
The One Who Makes Life Come to Life


Sungjong tried not to think about it for the rest of the night, knowing that it was silly and that to anyone he would seem like a spoiled brat. He had no right to feel possessive, but it didn't change the fact that he did. Lund's mates were notorious for becoming possessive-- they were allowed to be-- but he knew it really wasn't fair to Myungsoo or the girl he liked.


He listened quietly when Myungsoo told him how they'd met for the first time two years ago (at a street market) and how they'd become tentative friends (very close) and how he'd come so close to asking her to marry him (he'd looked at rings). She had made him promise to think about her while she spent her last semesters of college studying abroad. He had, Myungsoo revealed, and she was finally back. Sungjong smiles at all the right parts and sighs when he should but Myungsoo obviously doesn't expect much from him. He should be grateful, at least, that Myungsoo isn't plainly angry at Sungjong for imprinting on him at all.


With as much as they tried to strain the periods before they had to come back for more skin and as much as Myungsoo took to the skin-to-skin contact like a big teddy, Sungjong actually hadn't even needed his own teddy from home since they'd imprinted.


Sungjong let Myungsoo fold him into a hug without any protest. Myungsoo's bare chest against his was warm and immediately he could feel them both relax with the contact. Myungsoo smelled like his generic shampoo and sleep and the detergent for his laundry. Mostly the smell just meant "Myungsoo" to Sungjong now. And by now Sungjong knew to shield the part of his mind that would let Myungsoo know he found the embrace more comforting than he should.


"Why does this feel so good?" Myungsoo murmured, like he could feel Sungjong's thoughts anyway, and Sungjong didn't have to look at Myungsoo to know he had a lazy, indulgent smile on his face.


"Told you," Sungjong closed his eyes, trying to savor the feeling of contentment, "Contact starvation isn't good for anyone."


Myungsoo just hummed lowly in agreement and was quiet before he asked, "What does this kind of thing mean for me and Soo Yeon?"


Sungjong had been waiting for this question since Myungsoo had mentioned her, right in the beginning.  He was ready now to give an honest answer that wasn't biased with his own feelings. "Nothing." He said calmly, feeling Myungsoo's warmth all along his front.


"But isn't imprinting all about romance? That's not how we happened."


"Because it's not about romance. It's about biology." Points should have been awarded to Sungjong for not saying what he really wanted: that they were literally made for each other. "There's nothing that says people with Lund's Syndrome have to be in a romantic relationship, but that's just what usually happens since they are so close all the time and the emotions involved."


Myungsoo released Sungjong lightly so that he rolled onto his own pillow. Their sides still pressed together, though, keeping their skin singing with the contact after a long day of being parted. Myungsoo chewed his lip in thought before he said, "Well, what about ? How does that work? Lund's pairs can have it with other people right?"


Sungjong didn't choke on his own spit, but it was close. He kept himself from reacting visibly but that stupid flush reddened his cheeks and half of his damn body and Myungsoo could probably feel his embarrassment anyway. He could have been wrong about that, though, Myungsoo was still pretty resistant to the feeling sharing thing sometimes. He usually intercepted little emotion from Sungjong because he closed himself off to it. Any time he felt Sungjong usually wasn't because he'd meant to, but because it had happened without him knowing. At least now Myungsoo had stopped putting his guard up so much that he closed down when he caught himself feeling Sungjong. It must have been tiring, but if that was what made him comfortable, Sungjong wouldn't interfere. He didn't quite have a handle on closing his own feelings off from Sungjong, though, thankfully.


"Of course they can." Sungjong answered at last, with difficulty. But the truth was that it was totally unheard of. Sungjong had never once read about couples with Lund's syndrome having with anyone else but their imprint in any book, article, or website he'd ever found, but, technically, he saw no reason why they couldn't. The problem with that was that the alignment of their separate biologies made them naturally and easily aroused towards each other and they almost always developed strong feelings of possessiveness over each other. It was hard for most Lund's couples to be able to find other people arousing at all because of the intensity of their own lives. He couldn't tell Myungsoo that, though. There was no way he could tell Myungsoo that.


"There's no reason why they can't, though they usually don't. The only thing that could happen is our libidos might affect each other."


Myungsoo h'mmed. "So... when I'm in the mood, it might push you into the mood? Like when I wake up and it wakes you up?"


"I guess. Probably." It was Sungjong's only hope that Myungsoo couldn't feel how much this conversation made him ache. Because as of then, he really was in love with Myungsoo now. It had started when he saw Myungsoo, before they even touched and imprinted and quickly and he hadn't had a chance to do anything about it. So instead of thinking about it anymore or lingering on the thought of Soo Yeon and how she had Myungsoo even though Sungjong was his imprint, Sungjong made himself sleep-- for Myungsoo's sake at least.


It had been far too long since Sungjong had met Myungsoo to justify keeping this from his grandfather. He'd been at Myungsoo's house more in two months than he had at home. At first it was easy to tell his grandfather was happy he was getting out more and maybe even finding someone to date but Sungjong's evasions and non-answers obviously stressed Pop out.


He brought along Pop's favorite lunch when he came home finally. Even though every few nights Sungjong would sleep at home, it was annoying to feel the itch under his skin that came from spending the night away from Myungsoo and it was even harder to make another lie about staying gone some more. It would be harder to keep his grandfather in the dark, especially when school would eventually start back up and Sungjong would have no excuses to be out all the time. Besides, they both knew his grandfather saw right through it, even when he got Sunggyu in on it. Sunggyu worried more about what Sungjong wouldn't say, but it almost seemed to comfort their grandfather that he wasn't the only one being lied to.


His grandfather pet his head fondly as a greeting and happily took the food Sungjong handed him. You couldn't exactly call Pop's office a strict work environment. It was almost a multipurpose room that served as his workplace, library, dining room and safe haven all at once. Other people came and went, but Sungjong had lodged himself inside his grandfather's personal space from a young age. He'd spent a lot of time on the soft carpet reading or studying or looking at his grandfather's photo albums.


Though there was nothing to be emotional about, Sungjong felt himself tearing up anyway. When his grandfather noticed, the food on its way to his mouth stopped, "What's wrong?"


With a sigh Sungjong shook his head. "Nothing, eat Pop."


Pop's eyes were narrow and weary of him but he took his first bite, just waiting for whatever Sungjong had to say. This man knew him so well.


"Alright," Sungjong conceded slowly when his grandfather continued to eye him, "I met my imprint."


To his grandfather's credit, he continued eating without a pause.


"I met him about a few months ago. That's where I've been staying so much lately."


"You're not joking." His grandfather murmured when Sungjong became quiet and wouldn't look at him, and he lowered both hands to the table. When Sungjong shook his head slowly his grandfather blinked. "Who is he?"


"He was Sunggyu's mechanic, that's how I met him. His name is Kim Myungsoo." before he finished, Sungjong could tell his grandfather was smiling. It was rare to see his grandfather beaming, though his grandfather wasn't an unhappy man, but he seldom smiled. Now he didn't try to control the curve of his lips.


"I'm so happy for you Jongie." He laughed, and it was full of warmth, "You always said you'd imprint. I should have believed you more. You have to bring him by." Pop sat up straight in his seat and popped one of his suspenders, "I'll just judge for myself how good of a man he is for you."


Sungjong was caught between wanting to laugh and cry. It was a moment before his grandfather caught on his watery smile. "What's wrong?" He asked for the second time. What Sungjong said next completely caught Pop off guard.


"Myungsoo doesn't believe in Lund's. He hates it."




"It's hard on him, having to be bonded to someone else when he's so used to being alone. He prefers his privacy. It's just. Really hard on him." Sungjong sighed but continued when it seemed his grandfather was speechless. "He already has someone."


"Lund's syndrome is grounds for expedited divorce Sungjong. You don't have to worry about that." Pop stumbled to assure him.


"No, that's not the problem. He's not married, but he wants to marry her."


Sungjong's grandfather stared at him, looking like Sungjong felt: like his heart had dropped to the pit of his stomach.


"Sungjongie." His grandfather said pitifully. Sungjong couldn't handle the tone. It made him feel like a kid again and when His grandfather pushed away from the table and gestured, Sungjong went straight for his lap like he was that kid again, sitting lightly, now that he was grown, but wetting Pop's shirt like he had so many times as child. Pop just pet his hair and shushed him, which, after making him cry harder for a while, eventually calmed him into light hiccups.


"I'm okay now." Sungjong told him gently after he calmed some. "I really am." He was, or he would be. But being here with Pop and seeing his situation for what it was: his one and only imprint who didn't want him; his childhood fairytale ruined. Myungsoo, a man he definitely would have fallen in love with, Lund's or not. It was hard to accept.


His phone started ringing then and Pop handed him a tissue to blow with before he answered.


Sungjong didn't have a chance to say hello before he heard Myungsoo's tense voice, "Sungjong? What's wrong? Are you okay?"


"What?" Sungjong tried to clear his throat inconspicuously, "Yeah, I'm fine."


"Are you sure? I don't like this, Sungjong; I tried to call you twice since I started getting this from you. What's going on?"


"Nothing." Sungjong promised, lifting himself from Pop's lap. "It's fine."


"Where are you?"


"I'm at my grandfather's house right now, I'll be back later."


"Do you want me to come?" Myungsoo asked him, and Sungjong ached at the pleading in Myungsoo's voice. Myungsoo may not have wanted him, but he definitely cared for Sungjong. That was what mattered.


"No, I'm fine, really." Sungjong laughed a little, hoping that the fondness he felt for Myungsoo didn't come out as plainly in his voice as he thought it did, "I'll see you later, alright?"


"Alright." conceded Myungsoo, sounding unsure.


When Sungjong ended the call, his grandfather sighed heavily. "Was that him?" Sungjong just nodded. "Do you want to stay here tonight?"


"I can't." Sungjong told him almost chastisingly. "Maybe another day, but after this... skin contact remember?"


His grandfather lowered his head, unable to really say anything to that, but sighed, "Have you been to see a doctor yet?"


"No." Sungjong echoed his sigh, "Myungsoo is afraid of them. I think he doesn't want this to be official."


"But it is." His grandfather insisted adamantly.


"We both know that, but I can't do it to him. It terrifies him."


"This is more important than his little fear, Sungjong. This is about your health. You know that. What if you have type II and you both stay apart too long before you realize? What will I do if that happens?"


"I'm sorry, Pop." Sungjong shook his head. "I know enough about Lund's to practically be our doctor myself. I'll take care of everything."


"That's bull."


Sungjong just repeated "I'm sorry, Pop." and thus effectively ending the conversation before running his hand over his face and smoothing both of them over his hair. "I will eat dinner with you tonight though." He tried to give his grandfather a big smile and snatched a piece of chicken from the plate on the desk with his fingers.


His grandfather definitely wasn't satisfied with that ending, not after watching Sungjong sob, but he couldn't help smiling anyway. "Alright." He allowed. "Heat up my plate, then, you heathen. It's gotten cold."


Afterward, when Sungjong was home-- or at Myungsoo's home-- he realized that he didn't even think about his bed at home when he was in Myungsoo's bed. He should have missed home and it's comfort, but all he really ever missed was his grandfather and the office.


Myungsoo's apartment felt more like home than it probably had a right to be.


With Myungsoo's smooth skin under Sungjong's cheek it was hard to remember that not long ago he hadn't felt this way.


Myungsoo was sometimes awake late, reading car magazines that Woohyun had pushed on him, with parts circled or annotated with stuff Sungjong didn't understand and didn't care to understand. Myungsoo was into it though. He was surprisingly passionate for the job it seemed he didn't care about. Sungjong could feel his contentment reading the magazing and his amusement when he found a comment from Woohyun.


When Myungsoo had realized their sleep scedules had begun to sync, he'd felt so bad that Sungjong felt bad, now though they had a routine; Myungsoo would just pull Sungjong into the v of this thighs until Sungjong’s chest was against his back and put a movie on his laptop for Sungjong to watch while he read. Sometimes he would read anyway, most times with his hand lightly across Sungjong's stomach into the thin, light hair that ran down from Sungjong's bellybutton, sometimes he would get into the movie and they would movie-theater-murmur to each other while they watched. This never bothered Sungjong, because when they woke up the next morning, he'd always feel refreshed anyway.


This was home to him now. Lying in a warm bed while his imprint read quietly and held Sungjong to him with a soft but firm hand, the room filled with warm, muted light from a movie they both might or might not have seen multiple times already.


Now and then his thoughts did go back to their discussion about Soo Yeon and with other people and in the dim light with Myungsoo against him, supporting him, Sungjong felt righteously jealous. And not for the first time he felt lust when Myungsoo's fingers scratched lightly at the skin above the waistband of Sungjong's underwear. He never got those kind of feelings in return from Myungsoo, though, not so far, and he could only hope that he was doing as good of a job keeping them to himself as he thought he was.

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4 rizzle tho if you followed me on tumblr thEN TELL ME im not trying to ignore you i just don't know who you are!


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Chapter 15: This was the best story ever?
how did I never read this before... I love the idea of Lund's imprint. Ahhh it had perfect level of Angst and the writing was beautiful as well.
Thank you so muchhh
Chapter 15: Lmao I think this is the longest I've ever read but who knows
Chapter 11: silent screamingGGG
Chapter 9: ttt
Chapter 7: I'm gonna die of smiling too much
Chapter 6: Asdfghjkiehdxbnfkrd
Chapter 5: So myungsoo has a thing for baby jongie ;;;;;