Are You Sure Kid?

Avenge One Shot

He looked around with tired eyes, stepped forward with a tired body, and thought about his next move with a tired mind. It ad been hours since he escaped from the hell he was confined in. The rain stopped a while ago but the air was still thick with dew, the sun was rising so the sky around him was a reddish color. He had to look away, he hated the color red, the color of blood. 

He had no idea where he was going, or when he should be there. He just knew to walk forward. He trudged through the puddles, he was soaked from the water and his own sweat. It was really a pathetic sight. 

He took another weak step in the muck, he nearly tripped. He was losing strength to go on, he fell to his knees. He grabbed his head in his hand and yelled into the morning air. He was exhausted and weak, he needed rest. He knew he couldn't rest now though, those people would surely have noticed his absence by now. Remembering those people gave him a new found strength to go on. 

He found himself walking through a small, dingy town. All the buildings were either white or gray. Everything seemed so familiar here, maybe too familiar. He looked up at the sky, it was no longer blood red, but now an overcast morning. He smelt more rain coming and he decided to take shelter somewhere.

He looked around for a place that would be safe...enough. He turned his head and saw a subway entrance. Good enough. He began making his was to the underground tunnel. As soon as he was in the main part of the tunnel, he knew why everything seemed familiar.

This was where the shooting had taken place. This is where everyone died. This is where he almost died. Almost. They'll regret not killing me. I can't be here, I've got to go somewhere else. 

He turned to walk away, when something caught him in the corner of his eye. He pivoted his body so he could see in the direction of the object. It was a piece of paper. Strange. I usually wouldn't be distracted form something so frivolous. He walked over to the paper and picked it up despite it being of little importance. He regretted doubting to pick up the paper. Written across the page in black, bold letters were the two words: 




He flashed back to when he was being beaten and remembered that was the sum of money he was being held up for. He was reluctant to search the sheet for more answers but he knew he had to. He turned the page over and scanned it for any clue. He held the page closer to his face and read an address. 2658 City Street. He racked his brain for information on where this might be. He had no clue. 

He didn't know what challenges he may face at this location, so he knew he would need some sort of "backup". Guns. I need guns. He of course had none with him, he had just broken out of a murderous hospital. He reached into the pockets of his jeans, checking for any cash that might be there to invest in weapons. There was nothing. Just as expected. Well, not having money never stopped me before. He walked out of the subway and began looking for the hidden black market. Every city had one. 

He easily found it, the drug dealers, and drug users made it a dead giveaway. He walked in, casually as ever, walking past the booths for off -the-truck electronics, pass the drug booths, and finally stopping in front of the guns. He was a master pick pocket, sneaky man. He could steal anything. He swiped two guns, and causally slipped them in his jeans. He grabbed a few rounds of ammo, just to be on the safe side.

He decided not to be too greedy, and decided what he had was enough. He walked back the way he came, he was just about to leave when a burly man, at least have a foot taller than him blocked his way. The burly man looked down at the puny Youngjae he opened his mouth to speak to Youngjae, his voice matched his looks, rough and deep, "Where do you think you're going?"

Youngjae looked up at the man. Ah . That's it, I've been found. They're gonna ing kill me now. "I was get money." The big man must have been on drugs or blatantly stupid, he let Youngjae go. No more questions asked.


He got out of that place as quickly as he could at this point, he then decided it would be in his best interest to find a bus and ride to his next location. He wanted to this as quickly as possible. No more time for waiting. When he finally found one he sat on the bench and silently waited for the next bus. 

As he was sitting there, it began to rain again. His already damp clothes quickly became soaked, he didn't mind too much though, this was nothing compared to the hell he endured earlier. The bus finally arrived after a period of painful waiting time. The old bus's rickety doors opened in front of him. He looked at the doors for a few second before the bus driver, a man in his mid 40s, spoke up, "You gonna ride or not, kid?"

Youngjae looked at the man before he nervously said in return, "Um, yes sir." Youngjae stood up from the wet bench and boarded the bus. Before he sat down he stopped at the driver, "Sir, where is the bus going?"

"Where do you need to go?" 

Youngjae reached into his pocket and pulled out the damp, crumpled paper with the address he needed to go and showed the bus driver. The man read the paper and looked at Youngjae with a look of shock,"You want to go here?"

He was suddenly unsure about his decision to go there based on the driver's reaction, but then he remembered why he was on this quest anyways, "Yes."

"Alright kid, take a seat." Youngjae did as he was asked and found the nearest empty seat. This is nice, well as nice at it can be. I'm sitting on a dry bus with soft seats. Not too bad. His adrenaline suddenly wore off and he simply doze off, it had been hours since he had the option of sleep. Might as well take the opportunity presented to him. 

When he woke up, it was mid afternoon. He wasn't sure exactly how long it had been since he had fallen asleep but it must've been awhile considering the change in daylight. He blinked his eyes, still groggy from his sleep. 

Something felt off to him though. He felt like someone was staring at him. He turned around and a gentleman wearing a mask quickly adverted his eyes away from Youngjae. He wasn't too sure how he felt about this, he was on the run and searching for revenge. He looked behind himself again and looked at the masked gentleman once more. He looks like somebody..... He was in the middle of thought when the bus came to a halt.

"Hey kid, I'm dropping you off here, I'm not going any further. So get off now." The bus was stopped about 50 yards from the driveway of dirty old house falling apart at it's base. The bus driver looked back at Youngjae and signaled for him to quickly get off. Youngjae stood up from his seat and walked down the aisle. He stepped down the steps. He was off the bus now and turned around to bow to the driver, as he did so, he bumped into the masked man from earlier, whom of which was also getting off at this stop. 

The two's bump into each other caused the man's mask to fall off. Youngjae got a glimpse of his face, but not enough to tell who it was. The man quickly covered his face and back and bolted away in the other direction. This sent a wave of distress thought Youngjae's body. Who was that man, the only guy I know that would wear a mask like that is.... "Good luck kid." Youngjae was broken from his train of thought by the driver's voice. 

With that the driver gave one last final look at Youngjae and drove off. Youngjae watched the old bus drive away, and then looked towards the house. He knew he wouldn't get there any faster by just looking at the house. He looked around, no sign of anybody watching him, or even following him. He inhaled, exhaled. Looked at the building, and began his journey to the front door. 



:D Chapter 2 is finished!! I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it! I was going to publish this earlier today, but I got distracted by love that  would never happen T-T /jumps off a cliff
anyways.... since I'm lame and I don't know how to add a poll. I'm just going to ask and you answer in the comments:


The masked man:

a. Bad guy

b. good guy

c. just some weirdo






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Thank you!
My friend was reading my rough draft for this chapter and started laughing. I've lost confidence in it and don't really wanna post it.


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Chapter 5: It is really amazing fic..thbk u for sharing authornim
RokuKazami #2
Chapter 5: Awww! it's a sweet ending but soo sad that most of Bap died.
SaturnXK #3
Chapter 4: For some reason the deep voiced man just reminds me of Yongguk... just because of the voice though. Lol.
Kpop2ne1 #4
Chapter 2: I think the masked man is a good guy and it might possibly Daehyun who also survived
Kpop2ne1 #5
Sounds really interesting!!! I'm really anticipating this story~
Chapter 2: Thinking the masked guy is Daehyun ^^
And he is a good guy ^^

Update soon~ ^^
anyahe #7
Chapter 1: Woa, is there any next chap for this?
If yes, go go update soon please, can't wait! Hehe