
The One Who Makes Life Come to Life



It was just about the worst time Woohyun could have picked to come in. Sungjong hadn't even realized they'd gotten closer until Myungsoo's arms had circled his waist and he vaguely realized that Myungsoo's cheek against his made him feel better than he had all night. This was the kind of comfort he'd needed to sleep last night.


"Books, huh?" He heard from the door behind them. Woohyun had the door propped open with his hip, arms crossed and eyebrows raised, looking expectant.


Both Myungsoo and Sungjong shared the surprise and mutually backed away. "I was thanking him for the books." Myungsoo told Woohyun immediately, and though his voice was confident, the situation was clearly questionable, and Woohyun saw through them.


"Yeah, whatever." He shook his head and tsk'd at them, "We got some new parts. I signed for the box."


"Okay, thanks."


"I'll let you get back to... whatever you're doing, but this isn't the end." Threatened Woohyun, and he didn't take his eyes off them as he nudged the box of parts inside with his foot and backed out through the door again.


When they were alone again Sungjong apologized immediately but Myungsoo waved it off. "It's fine." He explained, "It's just Woohyun."


"Are you going to tell him?"


"I'm not going to tell anyone."


Huffing in frustration Sungjong threw his hands in the air. "Then what are we supposed to do?"


"I don't know!" Myungsoo's voice came out louder than Sungjong had heard yet and he felt Myungsoo's frustration too. Most likely it was part Myungsoo's own irritation and part feedback from Sungjong. He tried carefully to calm down before he spoke again.


"I know. I'm sorry."


"What do people with Lund's usually do?" Myungsoo murmured, and then immediately reworded, because that was a stupid question. "What do you want to do?"


Sungjong carefully about that, ignoring everything he knew he wanted already, which was happily ever after, because that apparently didn't match up with Myungsoo's idea. He thought past the part of his brain that was urging them closer and begging for more skin contact and the instant comfort that came with it. He tried to be reasonable. "Why don't we... get to know each other first?"


Myungsoo's shoulders relaxed then, and his through his end of their connection he felt relief. "Alright." He nodded, giving Sungjong a twist of his lips that wasn't exactly a smile, but wasn't the frown and cold gaze he'd been directing at Sungjong the entire time. "Do you want to eat lunch?"


The first time hearing his imprint ask him out and Sungjong couldn't even pretend to call it a date. Still, he smiled happily and nodded.


They chose a little restaurant close to Myungsoo's shop that looked warm and comfortable but had only a few customers inside. Only after they got their drinks and ordered their food Sungjong asked "Is business like this everywhere here?"


Myungsoo just nodded once giving the rest of the almost-empty restaurant a considering look. "There's more traffic here during weekends, but mostly we have regulars who keep us going."


"Does that really keep you in business?"


It occurred to Sungjong that he might sound rude after the fact, and the last thing he wanted was to offend Myungsoo, but thankfully Myungsoo just shrugged. "It works for us." Sungjong believed him.


When their food arrived, Sungjong realized how hungry he really was. His last meal had been the day before-- his lunch right before they had imprinted. Afterwards he hadn't even had an appetite with the sick feeling of Myungsoo's stress. He was starving. Myungsoo looked hungry too, but he paced himself and calmly watched Sungjong attack his food with only a mild look of fear. It didn't fool Sungjong. He could tell Myungsoo was amused. "Do you eat like this all the time?" Myungsoo asked him when Sungjong put effort into slowing down.


"Kind of," Sungjong admitted, "But I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon so I'm probably a little worse than usual."


"How do you stay so small?" Myungsoo wondered out loud, eyebrows furrowed, like he really didn't understand.


"Hmm." Sungjong pretended to think. "Well it's not easy," he laughed, "I have to work for this body. I dance a lot."


"Professionally?" Myungsoo was gaping slightly and Sungjong kicked his shin under the table.


"No," He huffed, taking another huge bite and mumbling around it, "But it might as well be. I'm super graceful."


When Myungsoo rolled his eyes, grinning that non-grin, Sungjong laughed happily. His imprint did have a sense of humor. A very dry sense of humor.


"Actually," Sungjong began when he swallowed again, "People with Lund's are usually supposed to eat on the heavy end of the food pyramid. Having Lund's itself burns a lot of calories, so we're allowed."


"What? Lund's-- just Lund's by itself burns calories?"


Sungjong hmm'ed in affirmation and took a sip of his drink, "An extra 1500." He laughed at the stunned look on Myungsoo's face for a good while after that, but then he pointed at him. "Alright," he said seriously, "this is business." Though he was joking, Myungsoo's back straightened in his chair and Sungjong rolled his eyes. "Is the auto shop yours?" He started with.


By the way the tension seeped out of Myungsoo at the mention of the shop, Sungjong could tell that this was Myungsoo's comfort zone. This was what he was passionate about. "Yes." Myungsoo told him. "I bought it about a year ago. It's small and, like you said, we get almost no business, but we survive."


Sungjong rested his chin in his hand as he watched Myungsoo give his self-deprecating description of his workplace. "You really love working there don't you?" Myungsoo's back straightened again at Sungjong's words, but Sungjong didn't even find himself getting frustrated at the way Myungsoo guarded himself. It was endearing. "I can tell, you know. The way you feel about it when you talk-- I can feel that."


Shifting and leaning in towards Sungjong slightly, Myungsoo asked "Why can't I feel you then?"


Sungjong swirled his drink, thinking it was probably good that Myungsoo couldn't yet. "You will eventually." He responded after a moment. There was no way he could force any of this on Myungsoo more than it already had been. No way could he just explain "You can't feel me because you're so scared that you're blocking me. You're closing your eyes like I'm a scary monster."


"What if one of us gets hurt?" Myungsoo thought of a minute later, "Will I feel you then?"


"Yeah. That comes pretty immediately. Probably not if I stubbed my toe or somthing small, but if I were really hurt or in distress, then you would feel it. If we have type II Lund's your body might even mimic it. The same this with sickness; if we have type two, both of us might get sick together. Our bodies will just align themselves that way. With illness, it might go either way, if you had a chronic illness, my body might follow your cue and I would get it, or your body might follow mine and you would heal."


Myungsoo's face soured, "That sounds unfair all around."


"Sometimes." Sungjong admitted. He'd never thought of it that way, but he could understand how it could be frightening to take such chances.


After the heavy talk, they talked more about regular things-- get-to-know-you things and Sungjong learned a lot about his imprint.


Myungsoo had a small family with two parents and a brother, and kept a good relationship with them though he lived far away. He'd skipped college and joined the military right after high school to get it out of the way and afterwards had worked hard certified as a mechanic and buy his shop. He'd picked up Woohyun along the way, whom had helped him after the military, rooming with him and working in the shop with him.


Sungjong told Myungsoo about living with his grandfather and Sunggyu since he was small. A small, happy family of their own. He was almost a sophomore in college and lived with his grandpa but still visited Sunggyu almost daily.  Not that he needed to, since Sunggyu's apartment was a three minute walk down the street; he came over for dinner most nights. Myungsoo listened quietly but interestedly when Sungjong said he was studying history even though he'd hated it when he was younger.


It was nice talking to Myungsoo. They didn't get any deeper than their families and jobs and normal everyday things, but he already felt incredibly closer to Myungsoo. It probably had something to do with how he could feel Myungsoo all around him like a reflex or a satellite. Everything Myungsoo said fit together in his head and filled him out inside, even when he wasn't revealing anything about himself. He could feel Myungsoo interacting with him back, probably without realizing it. Though Myungsoo had tried to shut his eyes to Sungjong, there was really no helping this at all.


If anyone is feeling confused about Lund's, or I'm not explaining something clearly enough, I might explain it later or you can look at the fake wikipedia page on it here.


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4 rizzle tho if you followed me on tumblr thEN TELL ME im not trying to ignore you i just don't know who you are!


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Chapter 15: This was the best story ever?
how did I never read this before... I love the idea of Lund's imprint. Ahhh it had perfect level of Angst and the writing was beautiful as well.
Thank you so muchhh
Chapter 15: Lmao I think this is the longest I've ever read but who knows
Chapter 11: silent screamingGGG
Chapter 9: ttt
Chapter 7: I'm gonna die of smiling too much
Chapter 6: Asdfghjkiehdxbnfkrd
Chapter 5: So myungsoo has a thing for baby jongie ;;;;;