He's Awake

Avenge One Shot


He woke up  with a pounding headache. He looked around him and the unfamiliar surroundings. He was completely lost. He didn't know what was going on but then he heard the sound of heels clicking, getting closer and closer to him room.

A woman wearing a nurse uniform walked in. It hit him. He was in the hospital. He looked down and saw a bandages laying across his chest. He raised his hands up to his face and felt the stitch closing up the wounds.

 He knew how how got here. He thought back to the previous events that had caused this. He remembered being beaten and held up for ten million dollars. He remembered his closest friends coming to rescue him. He remembered the last things said to him.

"Don't worry, we can be together again in our next life." 

That was one the last things Youngjae heard before he out due to the bullet that pierced him in the back. The next was sound of guns firing from either side of him. He doesn't know who said it, but he knew he would have to avenge their death.


"I'm glad to see you're awake, Mr. Yoo." The nurse's voice woke him from his intense daydreaming. He looked over to her. She was prepping his IV. "I bet you want some explaining. You're in the hospital because you passed out and were found unconscious in your house by a kind neighbor. The doctor's said you won't remember anything and that you should remain here until you are better stabilized." She said that all with a forced smile on her face. 

That's not what happened though. Why were they telling him all of this? He decided not to question this obviously false information, "Okay. Um thankyou, nurse." 

She picked the prepped IV up and was about to put it into his arm, "I'm going to put this into your arm now, don't worry it won't hurt. It's just a bit of fluids to rehydrate you." She stuck it in and it hurt like hell, but Youngjae kept his composure and didn't even cringe. With that she left the room.

He looked at the needle in his arm and felt it. The skin around the needle was turning into a light pink color. Why did they tell me I was found in my house? He knew something wasn't right. He wasn't quite sure though.

He got out of bed and was going to walk to find the nurse, he took a step forward but was pulled back by the needle in his arm. He decided he had to remove it. He grabbed it at the base of it and pulled it out of his forearm. Immediately the previously pink skin turned back to his normal milky skin color. That's strange. 

He walked out of the room and looked around the empty, nearly completely dark hospital hallways, trying to decide what direction to go. He could barely see anything as it was , but then he saw a flash of white light from a nearby window followed by a crash of thunder, knocking out the power. It was now completely dark. With his sight fully gone now, his other senses began getting stronger. He couldn't see, but he could hear now. He let his ears lead the way to voices he was hearing from down the hall. 

He stopped outside the door that the voices were coming from.  There was a candle lit in that room, and that was the only light source. He peered in the room and saw the nurse that had just been in his room and another figure. He couldn't make out who it was. The two in the room were silent until the nurse finally broke the silence, "Mr. Yoo has woken up." 

"What? You told me he wouldn't wake up. You told me he was a vegetable." The other figure was a man with a deep voice.

"That's what I thought. Don't worry though. He doesn't remember anything. I told him he was found unconscious in his house. And to make sure he doesn't wake up again, I gave him an IV with chemical Z."

The man looked over to the nurse, "Chemical Z? Perfect. I knew that would come in handy."

"When he's gone we'll bury him 6 feet under, I know a guy." The two looked at each other and shared a sinister laugh.

6 feet under? Did she try to kill me? What's chemical Z? Who are they anyways? I have to get out of here. He looked in the room one last time, and decided it was time to move. He crept back down the hallway to the room he was originally assigned to. He opened the window and looked down. He was on the second floor, he needed to find a way to get out. He saw there was a ledge leading to ladder.

He was about to climb out when he realized he was still wearing his white hospital gown. He went back into the room and began searching the room for some other clothing. He opened one drawer and found some clothing.

He pulled it out and began to put it on. It was a simple white t-shirt that hugged his chest and a pair of loose jeans. He rummaged around a little more and found a pair of  sneakers about a half a size too large. It wasn't the most comfortable clothing, but anything was better than a hospital gown.

He walked back over to the window and climbed out. He reached the ground safely. It was pouring down rain. He looked left and right trying to decide what direction to walk. He had no idea which way to go, so he just started walking, as far and as fast away from the hospital as he could.

He knew he was definitely on his own this time. The only people who cared about him had been murdered. He was supposed to die with them, but since that didn't happen, he knew he would have to kill all of those in charge of their deaths. He wouldn't let this slide. He would get even. 


Hey. Its me Squishpanda! I got this crazy idea after a dream I had. So yeah lol. This has to do with the plot of One Shot. So if you haven't seen it, you won't understand references that I have and will be making. Enjoy this bombastic story, completely different from my usual style of writing.

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My friend was reading my rough draft for this chapter and started laughing. I've lost confidence in it and don't really wanna post it.


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Chapter 5: It is really amazing fic..thbk u for sharing authornim
RokuKazami #2
Chapter 5: Awww! it's a sweet ending but soo sad that most of Bap died.
SaturnXK #3
Chapter 4: For some reason the deep voiced man just reminds me of Yongguk... just because of the voice though. Lol.
Kpop2ne1 #4
Chapter 2: I think the masked man is a good guy and it might possibly Daehyun who also survived
Kpop2ne1 #5
Sounds really interesting!!! I'm really anticipating this story~
Chapter 2: Thinking the masked guy is Daehyun ^^
And he is a good guy ^^

Update soon~ ^^
anyahe #7
Chapter 1: Woa, is there any next chap for this?
If yes, go go update soon please, can't wait! Hehe