No Turning Back

A New Beginning

*Beep* Beep* *Beeeeeep*

“Stephanie wake up you slept thru your alarm!”

“ Ok Mom I-…”

Ahhh! I’m such a idiot, what am I saying?! I’m in Korea now. My family is back in the U.S., remember they sent you here to stay with your cousin to forget everything that happened.

“I mean..Nicole.… I’m coming.” I said to my cousin.

“Hurry up and get dressed I’ll be waiting in the car to take you to school.” She said

“Alright ill be there in a bit”.

Ughhh that’s right there’s  school today. Greaaaaat new school and i don’t know anybody this is going to be horrible. =(.

I quickly throw on some clothes grab my backpack and run out to the car where my cousin is waiting for me. I jump inside and I’m waiting for her to drive away but catch her starring at me.


“Are you ok?” she asked you.

“Yeah I’m fine… why??”

“Your shaking your leg”. She said.. “I know you . . You only do that when something is wrong.”

Damnit I didn’t even notice I was. I always seem to give myself away -___-.

“Its nothing… I-I-I’m jus nervous that’s all. New school you know. Don’t know if ima fit in.”

“Don’t worry you’ll be fine.  I heard there’s some really cute boys there *wink* *wink*. Oh! But Stephanie be careful.. These girls at this school.. let’s just say they are pretty feisty. So just be careful ok don’t get yourself into anything. We don’t want a re-run of what happened to you back home. Promise me you’ll stay away”.

“Yeah I promise”

 God I hate when people bring up what happened. I fell for this guy and thought he was perfect. But then I saw the real him. He was extremely clingy and wouldn’t let me have space, he even stalked me sometimes. And the worst part is that he was abusive when he got mad! D: But this time I’ll promise myself. I won’t fall for ANY guy!

Maybe i should just leave as soon as she drops me off. Pretend like i went. Then they'll see how miserable I am and send me back to the U.S. I must have been in deep thought because when I looked up we were pulling in front of a HUGEE building. My eyes grew like 3 times their size just trying to look at the whole place.

Well here it is. Good Luck. Call me once you get back to the house” she said as she let you out and drove off. “Have fun.”

Yeah good luck, I’m gunna need a lot of that. This place is FREAKIN’ huge.I guess theres no turning back now.

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cutecookie #1
B2ST!!!! Beast
KoreanAddict #3
Crazy psycho ex? That's a pretty good twist. Truthfully, I hope Stephanie ends up with Yoseob. I can't help it, He and KiKwang are my bias :)
musicismylife24 #4
Hey guys . well school starts tomarrow D:. and i play a sport for my highschool so that means extra busy with homework anddd practice ><. But ill try to update soon! Comments please :D
KoreanAddict #5
Wow, Hana seems really mean. I hope she doesn't do something really stupid like hurt Stephanie. Update soon!