A Chance to Take

A New Beginning

What Hana said earlier has been bugging the crap outta me. What gives her the right to tell me I cant go near Dongwoon.?!  I don’t care what she says.

But  maybe I shouldn’t meet him today. What if she really does something. Damm what am I saying? I guess its going to just be a chance for me to take. The last bell of the day rings and I make my way to the front of the school. So far no sight of Hana but no sight of Dongwoon either. Then a car pulled up right in front of me and I jump back. What the hell is this person doing?!

The window rolled down and I heard “Hey, you coming?”


“Who else would it be?” he laughed.  He got out and walked over to my side. Then he opened my door, flashed his smile and said “After you”. This is all so new to me. I’ve NEVER had a guy treat me like this. But it feels good :)

As he starts to drive I have no clue where he is taking me. “Uhh Dongwoon where are we going?”

“Cant tell you. It’s a surprise.”

I let out a big sigh and crossed my arms. I hate when people don’t tell me. He just starred at me and laughed. “Your cute when you pout. Trust me you’ll like this.” He laid his hand on mine and there I go again getting that butterfly feeling. We don’t talk for the rest of the way. His hand still laying on top of mine. We pull into a parking lot and he says close your eyes.

“Ahhh do I really ha---“  

“Shhh close them.” He replies.

He parks the car and makes his way to my side and opens the door for me. Since I have to keep my eyes closed he grabs my hand and leads me forward and then into a building. I don’t know where I am but it’s very quiet.

“Okay open them.”

When I open my eyes I don’t know what to expect. We are in a restaurant but it’s empty. The lights are dimmed and only one table is set up. With candles.

“This is my way of making it up to you. This is my parents restaurant but I talked them into letting me use it for the night. He led me to the table, pulled out the chair for me and told me to sit down. “I’ll be right back.” He said

This boy is tooooo sweet. I thought just opening a car door for me was nice. But thiis. Nobody’s ever done this for me.

After a while he walks back with his arm full of plates. He sets one down in front of me and one for himself. “I hope you like it, I cooked it myself” he grinned. Annnnd this boy can cook, maybe he’s a keeper :).

We finish our food and sit back. Too full to move. He then reaches arcoss the table and grabs my hand. “I really like you Steph.” I suddenly looked down and started to blush. Whaat he just called me Steph That brings back so many memories..“Did I do something wrong?”he asked worried.

“No noo its just people always used to call me Steph when I was little. I just think its cute that you do.”

“Well that’s good because I think your cute.”

I’m sure my face is twice as red now so I dare not to look up.

He lets go of my hand and stands up. Damm is he tall. I start to stand up too and grab my plate until he pushes me to sit back down and says “No  no I got this.” He grabs my plate and takes it to the kitchen. I flip open my phone and theres 5 missed calls. Shiiit I forgot to let my cousin know I was going out. She’s probably having a heart attack. I stand up suddenely as Dongwoon walks back in.

“What’s wrong?”

“I totally forgot to let my cousin know I was going out and she’s probably freaking out BIGG time.”

“Don’t worry I’ll give you a ride home.Let me just lock up.”

I make my way to the front of the restaurant and I notice how dark it got outside. That’s when I see a figure across the street. It looks like its starring at me but I cant tell. But waittt it looks so familiar the height, the way it walks. Oh. My. God I say as I start to back up. I turn to run back inside as I collided with Dongwoon.

“Whoa whats the matter.” He catches me and stands me up.

“It. It.Its HIM! I couldnt even get my words straight. My psycho ex!! We gotta go NOW! I panicked.


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cutecookie #1
B2ST!!!! Beast
KoreanAddict #3
Crazy psycho ex? That's a pretty good twist. Truthfully, I hope Stephanie ends up with Yoseob. I can't help it, He and KiKwang are my bias :)
musicismylife24 #4
Hey guys . well school starts tomarrow D:. and i play a sport for my highschool so that means extra busy with homework anddd practice ><. But ill try to update soon! Comments please :D
KoreanAddict #5
Wow, Hana seems really mean. I hope she doesn't do something really stupid like hurt Stephanie. Update soon!