Let's Get Even

Avenge One Shot

The walk was a slow and painful one. Sleep still remained in his eyes and it was getting darker outside. It seemed to him that his eyes were constantly adjusting to new light. He wasn't sure what exactly he was doing here, he didn't even know if this was where he would find answers. He just knew to keep walking forward. 

It was even later in the night at this point and he heard soft steps behind him, he cautiously turned around. There, following him, was the same masked man. Enough of this, "Yah! Who are you?" He screamed at the masked guy. He they were standing facing each other, they were no more than ten feet apart now. "Why are you following me?"  

The masked man adverted his eyes from Youngjae, He turned back and darted away. Youngjae wouldn't let him get away again. He ran after him. No more than a minute later, the two came tumbling to the ground after Youngjae lept to stop him. They were close enough now that they could clearly see each other's faces.

Youngjae would have acted aggressively to this stranger, but as he studied his face, he realized this was no stranger, "Daehyun?" He stood up from the ground and backed away, "I..I thought you were killed." 

"I could say the same about you." Daehyun looked at Youngjae, tears were filling the younger's eyes and he ran back aver and embraced him in a bittersweet hug. "I thought you died, Youngjae. I found you though."

The two were still locked in each other's arms, "Why didn't you come to me earlier today?"

"When I first found you, they told me you didn't remember anything, I didn't want to endanger your life again." They pulled away from each other, and looked back at each other. Tears were streaming down both of their faces.

"Who told you I remembered nothing?" Youngjae composed himself a little more to hear the answer to his question.

"Z." Both of their faces cleared of any emotion that was there. "I didn't believe them, so I followed you after you ran from the hospital. I also didn't not believe him, and I wasn't sure if you actually did forget everything. I didn't want to scare you if you didn't know me."

Youngjae's red swollen eyes began tearing up again, "Hyung... How did you survive?" 

"The gunshots were heard by everybody in the streets, heard everything. Police were called and everyone was taken to a hospital."

"Is anyone else alive?" 

"I don't know. And if you're wondering how you got to a different hospital, I don't know either." The skies were completely dark and and the bugs began to sing. The atmosphere was surprisingly calm for the conversation that was being held.

Youngjae didn't know what to say. He was left speechless. He thought he had been alone when in actuality, his best friend had been watching over him. "Hey Daehyun, you'll see me in our next life, right?"

Daehyun's eyes widened a bit, "You...you heard that?"

"So it was you said it?" Youngjae gave a halfhearted smile, "It's what gave me hope. That's the reason I was able to get out of the hospital. That's the reason I came here. Daehyun, we need to avenge their deaths."

"Youngjae, we can't, let's not. We found each other, we're safe now. Let's leave." Daehyun tried grabbing Youngjae's arm to walk in the opposite direction of the building, but Youngjae refused to move.

Youngjae jerked his arm out of his hyung's grasp, "We're not safe, don't you think those people I escaped from are looking for me? You think everything will be fine? Do you think I'll be fine knowing that the people who are in charge of our friend's deaths are still out there?" Youngjae's voice was risen to a volume just slightly below yelling.

Daehyun stopped Youngjae from yelling anymore, he covered his mouth with his hand and brought his tone down to a whisper, "Yoo Youngjae, if you're not quiet we really won't be fine." He removed his hand from covering Youngjae's mouth, "I understand what you're saying, and I understand how you feel, but I can't lose you again." 

"Do you know how the other guys would feel about you if they were here. They'd think you were a coward. Now I'm going, whether you want me to or not." Youngjae turned back to walk to his original destination. 

"Wait, Youngjae. Let's go get even with these motherers."  Daehyun and Youngjae both smiled, Youngjae reached into his coat and pulled out one of the stolen guns. He handed it over to Dae.

"Here, we don't know what we're going to be up against." Dae grabbed the gun and put it in his own coat. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."




I'm back with chapter 3! Sorry I took so long! I had so much writer's block on this..T-T BUT please love it and comment your feels :D


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My friend was reading my rough draft for this chapter and started laughing. I've lost confidence in it and don't really wanna post it.


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Chapter 5: It is really amazing fic..thbk u for sharing authornim
RokuKazami #2
Chapter 5: Awww! it's a sweet ending but soo sad that most of Bap died.
SaturnXK #3
Chapter 4: For some reason the deep voiced man just reminds me of Yongguk... just because of the voice though. Lol.
Kpop2ne1 #4
Chapter 2: I think the masked man is a good guy and it might possibly Daehyun who also survived
Kpop2ne1 #5
Sounds really interesting!!! I'm really anticipating this story~
Chapter 2: Thinking the masked guy is Daehyun ^^
And he is a good guy ^^

Update soon~ ^^
anyahe #7
Chapter 1: Woa, is there any next chap for this?
If yes, go go update soon please, can't wait! Hehe