It all starts here

A New Beginning

Your POV

I dial his number and wait for him to pick up. What should I say? That I’m sorry and I like him? But all I get is ringing. Great maybe he’s ignoring me now. Then I hear his voice. Hey Its Dongwoon . Leave a message and ill call you back.

Stupid voicemail >:[. Maybe this is a sign that I really shouldn’t get involved with anyone. I’ll just go on like I never met him. Even if it hurts.

I get to my house and my cousin’s there waiting for me. I totally forgot about my black eye and kept my head low. If she knew what happened she would freak out .

“Soooo how was the first day?” she said looking up.

“It was ummm. Interesting.”

“You make any friends.”

“Well yeah. I met two boys Dongwoon and Yoseob from BEAST. Really nice.” I was inching my way to my room.

She then looked up full alert. Watch out for them Stephanie.


Those boys have girls chasing after them 24/7. Just be careful cuz some of them are crazy.”

“Yeah ok…” If I stay any longer she’ll see my eye I gotta make an excuse.. “sorry but I’m exhausted I think ima just call it a night.”

“Alright I’ll see you in the morning.”

I get to my room and feel relieved that she didn’t see. Well at least I survived day one. But tomorrow I’m going to forget everything that happened today.  I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes it felt like I only slept for a couple minuets. But when I looked at the clock it was 7:00 am.  Damn I’m going to be late. I jumped up threw on some skinny jeans and a tank top.

I ran out to the car where my cousin already was and she drove me to school.  My goal today is to not come in contact with Dongwoon I have to forget him. I plop down in my seat in 1st period and then Sang Ki takes her seat next to me. She leaned over and says “Hey I saw you with Dongwoon after school”. Are you guys a thing?”

“Noo .. well I don’t think.. he just wanted to walk me home.”

A see a figure walk by and roll her eyes and say whatever. I turn back and it was Hana.

“What am I doing that she hates so much?”

“Dongwoon didn’t tell you? I thought he would of.

“Tell me what?”

“Hana is his ex. He broke up with her a couple weeks ago.”

“He…he never told me that.”  Just then I heard … “Stephanie, Sang Ki please be quiet so we can do the lesson.

I have so much on my mind now I got lost in my train of thought and jumped when the bell rings.As im walking to my next class I see Dongwoon out of the corner of my eye. I keep walking and make it seem like I never saw him. But now I see him jogging  towards me . “Stephanie wait up.” I keep on walking and he grabs onto my shoulder and spins me around. I must of forgot about my face because as soon as he see’s me his face goes blank and I wonder what he’s looking at. “You have a black eye?! Wha…What happened??

I look at the ground suddenly embarrassed and decide to tell him the truth. “My crazy ex who by the way is the reason I got sent here. He followed me here and found me when I was walking home. When I said no to going back with him he got angry and let it out.”

He stood then speechless. Then turned around and slammed his fist against the wall. “If I was walking with you this wouldn’t of happened. It’s MY fault!” he said. “Wait… then how come you were with Yoseob.?

Yoseob is the one who found me. He scared him away and took me back to his place to clean me up.”

“Now its making sense.” He said relieved.

Just then the warning bell rang and I started to walk away.

Dongwoon POV

She's acting different today. I remember she called me last night but i couldnt answer becuase i was working. Maybe she's mad at that? Its driving me crazy. Or maybe she does just really not like me.

Your POV

“Wait.. Meet me after school again. I told you I’d make it up to you again didn’t I”.

“Yeah.. but I don’t know I…

“Please. If your mad at me for not answering last night its cuz i was working. Trust me I like you. Im not ignoring you. He cut me off.

“Okay I guess so..I’ll see you later then” I left him there as I walked to class.

So he isnt ignoring me. I was stressing for nothing?!

Halfway to my classroom a girl decides to stand right in front of me and block my way. I look up and its Hana.

“So you like my Dongwoon do you?” she said nastily.  Play nice Stephanie play nice.

“Ummm yeah i guess i do.”

“Well you know what he is mine so back the off.”

Okay I tried to be nice but screw this girl.

“Its not my fault he’s found somebody better. I guess you just haven’t gotten the message yet. So maybe you should back off.”

Not happy with my response she lunged forward and pushed me back. I slammed into the locker and hit my head.

“You better watch it new girl. I suggest you don’t meet him after school. I mean how could he like YOU? Look at your face. At least somebody taught you your lesson.” She laughed and walked away.

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cutecookie #1
B2ST!!!! Beast
KoreanAddict #3
Crazy psycho ex? That's a pretty good twist. Truthfully, I hope Stephanie ends up with Yoseob. I can't help it, He and KiKwang are my bias :)
musicismylife24 #4
Hey guys . well school starts tomarrow D:. and i play a sport for my highschool so that means extra busy with homework anddd practice ><. But ill try to update soon! Comments please :D
KoreanAddict #5
Wow, Hana seems really mean. I hope she doesn't do something really stupid like hurt Stephanie. Update soon!