The walk home

A New Beginning

 Your POV

*Attention all students* the principle came on over the intercom. *everyone have a safe weekend and be prepared to resume school on Monday* *DIIIING**

Finally school’s over. Ever since lunch he’s been on my mind. Should I really meet him? I told myself I wouldn’t let this happen. I really like him but every time I like a guy something happens. Maybe I should play hard to get so he gets un-interested. I wanna give him my number but what if he doesnt want it. What should I say... Oh umm heres my number just so if you get bored .. Ugh no! How about.. Heres my number. Call me tonight if you want to. Ugh i sound so stupid. Whatever.

Well its 3:10 and he still isn’t here. What am I kidding he was probably was just messing with me. Trying to make the new kid look stupid. Now I look like an idiot. I’m so stupid! I storm off and then I hear my name.

“Stephanie  wait up. I’m sorry my teacher kept me late.”

“Ohh. Its cool. I tried to hide the grin on my face that I showed. He actually came.

We started walking in the direction of my house.As we walk I catch him starring at me out of the corner of his eye. We walk in silence for awhile just admiring the moment  until he spoke up.

“So how long you staying here for?”

“It depends . I could stay for a--- Before I could finish a phone started ringing. We both took ours out at the same time and I noticed it wasn’t mine. “That weird my parents don’t usually call me while they’re working.” He flipped his phone open and started to talk.

“Really you sure? I have to?”  After a pause. “Ahhh ok ill be there in a minuet. Putting his phone away and looking up he said, I’m sooo sorry . My parents said they really need my help at the store. I feel so bad. You sure you’ll be alright walking the rest of it?”

“Yeah I’ll be fine.” Even though I really wanted him to walk with me. He must of heard the disappointment in my voice because before I knew it he wrapped me in a hug. This one was different than the one at school. This one had more passion . His warmness made me feel safe. I looked up and he starring down at me grinning. "You know when i first came here I promised myself no guys." I said. "Well i guess i'll just have to talk you into breaking that promise." He said. I took his hand and wrote my number on his palm.Not even saying call me or anything just so he will have it. He looked at his hand and smiled then he kissed my cheek and let me go. “I’ll see you tomarrow . I’ll make this up to you.” He smirked.

I stood there even as he walked out of sight. What just happened? His lips brushing against my skin gave me that butterfly feeling in my stomach. So much for playing hard to get. What does he mean by make it up to me?? As I start to walk I keep replaying what happened in my mind. But I keep getting this feeling like someone’s following me. I stop and turn back but nobody’s there.  Then when I turn back around theres someone standing right in front of me. He has a hood pulled down over his face so I cant see who it is. He suddenely pulled the hood back and its HIM!! My ex Aaron! How did he find me?!

What the ?! What are YOU doing here?” I screamed and jumped back.

“I told you I’d find you.”

“Yeah but I told you I’ve moved on! I came here to forget about YOU and everything that happened.

“But I haven’t. There can still be an us. You said you’d never leave me!" He screamed as he slowly moved towards me as I backed up as far as I could until I hit a wall.

“What do you say?” His face was inches from mine and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.



“Stephanie why didn’t you answered my texts last night.” He said as I met him up at school.

“I’m sorry I was out hanging with my friends. My phone died and I didn’t have my charger.”

“That’s no ing excuse!!!”

“My phone died what else could I do. Just calm down I’m sorry.”

“No” he screamed as he lunged towards me and let out a blow straight to my jaw. I screamed out in pain as I dropped to the floor holding my face. He swayed back and forth and I could see that he had been drinking.




“I said.. What do you say???” he yelled even louder this time.

“No leave me alone !!”. Unsatisifed he punched me right in the face. I fell down to the floor and tried to shield myself. I opend my mouth to scream but he kicked me in my stomach.  My face throbbed and I couldn’t see out of my eye. But I heard footsteps running in our direction. Then I heard the owner of the steps yell “Hey! You! What the hell you think your doing?” Without a response the stranger yelled HEY!!Get away from her! Aaron left me alone and ran away looking back and saying “I’ll be back. I’ll make you mine, you’ll see.”

A hand reached down to me and I flinched as it came near me . My whole body ached.

“Hey now its ok Im not gunna hurt you.” this stranger said. His voice so soothing sounds so familiar but i cant even see.


♥ Hey guys ~ This is my first fanfic so sorry if its kinda slow ><. Please comment but no hate comments please. Also ideas are always appreciated :D. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

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cutecookie #1
B2ST!!!! Beast
KoreanAddict #3
Crazy psycho ex? That's a pretty good twist. Truthfully, I hope Stephanie ends up with Yoseob. I can't help it, He and KiKwang are my bias :)
musicismylife24 #4
Hey guys . well school starts tomarrow D:. and i play a sport for my highschool so that means extra busy with homework anddd practice ><. But ill try to update soon! Comments please :D
KoreanAddict #5
Wow, Hana seems really mean. I hope she doesn't do something really stupid like hurt Stephanie. Update soon!