
though i loved you

jaejoong pov:

*i missed you..................i love you* this is all i could hear, i think he is still saying somethink but i can*t seam to understand anythink, is like all me head&heart want to hear is that* i  love you*  those words that i been waiting to hear since forever, now he is saying those words to me, so my body can*t seam to hear anything alse but those words, my mind is white,  and i can*t see anythink but this seams just fine, i*m ok if i can keep on hearing him say * i love you*, i*m happy even if he is lying, even if i die ..............................i*m still happy to hear those words........he doesn*t know who many time i waited for this, just to hear him say those words, even if my body is heavy, even if i can hear him screaming at me whit fear i*m stil happy if i can hear those words, if i can fell his warm hug, i*m stil happy......................stupid aren*t i......................but i don*t care i love him............................i love him so bad, i don*t care if die in his arms, i would be happy to die like this..........



yoochan pov:

right before we get inside the room where changmin and yunho were, i could fell hyung grab my hand he look happy, upset and scared in the same time,it hurt seen hyung like this,.................. i took i short glance at junsu  he was looking at hyung as well,  he looked scared as well, ........................as for me i*m not sure what i fell, i just don*t want to lose hyung this is all i don*t really care about the band, i know i*m selfish but i just want to be happy and for me, happynes is where hyung is, i don*t care about the band, and  to tell the true i don*t really miss yunho and changmin, i just want to get over whit this,...............   as we get closer,  hyung is holding my hand harder, it all ready started hurting, but hyung doesn*t seam to care he is scared, and i as well, i don*t care i*m happy to have hyung so close..............as we get inside the room i see changmin grabing yunho hand i quickly turn my head to see hyung, his face looks so sad, he looks ready to cry...............i try to say somethink but i don*t have time because i hear changmin saying *sorry* as he  raise up from the table...............in those secounds i was thinking *where the hell is him going* but then he is like a storm coming  towards me, he grab hyung hand and puled him, i was surprised when he grabed hyung hand but  i was ready to fight whit him, but when hyung let go of my hand i didn*t know what to do anymore i start to fell abandoneted, but then in a few seconds i come to reality and left after hyung, but right before i grab his hand, i felt junsu grabying my body, stoping me, i try to escape, but junsu won*t let go, so i scream after hyung, ................but hyung won*t even turn his head, he is leaving with changmin and i fell like i*m losing him, but he won*t even turn his head to face me, *hyung* i scream for the last time right before i fell how junsu is turning my body to face him, ..............and slaps me, this is when i woke up............and realise that hyung leaving with changmin was just a meter of time, i always know that i will lose hyung, so why did i try so hard to keep him next to me.......................because i love him i know this but in the end he wasn*t mine to start whit, i had no right to keep him next to me...........................

ju: yaa park yoochan...................what are you doing, stop screaming like a crazy person

yoo: junsu.............i

ju: i don*t want to hear................i let you go, when you left me because you loved hyung, but hyung loves changmin so is your turn to let the one you love leave

yoo: but i..................... i love him more

ju: so what ..............i loved you more then hyung but you stil left ........

yoo: but.............

ju: let just sit, we come here for somethink didn*t we.......(his voice is softer now, i*m sorry junsu i never tought how you felt when i left you, i was happy to be with hyung it must have been hard for you, now i know because my heart hurts so bad......................)

yoo: i*m sorry(i say as i hug him)

yoo: i*m sorry for leaving you, i*m sorry i was selfish, i*m sorry i never tought of you(i whisper in his ear)

yoo: this must be my punisment for begining so selfish.......(i say as i let him go)

ju: don*t say this ................really is not like this, i was happy to be whit you...............altough i always know that you loved hyung so you don*t have to worry.....................i was selfish like you, but i*d do it again(he say as he hug me back, i fell beter in his arms,........................................ after i let him go i start to realise where are we, i forgot that we are in a restaurant, well is god that we are in a separate room, but stil the waiter is in the room, he saw everithing, i turn my head to face yunho, we talk whit our eyes like we used to do, he told me that *is all right*even if he saw everithing he won*t say a word,........................ i was so happy to see we can stil do this,.........................talk like this................. i never realised because i was happy to have hyung, so i never realised that i actualy missed yunho hyung, i was so crazy, so scared that i will lose hyung that i didn*t care about anythink not even his on filengs, i always knew that he doesn*t love me but i still wanted to be close to him)

ju: we should really do what we come here for even if hyung and cangmin are not here

yu: yea we should(he say as he get up from his chair and come closer to as)

yoo: hyung sorry...........(i say as i hug him,................... i start to cry and him does the same,....... junsu is crying as well and we hug him)

yoo: i really missed this.....................to do this kind of hugs, i was happy, and i*m happy right now as well(but ours happynes didn*t last long because we got a phone call from changmin saying that jaejoong hyung fainted and that they are in the hospital..............................)



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