The Morgue

Why can't you love me?


Taeng hyung, you are weak. Sit on the wheelchair and we bring you to Tiffany ssi. said Yoong.

Taeng nodded his head. Yul and Yoong pushed him to see Tiffany.

They pushed Taeng to the morgue and Taeng was caught by surprised.

Why do you stop here? I thought we are going to Pani's ward? asked Taeng curiously.

T-tiffany ssi..... she is inside. said Yul sadly.

Taeng widen his eyes, looked at Yul and turn to Yoong.

Yoong nodded his head with tears flowing.

P-pani................ This is not true! said Taeng and shake his head as he couldn't believe.

No.... this can't be! That gun-shot couldn't be taking her away! shouted Taeng.

Tiffany ssi couldn't take it and pass on. said Yul shed tears and turn away.

She was calling for you with her last breath. said Yoong in watery eyes.

Taeng hyung, you want us to accompany you in? asked Yul.

No! I want to see Pani in private. said Taeng stand up and walk to the morgue.

The room was cold and there's corpse lying on the table with white cloth covered.

Pani...... It is my fault! I failed to protect you. said Taeng with tears and walking towards.

Why didn't you wait for me to confess? said Taeng crying and kneel on the floor.

I am sorry for my stupid pride for holding on. said Taeng sitted on the floor and bend his head down his knee.

I knew about your feeling for me all this while, i am such an idiot to keep rejecting you! said Taeng cried hard.

Taeng hyung, Tiffany ssi will be very happy to know that you love her. said Yoong walk in behind Taeng.

Pani can't hear me now. *sob* said Taeng cried.

Taeng hyung, do you realise your heart-beat is meant for Tiffany ssi? asked Yul.

I have never felt so heart-breaking before even compare to 5 years ago. said Taeng continue crying.

Taeng hyung..... called Yoong and Yul.

Leave me alone.... I want to stay with Pani for awhile. said Taeng sadly.

Yul and Yoong look at each other, nodded their head and walked out.


Someone walked in and tapped Taeng's shoulder.

I said leave me alone! said Taeng raised his voice and shifted his shoulder.

Jinja? Then i will go. said the person in her husky weak voice.

This voice....... said Taeng, lifted his head and turn behind.

PANI...... am i dreaming? said Taeng surprised.

PABO Taetae! said Tiffany smiled at him weakly.

Y-you........ said Taeng widen his eyes, pointed at Tiffany and the corpse beside him.

I will be strong for you..... said Tiffany smiled.

Taeng covered his mouth and cried with smile, he walked to Tiffany and hugged her tightly.

After awhile, Tiffany pushed away his hug.

Wae? asked Taeng surprised.

Don't you have something to tell me? asked Tiffany pouted.

Heh? said Taeng clueless with his onxy eyes.

Yah! Kim Taeng, do you want me ask you the same question again? said Tiffany in anger.

Taeng leaned closer to Tiffany and kissed her lips deeply, they released when they need a breathing.

Tiffany is surprised by Taeng action.

I LOVE YOU, PANI..... said Taeng confessed and kiss Tiffany again. said Tiffany in between their deep kiss.

"You guys can continue in your ward but not here, pls come out now" words coming from outside.

Taeng and Tiffany walked out with their hands interwined.

You both! How could you use such a joke! said Taeng lecturered Yoong & Yul.

Hyung, this idea comes from your lover. Not us.... said Yoong and pointed at Tiffany.

Pani yah..... How could you? asked Taeng looked at Tiffany.

That's the only way to make you confess, Taetae? said Tiffany whined and clinged onto Taeng's arm. 

Ok, guys. Let's get out of here now. said Jessica felt scared.

All of them went to Tiffany's ward.



End of chapter 10

Finally Taeng confessed. Well done, Yoong & Yul!

I will work on YulSic on the next chapter. Chekc it out.... XD


From: Taenyyoz

Updated: 25.03.13

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Chapter 16: <3
Chapter 16: Nice ending,they are so sweet...
gabiel #3
Chapter 16: wow dis couple are so sweet :)
Chapter 15: where is yulsic scene???
Fighter_Man #5
Chapter 16: nice story
author you are my idol!!
EMT0304 #6
Chapter 16: Congratulation for end this story...sorry late comment
Chapter 16: Happy ending! Woohoo!thansk a lot,authornim!
Chapter 16: wow!! (*゚▽゚*)Taeny ___ blows my head! amazing story :)
taetaeppanyah #9
Chapter 16: Happy ending yes! thank you author-ssi :D
Chapter 16: Hahahaha this story is Jjang!!! Cute, sweet n romantic for the ending. My TaeNy in here is sooooooooooooo sweet, cute, funny, romantic, adorable and BYUNTAE hoho. Agressive ByunTaeTae to Tiffany is special hahaha

Thank you for make this story author-ssi! I really love this one very nice story and nice ending ^^

Hope u write a new fanfic n I will count in my self especially TaeNy!!! For TaeNy sake hoho ^^

TaeNy, YulSic n YoonHyun also SooSun n HyoNic are RF ftw!!! Love my Royal Family <333

TaeNy TaeNy!!! Love my TaeNy <333333333 ^___^