Z and Z...?

Avenge One Shot

"Have a seat boys," The booming voice, belonging to Z,  turned from a near shout down to a sly almost whisper. Daehyun and Youngaje looked around from somewhere to sit. Daehyun spotted  a grimy old couch and led Youngjae to it.

Daehyun sat down and waited for the other. Youngjae glanced around nervously,"It'll be fine, Youngjae." Youngjae hesitated but listened to Daehyun. Daehyun had never led him the wrong way.

"Perfect." The man approached the two. He was even taller up close and to both Youngjae and Daehyun he seemed familiar. He looked down and smiled menacingly, "Go ahead."

The two on the couch looked at each other in confusion and then back at Z. Youngjae spoke up first, "Go ahead with what?'  His voice quavered at the end because the reality of the situation finally snuck itself into Youngjae's skull.

Z chuckled, "Ask your questions, you're sure to have them. Aren't you." He stared at the two patiently. After having felt he waited long enough without a response coming from wither of the boys he decided to speak first, "Fine, I guess I'll do the talking."

Z snapped his fingers in the air, "Chair." At these orders one of the burley men from earlier huddled out of the shadows with a simple but clean foldable chair and placed it next to Z.

He sighed and sat down, crossed his legs, and looked at the ground tiredly, "You tried to take him from me." Z looked up and Youngjae thought he saw a hint of sadness in his eyes. "My son, you tried to take him."

Youngjae and Daehyun were more than confused, "What do you mean?"

Z turned his attention to the asker of the question, "That is, Daehyun..." Z adverted his eyes towards the door. Youngjae and Daehyun looked in the same direction to see a rather lanky boy walking out of it. He was immediately recognized.

"Zelo!" Youngjae jumped up and ran to pull Zelo into a tight embrace with Daehyun following close behind. "Zelo, you're alive! What happened, why are you here?" Zelo pushed Youngjae away and stared at the ground, then up at Z.

Z too was standing up at this point and calmly walked over to the three. He stood next to Zelo and rested his elbow on the boy shoulder, "His name is Junhong, not that horrible gang name. And of course he's alive... I wouldn't have my own son killed."

Daehyun and Youngjae's eyes widened in confusion and shock. Youngjae was too stunned to speak so Daehyun stepped forward and took the role of speaker this time, "Son? What do you mean? ....Zelo-ah what's he saying?"

Z found a nearby cracked vase and thew it at the ground near Daehyun's feet, "God damnit! I said his name isn't Zelo, it's Junhong! MY son, Junhong, left his family for your 'gang'. You had to die. You all had to die. You all were supposed to die." 

Youngjae grabbed Zelo's shoulders and turned the boys towards him and gave him a pleading look, "Junhong. Why? Just tell me why would you do this to us. We treated you like family. We took you in and protected you. We risked our lives. How could you?"

Zelo looked Youngjae in the eyes, "I'm so sorry hyung. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't know my dad would come looking for me. I wanted to get away, I couldn't handle being a mafia san, so I came to you guys.

"My dad told me after I was brought home his plan. He told me that he wanted to somehow get all of you guys in the same area so that he could kill you all at once. It's all my fault." Zelo's eyes were now b with tears and sincerity. Youngjae knew he wasn't lying about this.

"So I guess that now you guys knew all about my plan and how it oh so tragically failed. I bet you could assume that I want it's original purpose carried through with. And I'll do this purposely to ensure it's done right this time. I think I'll start with you." Z pulled a gun from inside his coat and pointed it at Youngjae's head, "You were supposed to die first anyways." 

He pulled the trigger. 

He laid helplessly on the ground.

"Zelo! Zelo, are you okay?" Youngjae and Daehyun rushed to Zelo's side on the ground, "Zelo, why did you jump in front of the gun to save me? Why would you do that?!"

Zelo grabbed his chest and coughed up some blood before being able to choke out some words, "Hyung, I really did love you guys like a family. I didn't want for this to happen, but I knew I couldn't let really die. I'm so sorry."

Youngjae hugged Zelo as tight as he could without hurting him and his new wounds, "Stop being sorry. I know you didn't mean to. Thank you so much Zelo. You saved my life."

Daehyun nodded his head, "We need to get him to a hospital."

"No, Daehyun-hyung. I won't make it, I know I won't, but I have one last final wish. Make sure my dad doesn't hurt  anybody else ever again." Zelo closed his eyes and breathed softly in and out, his breaths becoming smaller and smaller until they were no more. 

Daehyun checked his pulse, "Nothing." 

Youngjae looked up and stared directly at Z, "You bastard." He gently let go of Zelo and stood up, approaching Z. "You bastard!" He grabbed Z by the collar of his shirt, harshly throwing him onto the ground, Z's gun slipping out of his grasp, Youngjae kicking it away before Z could obtain it again,  "You. Killed. Him." Z was left speechless, his eyes wide open, staring at his son's lifeless body, tears threatening to spill out. 

"I-I didn't mean to-"

"You didn't what?!" Youngjae cut him off, throwing him harshly onto the ground, towering over him, his eyes piercing into him like daggers. Z killing Zelo himself, right in front of his eyes resparked the fire in his soul, his lust for blood intensifying immensely, causing the once great Z to cower in fear. "And I'm gonna do the same to you." Youngjae stepped forward again, Z helplessly flinching at his actions. 

"Youngjae, no." Daehyun calmly said and grabbed Youngjae's shoulder and pulled him back. Youngjae looked at him confused, "No." Daehyun firmly repeated. "Killing him would make us no better than him." Daehyun adverted his attention back to the man on the ground, "Get out of here, before I change my mind." Z nodded his head and scurried away, out of sight. Leaving not a trace of him behind.

"But he just killed his own son! He had everyone we care about killed! It's justice!" Youngjae was beyond furious, "I don't get it." 

"Let's leave, Youngjae." Daehyun pulled Youngjae out of the building, down the steps and started back down the road when a voice from behind them spoke again. Z's voice to be exact. They turned around and there he was, standing tall.

"Not so fast. You think You can just leave? Alive? Ha. You thought wrong." He pointed a newly found gun directly at Youngjae. "You first." He pulled the trigger for the second time in such a short period of time. 

But someone else was faster than he was.

Daehyun shot his gun right at Z. Daehyun's bullet piercing right between Z's eyes. 

Z's bullet only grazing Youngjae's shoulders.

Time seemed to stop at that moment.

Everything moved in slow motion, Daehyun tossed his gun aside, ignoring the blood spilling out of the now dead Z, running to Youngjae's side.

"Youngjae, Youngjae! Are you okay?" Daehyun grabbed Youngjae's arm, checking for injuries.

Youngjae winced in pain, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine." He looked over at Z. "You killed him."

Daehyun let go of the other, "I told him to leave before I changed my mind. He tried to hurt you again. He did hurt you." Daehyun looked away and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Youngjae held onto his arm and chuckled, despite the situation, "Don't be sorry, Daehyun. I'm fine. Nothing a little medical help won't fix. But Daehyun? What Are we going to do now? There's nothing left here."

Daehyun thought for a little while, "We'll go to America. We'll leave as soon as we can."

"Will everything be okay?" Youngjae asked, looking up at Daehyun, concern evident in his eyes.

Daehyun stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Youngjae before hesitantly kissing his forehead, "Of course it'll be okay. Trust me." Daehyun wasn't entirely sure what he said was true, but he wasn't going to concern Youngjae anymore than he already was. "Let's go, Youngjae."

Youngjae nodded his head and Daehyun led him back down that old road, to the start of their new lives. That day, they decided to forget their pasts and move on with their lives. Forgetting wasn't easy but they had each other to get through all of it. Neither of them know if they'll completely be able to move on, but in the end, Youngjae still has Daehyun and Daehyun still has Youngjae.


The End.



Oh my gosh. I finished a chaptered fic. /sobseu.
Thank you so so much everybody that stuck around for this story even though I always too forever to update. Please, take these cookies. /gives you cookies


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My friend was reading my rough draft for this chapter and started laughing. I've lost confidence in it and don't really wanna post it.


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Chapter 5: It is really amazing fic..thbk u for sharing authornim
RokuKazami #2
Chapter 5: Awww! it's a sweet ending but soo sad that most of Bap died.
SaturnXK #3
Chapter 4: For some reason the deep voiced man just reminds me of Yongguk... just because of the voice though. Lol.
Kpop2ne1 #4
Chapter 2: I think the masked man is a good guy and it might possibly Daehyun who also survived
Kpop2ne1 #5
Sounds really interesting!!! I'm really anticipating this story~
Chapter 2: Thinking the masked guy is Daehyun ^^
And he is a good guy ^^

Update soon~ ^^
anyahe #7
Chapter 1: Woa, is there any next chap for this?
If yes, go go update soon please, can't wait! Hehe