The Introduction ♥

A New Beginning

As I walk through the entrance there must have been a million people here! Finally after finding my first class after 20 minutes I take a seat in chem class. To my left a girl sat in the seat next to me and I notice she’s staring at me. Then to my surprise when I look back I see a girl sitting in the very back giving me this nasty stare. What the hell’s her problem?!

“Hey I’ve never seen u before. You the new girl?” I whip back around and notice its the girl next to me.

“Yeah.. I just transferred from the U.S.”

“Oh cool. Well I’m Sang Ki .”

“I’m Stephanie..Hey u know what’s up with that girl back there? I asked pointing at the girl.. She’s keeps giving me these nasty looks. 

“Ohh.. That’s Hana. She thinks she runs the place here. Just stay clear of her and you’ll be all good.”

Before I could say anything else the teacher started blabbing on about what not for the rest of the period.

*DINGGG* I jumped at the sound of the bell. I grabbed my stuff and made my way to my second class.


(At Lunch)

I’m walking through the lunch room and notice everybody’s got their own groups. There’s the athletes, the nerds, preps all sitting together. But then one group in the back of the room caught my eye. There are six boys and two girls sitting with them. My cousin really wasn’t kidding when she said there are cute boys here because two of them caught my attention FAST. One was really tall, muscular, and had the prettiest eyes ever! He had blonde hair that was swept to the side just perfectly. And the other had this adorable baby face.His eyes sprakled and he had the most beautiful voice. AHHH! What are you saying?!? Member what you said?! No guys!!

Before I knew what I was doing I found myself walking towards them. am I Crazy?!

Just then one of the girls walks toward me and she doesn’t look happy. What the hell, it’s the girl who was glaring at me in class.

“Who are you?! She said.

“Oh I just transferred her, my names  Ste--.. She cut me off before I could finish.

“Yeah I don’t care what your name is!. What do u want?!”

“I was jus trying to make friends.”

“Well ur not wanted here. So do us a favor and leave!.”

Ok my cousin was right! What a ! I should just slap the hell outta her! -___-.

“Forget this.” I turn to walk away and feel someone grab my wrist. “If you touch me one more time I in swear!” I yelled.

“Nice to meet you too.” I hear the stranger say as I spin around. It turned out to be the tall guy with the eyes who caught my eye! And damn he was even hotter up close . He had this deep voice that just took my breath away and these dark brown eyes that I could get lost in.

I just stood there starring at him noticing that he was still holding onto my wrist. “Oh sorry …I thought you were HER.” I said as I pointed to the “”.

“Yeah Sorry about her. She has problems, but you don’t have to worry about me, im wayyy nicer than her. I’m Dongwoon. he smiled.

“I’m …Stephanie.I-I umm.. umm jus transfered from the U.S I couldn’t even think straight. This boy’s charm got me in a trance. He’s got everything I like. He’s cute. Tall. Sweet. And got style. He was wearing black tight pants . A white tank top and a blue jacket. And did I mention he’s Hoooooot. xD

Then before he could say anything else the other boy jumped forward.

“And I’m Yoseob. Im the cute one.”  He said with a huge smile. "And thats Junhyung, Kikwang, Hyungseung, Dujun. And ohhh ..yea uhhh. thats Hana and her friend. He rolled his eyes as he said their names.

Man he is just as cute! His smile was just adorable. The way his face lit up. No stop! You haven’t been here for more than a day, you can’t fall for them!!


Dongwoon POV.

Wow! I saw her walk up and I was speechless. She is too cute! The way her long brown hair swayed as she walks.  I wanted to be the first one to talk to her work my charm on her. But then Hana just had to in. She’s such a sometimes. She thinks there’s still something between us. Does she want to ruin my life?! Then once I get to talk to her Yoseob jumps in. I could see the look in his eyes. He likes her too. But I’ve gotta get her before he does, I just have to.

Yoseob POV

This girl how have I never seen her before? She’s gorgeous.And she said she's from the U.S. We havent had anybody transfer here from there in sooo long.  But I can see Dongwoon’s already fallen for her. He’s literally drooling over her.  Haha, well good luck cuz I’ll have her before he can.

Your POV

*DINGGG* Damn its over already??

“Ill see you guys later.” I say and give Hana a nasty look of my own. I start to walk out of the cafeteria door when once again somebody grabs my arm. I spin around and see its Dongwoon again.

He pulls me in close to him and I could fill the chills run down my spine as he whispers in my ear.

“Meet me in the front of the school, I’ll walk you home.”  He’s grinning from ear to ear and his smile is just prefect.

“Alright ill meet you 3:05”.I say smiling like a maniac. He’s still holding me close and I can feel my heart beating out of control. After a couple seconds he lets me go and walks back to his group.  Could I really be falling for him? I haven’t felt like this since HIM. I walk to my fourth classand he’s all I can think about.

Yoseob POV

I watched Dongwoon chase after her and whisper in her ear. What could he possibly be saying?!.When he walks back he’s got this smirk on his face.

“Yo Dongwoon. You like her don’t you??”

“I think so. Why?? Do you.?”

Say no Yoseob. Let him think u don’t so he doesn’t see anything suspicious.

“No.. I mean she’s cute but she’s not my type.” More like she’s exactly my type.

“Pshh whatever you say. Well I’ll see you later.” He said and walked out of the room.

Now all I have to do is get her alone where Dongwoon cannot see and win her over.

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cutecookie #1
B2ST!!!! Beast
KoreanAddict #3
Crazy psycho ex? That's a pretty good twist. Truthfully, I hope Stephanie ends up with Yoseob. I can't help it, He and KiKwang are my bias :)
musicismylife24 #4
Hey guys . well school starts tomarrow D:. and i play a sport for my highschool so that means extra busy with homework anddd practice ><. But ill try to update soon! Comments please :D
KoreanAddict #5
Wow, Hana seems really mean. I hope she doesn't do something really stupid like hurt Stephanie. Update soon!