everythink


yoo:you don*t have to apologise, i*m the bad guy in here


yoo: you should leave


yoo: you still love him don*t you .........................you should go see him

jae: ...................

yoo: don*t look at me whit that woried face, i*m all right you don*t have to wory about me, i was happy to have you but you weren*t you love him so you can go, i will be just fine..........

jae: yoochan(i say as i hug him, and then i run to catch my plane)


the road whit the plane was short the same was the one whit the car, and now i*m i front of changmin*s hotel room, it was easy for me to get here since i know this hotel this room so well, everytime we had some time just for us changmin and i would come in here and stay as long we could, because it was not for away from our house but it was a place just for us so we caled this place our second house, as for the room is always the same, we love this room becouse from her window you can see our favorite place han river,.............................. i was stiting in front of the dor for a while now, i was to scared to ring, but i got all my courage and ring the bell, after a while changmin open the door, his hair was a mess his face as well you could see he was crying it must have been hard for him to be in this place on his birtday sice we spend so many of his birtday in here together, i didn*t know what to do, so i just jump in his arm and start kissing him, at first he looked surprised but then he quichly start responding my kiss while lifting me in his arms, i put my hands on his neck and my feet were surronding his wais, we got in the bedroom while kissing like there was no tomorrow, he started undresing me, and i did the same we were on the bed he was all over me, kissing every place, and i............i  had only my underwear on me while he still got his pants on, when i start to undit his belt...............


ji: yaaaaaaaa you two what are you doing(when we heard her we got pretty scared, changmin quichly covered my body whit his, it was so cute,  to see him protecting me, he changed as well, all this time i wanted to become a god man for him insted i never noticed that he was a good man for me, i never nead to be the one protecting all i had to do is leting him protect me)

soo: omg can i take a picture you two look so cute like this

ch: yaaaaa you get out, why are you here

ji: well we wanted to see how things are between the two of you, since we heard jaejoong got inside the bilding, is not like we wanted to see this

soo: i wanted, this is like a dream, omg jaejoong oppa got a nice white skin(she say as she is geting close)

ji:eh me to i want to see

ch: ya get out stop looking, he is mine(he is covering me more, seeing him like this i even forget about his sisters so i grab his face whit my both hands and i kiss him again)

soo: awwwwww so cute

ji: anyway we are living and we will lock the door as well so you don*t have to wory about anythink, just keep on loving eachother

soo: yea keep on doing this

ji:but not to much jaejoong*s oppa healt is not that great so is  not that good to force him

soo: yea take care of him oppa, we love you but we are jaejoong oppa bigest fanes so we want a healty oppa on the next concert not a tired one

ji: by by

soo: yea by by(she said but she is not really moving)

ji: yaa soo yeon let go, (she say puling her sister out of our room, we just start laughing)

jae: happy birtday changmin

ch: now is happy(i just smile and i quickly kiss him, he notice my hand, and his eyes wide)

ch: you put it on, how come you know

jae: i just know, don*t ask me how

ch: then it means it worked

jae: what do you mean

ch: you see those ring are special, they got small magnets that atract them together see(he got his hand close to mine and showed me that he was right it really worked our rings attracted echouther)

ch: i buyed this so even if we are really far from echother our ring to get us back together, and it worked because you are here(his eyes are now missmatched, how i missed this look of his)

jae: i love you(i say and then i kiss him)

ch: i love you to................now and forever



                                                                    *hope you like it*


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