I Need To Protect You

Avenge One Shot

The two made their way to the entrance. The time had flown by quickly when they were walking to the door, and Youngjae was almost having having a good time, being able to be with his hyung despite the entire situation they were in. The boys stood there, unsure what to do next.

In the time they spent together, they hadn't once conversed about what they'd do once they got inside. "What do we do next?" Daehyun looked over to Youngjae with a questioning look in his eyes.

Youngjae shrugged his shoulders, almost as if he didn't care, "I-I don't know. Maybe we should just go in, and see what happens?' 

Daehyun looked at Youngjae and backhanded his head, "Are you stupid, last time we dealt with these guys we had extensive planning and we still almost lost you. I  almost lost you."

Youngjae fell silent at this statement. "Dae-."

"Don't you understand? I want to protect you, I've always wanted to protect you. I need  to protect you.  I failed the first time, I can't do it again. I can't see myself living without you. Yes, I want to get even, no I wouldn't want the other guys to think I'm a coward. But I'm willing to risk it if it means keeping you safe."

Daehyun took a step closer to Youngjae, "Youngjae, I love you." Daehyun pulled the younger into a tight embrace, tears fell from Daehyun's eyes for the second time that night, "I really do." 

"Haha, what a wonderful display of affection." Youngjae removed himself from Daehyun's grasp and looked towards the direction of the voice. The same deep voice from the hospital. This was the first time Youngjae was able to see features on this man.

Something about the man was oddly familiar. His looks matched perfectly with his voice. A tall, darkly tanned man with a long face still stood at the doorway 

Daehyun too looked in that direction. He looked at the man with a look of disgust and spat out,  "Hello, Z." 

"Hello Daehyun, I see you've found our little escapee and made your ual opinion towards him clear.' Z looked at the two up and down before speaking again, "Why don't you guys come in, it's late and rather cold out." Z delivered them a sinister smile, "I wouldn't want you two to...get. ill." 

Youngjae was about to object, but was thankful Daehyun cut him off because he was still a bit confused on what was going on. "What if we don't want to?"

"Then I'll have to take more drastic measures to get you inside," Z opened the door a little wider and pointed out a group a vicious looking men that could, no would surely kill anybody with their bare hands in a heartbeat. "Now are you sure you want to resist any longer?"  

The boys looked at each other and with unspoken communication decided it would be best to follow the man. The hesitantly walked up to the door, and walked inside. The door slammed shut behind them leaving the room completely black.

A dim, yellow light flickered on, only to reveal something that was only too expect. A grubby room with water stained walls and rotting wooden floors that at one time were probably adored at how magnificent it looked. The entire room and outside of the building looked that way, once great bit after many years of neglect, it turned into complete garbage.

The deep voice spoke again from behind the two, "I bet you have questions you want answered. The same goes for me, I have some questions of my own."



I want to apologize times like 50 million. I haven't updated in so long and I'm so sorry. I just, haven't had any inspiration lately. And also it's kinda short. BUT THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL MAKE YOUR OVARIES EXPLODE!! I mean...maybe. BUT I HoPe YoU LiKe ThE kInDa PlOt TwiST tHiNg i HaVe gOiNg oN HeRe.

Comment! It's greatly appreciated.

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My friend was reading my rough draft for this chapter and started laughing. I've lost confidence in it and don't really wanna post it.


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Chapter 5: It is really amazing fic..thbk u for sharing authornim
RokuKazami #2
Chapter 5: Awww! it's a sweet ending but soo sad that most of Bap died.
SaturnXK #3
Chapter 4: For some reason the deep voiced man just reminds me of Yongguk... just because of the voice though. Lol.
Kpop2ne1 #4
Chapter 2: I think the masked man is a good guy and it might possibly Daehyun who also survived
Kpop2ne1 #5
Sounds really interesting!!! I'm really anticipating this story~
Chapter 2: Thinking the masked guy is Daehyun ^^
And he is a good guy ^^

Update soon~ ^^
anyahe #7
Chapter 1: Woa, is there any next chap for this?
If yes, go go update soon please, can't wait! Hehe